Every week, we get tons of email from Scriptly users about what’s safe in email marketing and what’s not safe…

Questions like:

  • Is it ok to send everyone in my Gmail contact list an email?
  • Can I do cold prospecting through email, even if I just find someone’s email on their website…
  • Why does my address (or a address) need to be in my outgoing email…
  • Is it worth having an email marketing platform?

And tons more…

I found this really great article on Copyblogger that sums up all of the Bulk Email Regulations that you need to be aware of, if you decide that email marketing is right for you…

Things like when to mail, how to mail, what to include in your email, what the subject line needs to contain…

Click here to read the article >>

CAN-SPAM 101: A Crash Course in Bulk Email Regulations