I always love a good marketing tool integration video. Today, I’ll show you how to set up an integration for sending your Facebook Ads to Google Sheets!

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Read the transcript below:

Welcome to today’s GSD Daily. Today, we are going to talk about Facebook Ads briefly. It’s a quick one. So oftentimes, the simplest integrations tend to trip the most people up. So today, what we’re going to do is cover how to connect your Facebook Ads to Google Sheets. It’s with a very simple piece of software called… It’s not necessarily simple, but it’s the glue that powers a lot of the internet. And that piece of software is Zapier. So Zapier is a bridge. It takes your API integrations from Facebook and Google Sheets and then lets you connect them. It does it with thousands of apps. So a quick way to check and see if anything is integrated with anything else is just to go and search Zapier and see if it’s in there. We use Zapier all the time for taking things like Ontraport contacts and shoving them into Kajabi courses, for Facebook leads coming into Google Sheets, for sales calls, and for applications that come in and go through a scheduling platform. There are so many different uses for it, but the one we’re going to cover today is Facebook Ads and Google Sheets.

Zapier is a piece of software. It’s mostly free. There are paid plans too. I use a paid plan myself because I have a lot of integrations working in the background. But the easiest way to just showcase this tool for you is just to make a Zap. So we are going to connect on Facebook, so there are a couple of different things you can connect. You can connect Facebook Pages, Facebook Messenger, Facebook Conversions, or Facebook Lead Ads. Lead Ads is the one that we want to connect with because Facebook basically will take that lead. They fill out a short form. The form is prepopulated from Facebook data, and then it will shove into Google Sheets. So most often when somebody’s looking for Facebook to Google Sheets, this is what they’re looking for. And then we’re going to do Google. And there are so many Google apps. We use the calendar function quite a bit. We use Drive quite a bit. Forms are also there too, but we’re going to integrate them with Google Sheets.

Now, what do we want to do? What do we want it to do for us? Well, we want a new lead. So when a new lead happens on Facebook, we want to send it to a Google Sheet. There are so many different ways. We can create a spreadsheet. We can create a spreadsheet column. We can copy a worksheet. We can create multiple spreadsheet rows. I don’t want to create a column. I don’t want to delete a spreadsheet row. What I want to do is I want to create a spreadsheet row. So I just want it to basically notch to the next spreadsheet and then continue down the pike there. So we’re going to create a spreadsheet row in Google Sheets when a new lead in Facebook, lead ads hits, and then we’re going to hit try it. So now sets up the fun part.

So this is the integration where we go through and integrate those things. So Facebook Lead Ads account, I have a lot of them in here. We’re just going to pick one. I’m just going to pick this one. All right, we’ll just use this one. Okay. And then we’re going to hit continue. The page that it’s associated with… Bear with me here. It’s loading about 7,000 pages. Not quite, but quite a few. All right, so we’re just going to grab that one, then the form that it is looking for. So any form in there is fine. When you have a form, it’s going to lock your form in there. And then we’re going to hit continue.

What it’s doing is it’s looking for a lead. It’s looking for a leader in that Facebook account to trigger a thing. So because we’re just demoing this, I’m not going to set up a real trigger. Then we go through and set it up on the Google side. So we’re going to be creating a new spreadsheet row inside Google Sheets. We’re going to hit continue. Then we’re going to choose a spreadsheet. One of these is fine. We’re going to hit continue. We’re going to find what folder we’re looking for, so I’m just going to set up DFY internally; the spreadsheet we need, we’re going to do that one; and then the worksheet itself. So these are the worksheets that are in there, so we’re going to hit that one.

And now we start going through and customizing the data. These are all the fields inside that spreadsheet. So type first name, last name, email, phone, and URL. And what we’re going to do is we’re going to take the Facebook data, and then we’re going to map it up to these fields. And then once you’re done, you hit continue. You test your action, and you’re off and running. Now, you, of course, need a real Facebook lead ads account. You also need an accurate spreadsheet to map those leads, but this is overall how it all is set up.

So it’s a nice, simple process. You’re able to tie a bunch of apps together, and we might do some more of these because there’s some very cool stuff you can do in Zapier. I have it set up so that every new YouTube video that gets triggered, automatically gets added to a blog based on the channel that that video is added. So I don’t have to go and manually add it to a blog post. I can just go and drop in the transcripts. So there’s a lot of really cool stuff that you can do with Zapier if you spend the time to think it through. And that might be a future video that we do. If you like these kinds of tips and tricks, go to gsddaily.io, fill in the little form for the freebies, and then we’ll be sending them out, these kinds of tips, tricks, marketing hacks, that kind of stuff, in email.

If you would like to talk about automating your sales funnel or perfecting your inbound marketing strategy, go to doneforyou.com/start, and jump on a call with me. And we will go through your sales funnel your offers and all that stuff. And if you have any questions about automating things, tech tools, setup, or whatever, leave the comments down below, and I’ll make sure to get them answered. And make sure to subscribe to this video or wherever you are. It’s a big help, and I’ll talk to you soon. All right. Thanks. Bye.