We will talk about using applications to get prequalified leads. Today we’re going to be talking about something called conditional logic, which doesn’t sound fun, but it is once you understand how to use it to segment your prospects of prequalified leads out a little bit better than what they are now.
This week we’re talking about high ticket sales, we’re talking about getting people to pay you lots of money for your services, whether that be coaching, consulting, digital products, upper-end masterminds, all of that kind of stuff.
At the end of the day, you want to make sure you get on sales calls with people who are willing and able to pay you money for your thing.
It means they should be on your prequalified leads. You can’t get on the phone with a bunch of people who are not able to invest money in themselves, invest money in their transformation, or their life, or their business, or whatever it is you sell. You can’t get on the phone and just give a bunch of free advice every day, all day to get them as prequalified leads.
At some point, you’re going to need to make some money if you want to continue getting on the phone and giving advice. So that’s really where some of the vettings come in before they get to schedule a call with you.
Inbound Marketing
One of the reasons why inbound marketing works so well is because people come in, they come to us, they raise their hand and say, “Yes, I want more information. I want to learn how to do this thing,” or, “I want to access to this thing,” or, “I want to buy this thing.”
They come in, we have a video, or a funnel, or a webinar or whatever, it doesn’t matter, podcast, whatever. We put this information out there, they listen to it, then they come deeper into the sales funnel and become prequalified leads. So that’s what inbound marketing is.
Now, eventually, they’re going to get to a point in their journey that they need to take any action, and it needs to be not just a passive action, but something where they’re filling in a form of prequalified leads.
What a lot of people do is they just have a calendar link that is set up on the website and somebody can go and book a call on their calendar, like a Calendly link or whatever, which is fine, and then they ask a couple of questions, the normal contact questions, which are first name, last name, email address, phone number, that kind of thing.
Getting Prequalified Leads
One of the things that we have been doing for the last couple of years is we’ll have an application. So the application, whenever I tell clients that we’re going to be using an application.
1. Basic Information
Normally what I do is, you need to start with like the first name, last name, email address, phone number, those are the four big ones, of course.
You need that information to contact them and list them as your prequalified leads. Because if they fill out the form, but then never book a call on your calendar, then you have no way of getting back in touch with them. So that’s a problem, if you want to sell them something, you have to talk to them. First name, last name, email, and phone number are the minimum.
2. Add Personal Questions
What I do is I have them come up, or we come up collectively, with four or five additional questions, and those four or five questions are meant to get them talking about their business, talking about their life, talking about the thing that they want to change so that we’re able to better serve them on the call because we only have one shot.
Yesterday, Patch was talking about the sales reps. So sales reps, you have your setters and you have your closers. And the setter sales rep, their job is not to close the big sale, their job is to very simply close the next call. And that’s really what all marketing does. You’re not closing a $500 product like a sale from a video ad on Facebook.
Take your Leads to the Next Step
What you are closing is the next thing, the next action you need somebody to take. So if it’s an ad, the next action you need them to take is clicking through that ad to the landing page, or to the sales page, or the blog post, or whatever that’s all the ad is supposed to do is to get them clicking through to the next step.
Then once they are on that next step, that page, the job, that page’s job is to then have them read down the page, click the add to cart button, and then so if the add to cart button is clicked, then that page did its job. Now they move over to the order form. And if the prospect puts their information in the order form and hits submit that page did its job.
So every piece of marketing, the only job of a piece of marketing is to get them to take the next step, and then the next step, and then the next step. That’s all marketing does. When somebody is signing up for a call with you and we put an application in the middle and we make them apply and ask some questions about their business and whatever else, then we want to use that information on the sales call, of course.
More than that, we want to be able to use the time to research and get our ducks in a row about that particular client, that call, the more information we have, the better, but the more information we have, the worst that conversion on that application might be. If you make a prospect, fill out 20 questions and ask them all kinds of weird esoteric questions, and they’re not going to follow through on the application, they’re just not. So we found that six to eight questions are perfect.
So the four majors
- first name, last name, email phone
- there’s one open-ended question
- there is a couple that is multi checkboxes or select boxes, so very, very simple stuff
- usually some sort of a money question or a time question
For example, it could be first name, last name, email, and phone, and then the next question is what are you most interested in right now? Let’s say we’re looking at a wellness coach. What are you most interested in, what result are you most interested in right now? Could be losing weight, getting fit, having more energy or sleeping better, let’s say, so those are all related to a degree, but the goal, the aspirational thing is different.
You’re going to approach each of those differences, but it’s a dropdown, so it’s somebody who picks one of those four options. Most of the next question, and maybe the next question is related. The next question ideally should be related to the one they just asked. If their option was, they want to sleep better, then once you do is you pop up another question that says, “How many hours of sleep are you normally getting? Four hours, six hours, eight hours, 12 hours,” and then maybe another question that says, “What is your problem with sleep?”
That’s where the conditional logic comes in, because if you want to drill down on a particular thing and get an intimate idea of what somebody is working with or struggling with or whatever so you can talk about it on the phone or in a Zoom call or whatever, then having an understanding, having a deeper understanding than just a checkbox sometimes helps.
The last question is, is it a time or money question. The reason I try to include a time or money question, typically, is because the time or money question tends to dissuade tire kickers. So you can have an open-ended paragraph question that says, “Tell me a little bit about the problem,” or, “Tell me a little bit about what you’re looking to do to solve said problem.” And then the time and money question is how much would it be worth if you were to solve this problem right now? And then maybe a couple of price ranges or how much, if it’s a business development thing, what is your ad budget?
By asking that money or time, a time question would be how quickly are you looking to make the change in your life? Or how quickly are you looking to move into a property? Or when do you need security to secure financing? Because those dates are largely driven by our decision that has already been made, so by understanding the decision you’re able to then sell to that decision.
Forms and Applications
I use a lot of different software for a lot of different things. I’m going to share how I have ours for use set up, including some of the conditional logic. And then I’m also going to, we’re going to talk about some of the other platforms that work out pretty well for the conditional logic piece.
But what this ends up doing, if you do it right, then you can send people down a couple of different paths. If they’re prequalified leads for you, you can send them to you. If they’re not prequalified leads for you, you can send them down a different way. The different way might be affiliate products, it might be a different partner or another company that you own, or so there are lots of different ways that you can branch-off based on how you structure this form.
It’s an art all into itself, but we’re going to just kick through some of the software that we like to use.
1. Ontraport
You’re looking at Ontraport, which is one of the applications that we enjoy quite a bit. I’m also going to pull up a couple of other ones here.
2. Wuf00
Wufoo.com is one that we like, it’s a form builder, but it has some conditional logic pieces to it.
3. JotForm
Then there’s another one that is JotForm also has some conditional logic pieces to it.
4. Typeform
There is a Typeform. Typeform. I think it’s typeform.com. Typeform’s pretty, it’s set up like a chatbot. You can also do chatbots that do this kind of thing too, which is pretty cool. We’ve used Wufoo a lot.
5. SurveyMonkey
SurveyMonkey you can use, I would say for the most part we’ll use Wufoo. One of the reasons I like to do this as part of a CRM though is when all those form fields, they just get automatically shoved into your CRM. So all the contact information is put into the CRM.
You can tie a Wufoo together or JotForm together with a Zapier integration into your CRM, it’s just a pain in the ass sometimes because then you’ve got to map the fields and when this contact record comes in, you got to put this field in this whatever. It’s just a pain, it’s easier sometimes you just do it all in the CRM. But we’re going to log into Ontraport and I’m going to show you how I have some of the conditional logic setups for us. So let me just jump in here. All right. So we’re going to go to forms and then we’re going to kick around though, so we got some forms. All right. And then we’re going to go here. If I remember where I put it.
All right, here we go. This is an application, it’s a retargeting application. Let’s just go to the page so you can see what this looks like, and then we’ll see how it’s set up. That might be a really good way of showing how this all works. Please make the screen bigger. All right. So there’s. Is that good? Perfect? It’s about as big as I can go through.
All right, cool. So let’s see if that takes away at all.
That was weird, it booted me out for a minute, but it looks like I’m still going. Okay, cool.
All right, so we got big. All right, we got bigger. Okay, so this is our website. We’re going to go look at that retargeting form. So I think that retargeting forms on our ad management and then retargeting. So we have individual sales pages for all of the different disciplines that we do, and then underneath those disciplines is a form and the form is specific to that discipline so that we can track what people signed up for, what they’re interested in.
Do people leave your site without buying at an alarming rate?
Unless your website is optimized. This form is how it starts. Step one, fill out the form below. Now this form here, so we have your first name, your last name, phone number, and email, and then next step click to schedule a call. So inside Ontraport, here we have that’s the first name, last name, phone number, and email.
You can see that right here, first name, last name, phone number, and email, then the button. Now, if we look down at the bottom, there is that button, next step, schedule a call. So what that means is that all of these fields right here only appear if one of the previous ones is set up, this is conditional logic. So watch this.
If we go your first name, I’m just going to type your first name, that’s going to be me. Jason Drohn, and then the phone number is going to be 555-5555. So notice, nothing has popped up yet, as soon as I hit J. I’m just going to drop my email address in here. Bam. The next batch of fields pops up. This isn’t all of them, because as you can see in the form here, we have some more down here.
We have those money qualification questions, the big ones, the ones that are going to help us understand what we can do for this client. Everything above this is, okay, so tell me about your business or product name. All right, my business is DIY Builds, because it’s a YouTube channel that we got going on.
Now notice right there was where the rest of the other stuff popped up. So as soon as you enter your business or product name, then it pops up. We’re going to do that again. Or we can do Done For You. And then as soon as we go to the next, the website, bam, yearly revenue. So we’re going to do a website is Done For You. And then Skype is going to be, I don’t know, whatever. What can we help you with?
Tell us about your business, yearly revenue, visual ad spend. So boom, boom, boom. Now next step is to click the schedule a call. So this is the application. This is the application. And as soon as we hit submit, then we go off to the scheduler. So this is the scheduler. Call me, sign up for a call with me. There’s a couple of times available, nothing crazy. So actually what is crazy is that isn’t… I have no bookings until next Thursday, that is crazy. All in all, that’s how it works. Now, if we wanted to… So we’re going to go back to the previous page here.
All right. So if we wanted to, let’s say, we’ve got… Does the schedule come up on its own in the safe software? And so the schedule can be anything you want, that particular schedule that we had that you just saw is a piece of software called Pipedrive. You can use Calendly, you can use Time Slots, which is ours. You can use any scheduler you want. All it is is a form that pushes off to the pushes off to a scheduler. So then we have your first name, last name, phone number, email, business name, website. And then the reason I wanted to fill this in was that, so tell us about your business product or idea. So let’s say your yearly revenue is 5 million and above, so right here, we can make this a qualification question.
If your yearly revenue is above $1,000,000 a year, you pick 1 million to 5 million or 5 million and above, then it goes to my closer sales rep, let’s say. Or if you pick anything under 1 million dollars in yearly revenue, then it goes to some sort of a nurture sequence, or a warmup campaign, or a digital product, or whatever. I don’t have that qualification set up here. I do know a lot of people who do, a lot of sales guys, you know, they end up having some sort of qualification. The argument could be made both ways. I’ve been doing this for a long time, so I have seen some crazy things on these forums. I’ve seen a lot of people, very prequalified leads business owners who don’t answer this form truthfully, they don’t go through and apply the way they should.
They don’t. So their yearly revenue might be $5 million, or 3 million, or 10 million, or 50 million, or whatever, but they just don’t want me to know that. So they pick just starting or whatever, 100,000 to 2, 300,000. And then we’ve ended up doing a lot of business together, which means that if I would have bounced them off into a less prequalified leads pipeline, I may have missed out on that opportunity.
In the same breath, if somebody goes through and applies and answers an application untruthfully, do you want to work with that person? So there are two sides to that coin. You just have to think about what, what makes the most sense for you if you’re going to do this kind of conditional logic in these forms. So it’s up to you.
I take everybody’s calls because I know that if… I do daily live streams for the same reason, I know that there are things that I know that will come out and we’ll be able to help somebody just even if it helps them get a little tiny bit farther in their digital business today, which is the point of GSD Daily, get shit done daily. If we can just move a small, small, small, little minuscule amount forward today, and a little bit forward tomorrow, and a little bit for the next day, then we’re going to be that much, it’s going to have a meteoric difference, a dramatic difference in our business and our lives, in next to no time. So if I can help anybody, I do, I try. So that’s why I take everybody’s calls.
But if you are a busy sales guy and you only want to take very well prequalified leads people, then this is how you do it. So if they pick 500 to 1,000,000 and the digital ad budget is, let’s say 1,000 to 2,500 a month, and then they hit the next step, they might go off to a different form or something, a different email sequence.
It’s just something to think about there. Now in the setup piece of it, we’re going to go kick back over here into Ontraport. In most of the tools, Wufoo has this called conditional logic. It might just be logic or logic-based, JotForm has it, Typeform has some conditional logic pieces, but here’s how it works. Most of them have this. In Ontraport, this thing is called conditions.
If you look at the conditions we have now show high form fields. You don’t have to be a programmer to understand this, but it’s an, “If this, then that,” statement. It’s, if this, if this happens, then do that. If here, the statements are pretty simple, there’s a lot of entries here for prequalified leads, but the statement is, “If an email address is entered show the next four questions,” so, or five questions. If the email address is entered, show business or product name, website, Skype, this dropdown, this drop-down here, and then I think it tells us about your business. Then, so we’re going to see what that looks like. So show hind force… So show when you hit, let’s see. Show email list size when the business or product name is not equal to blank.
As soon as that business or product name, as soon as you enter any text into that thing, whenever it’s not blank, then the other questions fire out. There are all kinds of different conditions you can apply to these prequalified leads. So let’s just go down here and write one. So we’re just going to go and write a rule. Here’s that redirect on submitting to. So we’re going to write a rule. I think I’m just going to jack this form all up. So what condition do we want to write? So the form condition, if yearly revenue is equal to let’s say contains 5,000,000 and above, then we want to hide our email list size.
Let’s try that because it’s just an arbitrary thing. If our yearly revenues are 5,000,000 and above, then as soon as we pick 5,000,000 and above that email list size is going to go away. It’s just an arbitrary thing just to show you how this all works. So we’re going to go ahead and hit save, and then I’m going to hit done, and then I’m going to save this form, and this form is going to auto-update because I think it’s a JavaScript form, so it should just be fine. I think I set it up a long time ago. All right, so we’re going to, there we go, we’re going to reload the page. We’re going to go-
All right, so pause that. We’re going to add here, and then we’re going to add a business name, anything. Now, yearly revenue, so ideally, when I hit 5,000,000 or above, then this email list size field should just vanish. It should. Let’s see if it works. So 5,000,000 and above, gone. Now it just moved it away, it just took it off. If we do 1,000,000 to 5,000,000, it’s going to add it back. Now it added it back. So that’s conditional logic.
Watch this, so let’s say we have… Which one was that? That was the retargeted sequence. Yeah, pre-targeting application. Okay, cool. Now, so we added that little conditional logic statement in. Now, let’s look at another one. To hide the email list size, we’re just going to remove that. But what I do want to do is I want to redirect on submit, I think that’s going to be important for you. So if revenue, if yearly revenue… We’ve already tested this form and the form goes to our Pipedrive applicator, our call scheduling application, but check this out.
If yearly revenue contains less than $100,000, redirect the user to Done For You. We’re just going to send them right back to the homepage. We’re going to just check that. Okay, so it’s right down there. We’re going to enter, we’re going to save this again. We’re going to refresh.
We already tested it and it was going Pipedrive. Now it’s going to redirect, just right to the home screen if they’re making less than $100,000. We’re going to go ahead and add this. Next, add the business or product name. All that is good. I think I do need a website. Yearly revenue is going to be less than $100,000, the digital ad budget is going to be 0 to 99, 9.99, and then zero to 2,000. When I hit next, I should go to a homepage because this is less than $100,000.
I did, I went to the homepage, right? So this person is unqualified to be on the list of prequalified leads. They go to a different page. That’s how conditional logic works. Does that make sense? Do you like that? Okay, cool.
Using conditional logic, you can do some pretty cool stuff in directing people where they need to go. Making sure that only the most prequalified leads applicants, only the most prequalified leads, get to talk to you, get to hit your sales sequence, or jump on the phone with you, or take up some of your time. Same with the sales reps, you only want your most qualified prospects to get to your sales reps. You set up a conditional logic application or a form that redirects everybody into that. Then you’re good from there. Does anybody have any questions?
For Questions and Guide
If you have any questions at all you can drop them in the comments. You can also go to doneoryou.com/start, and we fill out the little form, well, you’re going to fill out a form just like you saw here. I don’t think it has conditional logic, but it prequalified leads to me, to my calendar.
What we’ll do is we will end up going through talking about your application, talking about what you’re selling, your business, your traffic, all that, sales funnel, all that stuff, putting together an action plan for helping you sell more on autopilot, whether it’s paid traffic, or organic traffic, or email, or whatever. But go to doneforyou.com/start. And if you have any questions, just let me know. And tomorrow is Friday, we’re going to talk about something else cool, I’m not sure yet. So I will talk to you soon, all right? Thanks, bye.
Oh, there was somebody who said, “Will this session be on your Facebook afterward?” Yeah, it will be. So this session is in our Facebook group and it’s also… Let’s see it’s in the traffic group, the funnels group, and on our Facebook page too. It’s also on YouTube. So wherever you want to check it out, you can jump in. Cool. All right, I’ll talk to you guys soon, all right?
