Today we’re going to talk about the chatbot sales funnel. I’ve been digging chatbots lately for several reasons. Conversational marketing is something that we’ve been doing a lot of for probably the last six months. Chatbot sales funnels, scripted chatbots, we jumped on the bandwagon when they were big. It probably had to be two years ago. Facebook chatbot sales funnels were pretty popular and then they died. They didn’t die, but … and then chatbots for websites started picking up. We started playing with those. It wasn’t until just recently that I started playing with chatbots from a customer segmentation standpoint. That is what we’re going to talk about today.
First, for those of you who are watching this stream anywhere but the Done For You funnels Facebook group, I invite you to join us here. This is a Facebook group that is entirely about creating, and building, and optimizing sales funnels. It’s something we do a lot of obviously. It’s something that we get a lot of questions on, especially right now. Feel free, join the group. The group is free, and that’s where a lot of the funnel conversation is going to be from this point forward. This is our 14th episode of GSD daily, so it’s just something that is in my routine at least. We’re going to keep the trend going and we’re just going to move everything within a group so that conversations, and posts, and materials, and training, and all of that stuff is cataloged in a good way.
Now let’s see, item number two. If you haven’t downloaded the funnel factor, then you’re going … you’re missing out. Let’s see. This is the report. I’m going to drop the funnel factor report in the comments here too. This report is, it’s 274 pages. It was expanded from 19 pages and basically, it walks you through the four types of sales funnels that we create, and then it walks through getting traffic, optimizing, writing sales copy. There are so many things that this report does. It’s a master guide. We’re giving it away for free right now. I don’t know how much longer we’re going to, but it’s become our best-downloaded thing ever. Make sure to jump in and grab that when you get a chance.
Now we’re going to jump into setting up a chatbot sales funnel. Before we get started on the chatbot train, let me just describe what chatbots and conversational marketing are. The chatbot sales funnel and conversational marketing, in general, is, very simply, as a chatbot that hangs out, or it’s a chatbox that hangs out on your website.
From a very simplistic, simplistic standpoint, if you look here on this landing page, there’s a little icon on the lower right-hand corner. If you press it, then my name and a rather old picture, but a picture comes up, and then you can type a message. If you type a message there, then it goes to the team and it goes to me. This is live chat, so somebody is notified on my side of the world that you want help and you can start chatting through the website.
This, as you can see, is created by a company called Drift, this chatbot, or this communication, or this chat widget. They are, quote-unquote, the leaders in chat marketing. Conversational marketing is what they call it. There are a million chat companies out there. If you just type chatbot, and then there’s a million of them that come up. We’ve used Instagram and that has worked out nicely. There were a couple of other ones that we’ve used. A couple of them have been free.
Drift is rather expensive, but it is very nice. It integrates with everything. It’s a very well-built, solid platform. We’re going to be digging through Drift from a chatbot sales funnel functionality standpoint, but this live chat, if you put it on your website, you will get sales. There will be people who start a conversation here, and then you’re going to be able to take them down the sales call, rabbit trail, so they can sign up for a conversational … sign up for a sales call, sign up for a consultative sales, whatever. Whatever you do.
You’re also going to be able to take them and recommend products through this chat widget as well. It’s all life. It’s all one on one. If you were in front of your computer, then that chat fires and then you’re fine. We have this little chatbot sales funnel hooked up to Slack. When somebody chats here, then it fires up in Slack and my entire team talks in Slack. We just, whoever’s there grabs it and then we go. Then after 7:00 PM Eastern, I believe, this thing changes to, hey, we’re away. You can go ahead and sign up for our call or an action plan call on our calendar. They’re still able to get some help, but it doesn’t … they can leave a message and then we can reply through email. That’s the live piece.
Now, the chatbot sales funnel piece is where you script your communication flow. You present options as they go through. We’re going to go over and look at an example. If you go to the homepage of Done For You, then this get started button is entirely chat-based now. What we did was on Monday or … it’s Thursday now. On Tuesday we launched the work network, and a work network is a place that anybody can go create a profile and then do work for other businesses and then businesses can come in and post jobs. It’s a service marketplace and it’s internet marketing, it’s internet marketing, programming, content marketing, all of that stuff. We’re just getting it off the ground. It’s taken off in the last two days.
That is started. At the end of the day, we have 15, 20,000 people who hit this website every single month looking for services, and we can either fulfill them, but we’re at a point where it’s growing too quickly that we need help. What we decided to do was let everybody else create profiles and then take the work. It’s a nice seamless transition, especially because of the time we’re in right now. With people going out of business and stuff, and businesses shuttering, and all of that.
Getting back to the chatbot sales funnel piece, so this get started button, when you hit the button, the chatbot pops up. This is a chatbot sales funnel. Nobody is manning this thing, it is entirely code-based. I’m just going to read through this and then show you how it works. Hopefully, you can see that okay. You might want to blow it up because I can’t make this screen any bigger. Hey there, I’m the resident DFY work bot and can get you started.
First, are you looking to do work, or do you need work done for you? We’re going to go down the do work path. Basically what happens is it splits. We are looking to do work, so we’re going to do work. Okay, great. On Slack and Drift, now it’s going to start pinging and letting us know if the people are going through this chatbot sales funnel. It doesn’t know it’s me. Do you know what I mean? Great. What’s your email address? Well, my email address is All right, so it’s going to pop back.
Got it. Thanks for entering your email address. Are you currently in business or is this a new thing? Now we’re going to say, “I’ve got a business, I’ve got a business.” Okay, so the working bot pops up. Okay, cool. Click here to sign up for a free Done For You WorkNet account. We are building this thing on the way down so it’s got a few bugs, but our number one mission is to change how folks work online. If there’s anything we can do, let us know.
That’s the end of the chatbot sales funnel for this side, for this flow. What you do is we click here and then we kick into the getting started page. This is where somebody would register for a WorkNet account. What it did was it directed us where we wanted to go based on just that initial widget. Isn’t that cool? In the chatbox, let me know if you’d like it, or in the comment box, I guess. Done too many webinars in my day.
All right. Now what we’re going to do is we’re going to approach this thing from the other way. That was the way where we would set up our accounts or set up a provider account. Now if we go, we can go down the other route where we’re looking to have work done. We’re going to go in and say, “All right, I’m the resident of DFY work bot. Are you looking to do work or are you looking to have work done for you?” I want to get work done for me. Okay, so now we’re going down the different side, the different rabbit hole. I’m going to show you how it’s all set up.
What can I help you with? Sales funnels, content marketing, paid advertising, email marketing or something else? Okay, cool. I need help with paid advertising. Okay, great. Paid advertising, the most foundational way to grow. Nice choice. Which ad platform? All of them. Awesome. What would you like to do? Book a call, watch a video, read blog posts, or chat with a human? If they hit chat with a human, then it kicks into us. It opens up a live chat and then we’re able to start talking.
Now, if book a call, watch a video and read blog posts, it directs them on where to go next. We’re going to say, watch a video. Most people do. They want to watch a video. All right, great. Click here, boom. Now we’re watching a sales video about ad management that then we can … that somebody can apply or somebody can schedule a call with us. Same framework as everything else. However, we’ve got there conversationally and what we did was we remove all of the pain and complication to going up to the solutions and looking for sales videos, or reading a blog post, or whatever. We were able to get them where they needed to go just by answering a couple of questions, clicking a couple of buttons. Nothing too crazy. We were able to get them there. Does that make sense? All right, cool.
You saw how this all works out. Then if anybody has anything a little bit more complicated, they can kick into a live chat with us and it works out pretty well. Now, we’re going to go at the back end of this and look at how these chatbot sales funnel is created. I’m going to go over here into Drift and Drift has what are called these playbooks, and the playbook … There you go. Very nice. Other people are watching who is going through the chatbot now. My watch is probably going to keep blowing up.
These playbooks, there are lots of different things you can do. There are form replacers, there are popups, there are widgets, there are things that come down from the top, and the side, and everything else. But the big thing, the thing that this particular chatbot sales funnel is right here. We’re calling it the WorkNet build, or the WorkNet work bot. Find work, do work. What we do is we set up the messages one, by one, by one. If we want to add something in the middle of it, then basically we can insert a note. We can insert a question, a message, an email capture, we can book a meeting, or we can view all.
Then all of our options come up down here at the bottom. We can book a meeting, we can do a phone capture if we’re looking to grab their phone number. We can route the conversation to a human. That is where, at the end, where it says router to human, that’s what it does, it’s writing a conversation. We can go to a specific person. Let’s say we wanted to route to the sales team, the support team, or maybe account management or something, then we can route to different humans based on which option they select.
Conditional branching is another one. That’s if this person matches these particular logic-based items, then they can go through and then something happens. They go down a different branch. We can send an email, we can do a help ticket, we can look up an article. There are lots of ways that we can do this. But from a conversational standpoint, I’m going to need to make this a little bigger. Does this look bad? No. It’s okay on the live stream. In here, so we’re starting the bot up top. Hey there, I’m the resident DFY work bot and can get you started. Well, we saw this. If we click this button, it’s right here.
Hey, I’m the resonant DFY work bot and can get you started. Okay, cool. First, are you looking to do work? Now we’re going to go back over to the setup. Here we go. First, you looking to do work is set up as a message, and then or do you want to work done for you? That’s set up as a question. The question branches are the first segment, the first branch in this logic. I’m just going to cut this down a little bit. You can see if they answer, “Do work.” Then they go this way. Then the next question is, “Great, what’s your email address?” Then email address, are you currently in business? Boom. Yes, they’re currently in business, or no, they are not in business. There are two different branches here.
Now, these branches can continue. Eventually, we’re going to end up doing certification programs and training programs on how to manage businesses. How to work online, how to work remotely, so that we can help as many businesses start-up as possible. This is how we’ll end up sending people through those courses. Once the courses are set up then we can just add them in here. We can just go through and add another branch, or another message, or whatever. If however, they go the other way … we’re going to follow this back to the main tree. Then we have to get work done. At this point, we’re capturing their email again.
Then this is where that question is, what can I help you with? Paid advertising, something else, content marketing, sales funnels, or email marketing? Here, if we look at this again, so I’m looking to get work done for me. Okay, perfect. What can I help you with? Sales funnels, content marketing, paid advertising, email marketing, something else. That matches up right here. Boom. We have buttons and then we have branches for every button. All these buttons are pretty similar, except for the paid advertising one, because then we ask which ad platform do you want to work with? Well, I’m not sure. Retargeting, Facebook ads, all of them are Google ads. Then each of them has its button matrix from there.
What would you like to do? Watch a video, chat with a human, book a call, read a blog post? Those kick out the content that they just asked for. That ends up being the link. Here, I’ll show you how that’s set up. Here we say, okay, I’d like to chat with a human, and it kicks into the sequence. But if they want to book a call … they’re going to book a call and then we can trigger some actions based on it. We can set a lead stage, we can apply an attribute, we can tag a conversation, all very cool stuff. But this particular one just has a bot response and it’s great. Just click this link to get started, and then this link sends to
Likewise, if you would like to get something like this setup, go to How’d you like that? That was pretty fricking smooth. Yeah, so that’s how the chatbot sales funnel ends up being created.
Now, if we look at this whole thing, so check this thing out. I’m squeezing this thing down. You can see up here, we start the branch, it starts, it starts the conversation, and then we ask questions, and then the two buttons flip out into other questions. Now, we can just have, like I have of a couple of versions, a couple of variations of this that are just one side or just the other side, and then it gets pretty complicated as it gets down through here. This system, we’ve had it up for about two weeks now and there has been a ton of people who have gone through it and they get what they need without necessarily needing to talk to us. Some of them do. Every once in awhile a conversation will come through.
The reason I still have that talk to a human at the bottom is that I want to make sure the chatbot is doing what it needs to do to work. But in terms of a chatbot sales funnel, this gets them through where they need to go, really, really quickly. Do you have any questions about that? In the comments just let me know. All right. Okay, cool. Wow. We’ve been talking for about 20 minutes about these things. There are lots of different ways that you can use these conversational chatbots. There’s another one that we’ve used in the past for Facebook. ManyChat. ManyChat is a Facebook marketing, Facebook messaging or messenger chatbot sales funnel. It’s pretty nice. It has the same functionality.
ManyChat might’ve switched into messenger, or just a straight-up, yeah, messenger bot. Yeah. It looks like they switched into a straight-up chatbot style piece of software, as opposed to being built on messenger. But it looks like it’s still built on messenger. Chatfuel is the other one we’ve used. We’ve used Chatfuel probably more. Chatfuel is also built on Facebook messenger, and there are some cool trigger things that you can do. If somebody comments on a video, so we do a lot of Facebook live or Facebook video view campaigns, and if somebody comments on a view on a video, then we ask them to opt into a messenger chatbot, and then when they opt-in, then we can kick off an autoresponder sequence through messenger, which is nice.
We don’t do it for our stuff, we’ve done it for some clients before, and it has worked out pretty well. I personally never really got into Facebook messenger. There are entire courses and there are people who make millions of dollars just doing conversational marketing through messenger. TT=hat’s fine. I choose not to live inside Facebook. I am a little bit more now because we’re doing the live streams and stuff, but even then, I still try not to be in there any more than I have to because it just ends up being a time suck. That’s one of the reasons why we don’t necessarily do a lot with the messenger. I’d rather keep all of this chat in its platform outside of Facebook personally. You can start using chatbots in your business with something like Chatfuel.
There’s a little widget for your website too. Everything is built on the back of Facebook messenger, as opposed to being built on its platform. Which is nice. It works. For purposes of a chatbot sales funnel, you can use this stuff pretty well.
The big benefit that we get from chatbots is the same benefit that we get from surveys. You can go through, depending on how somebody answers questions, then you can go in and say, all right, here we’re asking … let me zoom up in here. Here we’re asking are you a service provider, or are you a business who needs work? Well, that’s two buckets that we can put people in and then advertise to, because the person who is a service provider, they might need people to do work for them, but they’re primarily there to provide service.
Whereas, the people who need work done, they probably aren’t going to be providing services but they could be. It’s just one of those things, and the person who needs a sales funnel, they might not need traffic. Or the person who needs traffic, they might not need content marketing. What we can do is we can put folks in these buckets and then advertise to them based on what they need, based on why they came to us.
We do the same thing with surveys. Although, surveys tend to be a little bit less elegant. The one difference, the one that has morphed into a chatbot is Typeform is the name of it. Typeform is very, very chatbot like. If we look at some of the examples, maybe there’s got to be an example somewhere. I don’t know. Yeah, right there.
You go through and it’s all very one page, one question, couple of an A, B choice, or whatever. Then you move into the next page or the next question. It’s more conversational, but it’s not necessarily because a chatbot ends up being like a chat form. Whereas Typeform ends up being very conversational. It is still a form, it’s like a quiz, just a different angle. But again, you can segment your list, segment your prospect, segment, your buyer, segment everybody based on how they answer the questions in the chatbot, like the questions in the survey. A lot of times, that integration is done through a piece of software called Zapier.
Zapier marries a lot of times, two different pieces of software. With Drift, Drift might connect directly to Slack. I can’t remember, but it might just be … there might be Zapier in the middle. We use Pipedrive too and Pipedrive doesn’t marry direct, it doesn’t connect right to Drift. We use Zapier in the middle. If a chatbot starts or if somebody fills in their email address then it goes into Pipedrive, and then it also goes into Ontraport, and it’s all through Zapier. Zapier connects a lot of apps and it’s nice that way.
The same thing, Typeform will oftentimes connect with your CRM through a piece of software like Zapier. There might be a direct API integration, but a lot of times, you can put people into buckets based on that. Based on how they answer a survey, you can put them into different autoresponder sequences. It’s all API based. If you have any questions at all on that, or if you are looking to have something set up like that, go to Fill out the little form and we’ll take a look into it.
NOTE: If you’d like a more comprehensive CRM automation suite, check out Triggers!
I think we’re reaching up on 30 minutes here. Are there any other questions about chatbots, chatbots, sales funnels, communication, conversational marketing, anything like that? If there is, go ahead and drop it in here. If not, then I got all kinds of stuff to do today. All right, thank you so much for joining me today. Tomorrow’s Friday. I don’t know what we’re going to talk about. We’re going to talk about something fun. I have a keyword that maybe we’ll talk about how I’m finding topics for this keyword. That would be cool. These live streams.
That’s what I’m going to do. We’re going to talk about organic rankings and finding topics for stuff like this. Then what I’m doing with these and what I’m hoping to do with these live streams, because although yes, it’s awesome that I get to teach, and train, and show you some cool stuff, there’s an ulterior motive and the ulterior motive is this forces me to create 30 minutes of content every single fricking day. Then gets transcribed, and then it’s fired off as podcasts, blog posts, all kinds of other stuff. Maybe I’ll walk through that workflow tomorrow and we’ll talk about how to come up with the content. Cool.
All right, so I will see you tomorrow, at 10:00 AM, Eastern. If there’s anything I can do, just let me know. Go to and go through the little chatbot. Let me know.