Over thinking marketing

Some of you deep thinkers, academics, and those who “have to think before you act” will hate us for this, but digital marketing is really about taking action rather than sitting down and contemplating, ruminating, and thinking.

Digital marketing is just the kind of thing that’s the wrong topic to be spending hours talking about in a team meeting.

Over thinking your marketing

Anything digital moves fast.

By the time you are done discussing content marketing strategy with your team, your competition would have completed 18 blog posts, 4 videos, and even built a complete funnel with a powerful lead magnet.

Most businesses tend to over think marketing strategy (like everything else corporate) — it’s just a habit that comes from the early days of the Industrial Revolution, when every decision had to come from the top down, all the way to the workers in steel plants.

Digital marketing action (including Facebook advertising, Google Adwords, funnels, landing pages, copywriting, email marketing, blogging, content strategy, and social media) happens right where your customers are.

At that level, a lot happens very fast. If you stop to think, analyze, do a couple of meetings with your team, and take your own time to execute, you’ll lose money on the table.

Here’s what really happens if you don’t act and, instead, over think your marketing:

Over thinking marketing

You fail to do what’s crucial

When it comes to digital marketing, a few things don’t need you to “think.” But they are crucial, and each of the following steps must be done.

  • Setup a fast-loading and simple website – How much do you need think and ponder on that?
  • Start blogging regularly, at a frequency – In 2018, you really don’t need anymore convincing, do you?
  • Setup aocial media accounts and stay active – Enough said. No comments.
  • Start doing email marketing – If nothing fancy, you could at least do email marketing basics, like create a lead magnet to build your email list and do basic email marketing campaigns. Want to check out our lead magnet creator video series, instead?
  • Setup sales funnels — Learn how to setup sales funnels. You can also get expert help from us to help you build your sales funnels without you having to bat an eyelid.

Really, what are you thinking about each of the steps listed above?

You lose money, every single minute

While it’s not exactly the New York minute, every minute of a digital marketing day counts.

More than 40,000 people are search for something on Google and about half of 2.1 billion people are on Facebook everyday.

With an audience like that who might potentially want to hear from you, and at a time when you can put up complete websites in days and create sales funnel in hours, not taking action would mean:

  • Potential visitors don’t have a website to visit.
  • If and when they visit, there’s no way they can signup to become your email subscribers.
  • You have no way to nurture your email subscribers (leads) and prime them up for when they are ready to buy.
  • Assuming they want their problem solved, and that they are willing to invest, you have no sales funnels and there’s no way for them to make a transaction.

Just how much money are you losing on the table if you don’t take action? If you do have your funnels setup, do you have a way to:

  • Make sure all elements of your funnel are working correctly?
  • Analyze and track events happening across your funnels?
  • Do you have a way to do Conversion Rate Optimization and boost your sales funnel performance?
  • Are you able to attribute sales (or results) to respective digital marketing channels?

Miss a single point above and money drains away, never to come back again.

Your competition can kick you out of the race

Let’s assume a scenario where you and another business (who happens to be your competition) decide to start marketing at the same time. Assuming everything else is equal and considered the same, the business that goes to market first gets the first-mover advantage. That, by itself, can hurt your business.

On the Internet, word spreads fast. Once a business has a significant market share, it’s extremely hard for others to progress (see how Salesforce and SugarCRM dominate the CRM landscape while so many other CRM tools are still trying to grow positively).

Getting started — at least on the digital marketing front — isn’t even half as hard as building a product and launching a business.

Over thinking (and hence freezing) on how to start with digital marketing or how to build a sales funnel can literally put you out of the race.


Not all businesses have the resources to get that digital marketing action going. We understand. For that reason, we help small businesses setup effective sales funnels that work.

If you’d like to talk about your business and if you need a custom sales funnel for your business, get on a scheduled call with us.