Today, we’re going to continue how to write to make money bandwagon. We started on Monday. We talked about some different ways that you’re able to generate an income online, whether it’s freelance or whether it is writing your blog to sell your stuff, your services, whatever. But at the end of the day, content marketing is based on writing, of course. If you’re able to write anything, whether it’s sales copy or webinars or blog posts or whatever, if you’re able to write, you can generate revenue. You can make money. It is that easy.
The problem, and mostly because everybody fucking hates to write mostly. They’re always too busy. They want to put it off. They don’t feel that their writing is worthwhile. There are all kinds of reasons why people don’t like to write, maybe because it feels too much like school. I don’t know. But as a writer, if you’re able to show up and write for that company or that individual or that blog, then you’re able to generate money. It is as simple as that.
We talked about freelancing yesterday. I showed you where to set up a freelance account, and then you can start bidding on gigs. And there was a little bit of a hiccup halfway … not halfway through, but it took us a couple of minutes to get our profile image right, but then once that happened, we saw all of those projects that were open to bidding.
Writing Blogs and Articles Online
Today what I want to cover is some websites that pay you to write blog posts on an individual basis. Now, these are not simple tasks. I mean, you’re going to see a bunch of different websites that pay you to write, $150, 200, $250 per blog post that you submit, but the requirements are pretty stringent. When you excel as a writer, the world is open to you. You can write books, you can write blog posts, you can sell your stuff. You can offer services to people who are looking for writing. And that’s all there is to it.
For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Jason Drohn, creator of We build … We create offers, we build sales funnels, and then we do marketing automation and traffic for companies. And we are always looking for great writers, because writing is one of those skills that are difficult to find, truly.
I had sat in a panel with a friend and client of mine, so he was on the panel and I was kind of in the audience. He just asked me to come down and kind of bounced some questions. And the room was full of graduating seniors. And I told them when it was part of the Q and A answer session, I told them, I was like, “Anybody who is here who can write is going to be so uniquely positioned for the future of marketing, it’s not even funny.”
Those are the skills you need to nurture. It isn’t necessarily about strategy. There’s a lot of people that can execute strategy. It’s not necessarily about running paid traffic. There’s a lot of people who can do that, but when you can write persuasively or just write in general, then you can do a lot of things. There are so many different ways that you can generate revenue when you’re a content creator that you can make money.
The foundation of everything online is content.
It’s the foundation of everything online is content, is the written word. I mean, email copy, webinar copy, even video scripts. I mean, all of it, writing is the foundation of it all. It is a very important skill to have. I told them, I was like, “You have English majors. If any of you have minored in English or whatever, you’re great at English, then you can do whatever you want.” But at the end of the day, showing up and writing is how you’re going to make an impact.
Now, today, this is a simple lesson. If you want to learn how to make money, Google this magic phrase. Google websites that pay you to write. Just do a Google search, websites that pay you to write, and you will find that there are a lot of websites that pay you to write. I’m just going to open up the first couple here. This one is 14 … Little Google breakout box, 14 Websites That Pay Writers $100 Plus. And there is another one, Websites to Pay You to Write 2020 Edition. We’re just going to kick through these. If you want to write, you want to get paid to write, go do this. It’s that simple. 14 websites that pay writers 100 bucks plus. The Cooking Detective so extended guides that pay 150 to $250 depending on the topic, and then articles pay 50 to $75.
These are not simple tasks. This doesn’t usually show up and write 500 words and you make 150 bucks. This is you show up and you provide clarity of thoughts. You provide good, structured material backed up by images that have some keyword phrases in it. You need to be a good writer to make $150 per article, but you can then game the system by writing a bunch of articles for $150 a pop. They can’t be the same article that you submit to four different sites, of course, because that’s duplicate content, but you can rework articles to be on multiple sites. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the same article, but it can be chunks of the same article in different places or arranged into list posts or curated content or whatever.
Websites That Pay You To Write
There are so many different ways to write and add value where it’s not necessarily you coming up with the creation itself.
1. A Fine Parent – pays 75 to $100 plus a $150 bonus for top shared articles
2. Christian Science Monitor
3. Barefoot Writer and Upworthy – which $200 per story
4. Graphic Design School – $100 to $200 for every accepted article or tutorial.
Now, that’s the key, accepted. I mean, when you’re paying 100 or $200 bounty per article, you’re competing with a lot of other writers. You’ll get a payment if your article is accepted.
5. Freelance Switch
Earlier in the week, I talked about a site called Freelance Switch. It was owned by Envato and then Envato, they created the PSD Tutees and everything else, but Envato paid, I think it was 50 or $75 per article and it was just a freelance blog post article about 10 years ago. And then they turned that model into PSD Tutees, and they paid $150 per tutorial. I mean, these are pretty complex, long tutorials, very image-oriented. It’s how to run Photoshop and stuff, so it was pretty specialized stuff. And then they ended up kicking over into Envato.
They knew this model well, and they had hundreds.
I was friends with the founders, and they had hundreds of submissions at any given time that they could literally just kind of pick through and find a really good one and then post it and then they would PayPal the money to the author. When it was published was when they got paid. It’s an important distinction when you’re going this route, but you’re able to generate quite a bit of money from it.
6. Earth Island Journal – pays $100
7. The Great Escape Publishing – pays $100
8. Cosmopolitan – pays $100
9. – pays a buck 75 per word for a feature in the print publication.
10. Babble
11. Working Mother
There are lots here. But then if we go to that other art site that I opened up, it was a 100 websites that pay writers in 2020.
We have A List Apart, Today I Found Out, Cracked, The Diplomat, Screen Rant, Site Point. There are so many opportunities to make money and get paid for writing. You just have to look. You have to find a website that you want to write for and then approach it. And like I said, they’re paying you to write, so perfecting your craft and just realizing that there’s a lot of other ways to generate revenue online than strictly selling websites or selling services or selling products. You can freelance. You can write directly for a blog post. Is pretty, pretty easy. You just have to ask the question, “What do I want to do? What do I want to do? How do I want to work? And how do I want to capitalize on this initiative?”
Now, the fact is, so many blogs, websites, companies, had to let go of their people because of the pandemic or their people are working from home. There’s been such a transition in the way work is done that this is a time that you can capitalize on it because everybody is looking for help, but they’re not in their offices or work has just been completely disrupted so they are relying on people to work from remote locations. That means that when they want to ramp up their content, which they are because most companies kind of took a pause in ad spending when the pandemic happened and then started ramping up the content. We’ve ramped up our content hard. I mean, that’s why we started doing these lives. It’s not why, but it was a natural benefit to why we started doing these live streams.
I did it because I wanted to help people in my local area and around who were open to this idea of digital moving online and this is what happened with it. And so many other companies moved the content route, too, so they started producing a lot more content, doing a lot more blogging. Well, of course, and now with remote work, people are working from home, they’re looking, they’re engaging in other writers. They’re engaging other writers for more stuff, more content, faster content, written from home. There are so many other writing-based opportunities that you can work from home if you know where to find them. This is one of those places.
For Questions and Guide
If you have any questions, just go to and there’s a little chatbot, which is in the lower right-hand corner. Just click it, open it up, ask questions. My team is there and if you have anything else, just walk through the prompts and we’ll go from there. I will talk to you soon. I’ll see you tomorrow. This was a pretty simple lesson because it’s, you ask the question and you go to Google, you find some websites that you like, and then each of them has their submission guidelines and you just follow those. They make it pretty easy. Tomorrow we will be back with a wrap-up. I think we’re going to talk about becoming an ebook author. It’s an additional way to write and make some money online and we’ll talk to you soon. All right. Thanks. Bye.