Today’s GSDdaily will talk about the four levels of buyer engagement. Now, what I’m about to share with you is so important in understanding how people are buying from you. So much of the work we do is sales funnels, it’s traffic, lead generation, buyer engagement, all of those things. All the things that get people from over here, where they’re just visiting a website to over here, where they’re buying something from you. And preferably they’re buying a lot of something from you.

The transformation that has to happen for them to go from cold, which is the prospect, they’re just on your website, clicking around, doing whatever, and then turning them into a buyer is an art.  The whole art stems from understanding the four buyer stages – going from cold to hot, hot being a buyer.

Four Levels of Buyer Engagement


Today we are going to walk through a little process map. We have four levels of buyer engagement. So up top here, we have level one, level two, level three, and level four.

Level 1

The level one is yours, just somebody who was searching around on Google, they landed on your website. They’re reading a blog post. They’ve taken no real commitment with your website, with your stuff, with your content, with your products, your brands, you’re whatever. They have taken no real commitment.

So basically they just click the link. They landed somewhere. It might have been a blog post. They might have watched a video, so they engaged with something, but it was a very loose buyer engagement. It was a very light buyer engagement.

They didn’t click a button and subscribe to anything, didn’t opt-in anywhere and they just showed up. So, that is your level one buyer engagement. Level two is when they opt-in for something. Level three is when they moved to the desired phase. So they sold something. And then level four is when they purchase. So we’re just going to walk through each of these steps.

On level one side, you have … From a cold traffic standpoint, we have our Facebook videos, we have Facebook ads. We have content that is up in Google. We have all of the things that attract people. They grow the awareness of the brand. It is the content they consume, it is strategies and tips. It is just videos that we do.

We do video views campaigns, and anybody who watches more than 10 seconds or 15 seconds or 25% or more, anybody who watches a video, is then put into another campaign. That level one is, they clicked, they showed up, they did nothing. They just consumed and hopefully, they consumed and had some value for the time that they spent in consuming.

Level 2

Now, from there, the next level, level two is where they click something. They go through and they click over to, let’s see, they click and go over to a landing page or a report, or a webinar registration page. They’re a little bit deeper in our sales funnel. There was something that identified them as a good fit for us.

They start with a targeted ad and they clicked over and saw a banner ad in the sidebar. They clicked over and saw a link inside of a blog post and they clicked over to the landing page.

This is our level two. Somebody who took an action on our behalf. They engaged with the brand, engaged with the company, the website, the whatever. Now it isn’t the buyer engagement that we care about. They didn’t opt-in yet, but they did do something. They might have watched the video.

And it’s one of the things like so many people think that just turning on ads means sales, when there are about 13 steps in between. You turn on ads and then the ad has to get a click. The clicks have to get somebody to consume. Then that has to get somebody to enter their email address.

There they have to go to a confirmation page and buy, or they have to opt into a webinar and attend the webinar. Then see the call to action. Click on the call to action and then actually fill out the sales page or fill out the strategy session form or whatever.

But there are so many steps that have to take place from where somebody learns about you to ultimately where they buy. That is really what this life cycle is. So they learn about you on level one. They grow in their interest in level two. They decide if they want to opt-in for that report, they decide if they want to sign up for that webinar. And once they do, they then move to level three, which is opt-in.

Level 3

It’s an email address that is in your CRM. And now you’re able to market to them. Now a loose opt-in is they subscribe to your YouTube channel. They follow you on Facebook. They like a Facebook page, whatever. But the email address is kind of that primary marketing metric that we’re looking for. And that is an email lead. Not a fully qualified lead, it’s just an email lead.

At that point, then they are consuming whatever is on your thank you page. So there are lots of ways to work with a thank you page. Usually, there’s a video on it, a confirmation page, there is a self-liquidating offer. So it might be something you’re selling for $27 or $47 or $7 or $5 or whatever. And its only purpose is to pay for the traffic that you just sent.

Because without that, then you’re going to be in the hole until somebody buys something down the road. That might be okay for your business model, it might not be. But we want to liquidate that as quickly as possible.

Now from the confirmation page, you can have a free trial. A trial of a membership site. You can invite them to a webinar. You can, there are lots of things you can do at this point. But turning this into some sort of a transactional sale is important.

Level 4

Then from a confirmation page, the people who buy. Those are your level four buyers. Those are the people who, go in, they hit the order form, and they pull out their credit card and they buy. There, I mean, it might be that this level one to level four, it might be that this process takes minutes. It might take hours, days, weeks or years. It just depends on how quickly they’re … Some people, it can be the same funnel and you have sales coming out of it the first day.

And then that same funnel, you have sales coming out of it in 30 days. So you have 6% of people buy immediately. Then you have two or 3% who buy because of non-responder sequence or something happens and they remember, “Oh wait, there was this ebook or this video course or whatever that I saw that I wanted, blah, blah, blah.”

But managing this process is what is the difference between doing well with your website and not. Now, for those of you who are marketing nerds like us, you found out that we went through the process, which is called ADAA. A is awareness, I am interested, D is desire, and A is action.

So this is, I think it’s 132 years old or something like that. I looked it up at some point. It’s like, they’re taught in every marketing book all across the planet. Forever. Like this is, I remember learning it in college and thinking, “Wow, that is not applicable at all anymore because we’re moving online.” Little did I know that it is completely applicable and it is what it’s … This is the process for everything online.

I mean, even like a Facebook ad campaign. Facebook ad campaigns are rarely, do you move immediately to a landing page, which is the I phase, the interest phase. Rarely do you move to a landing page for a cold traffic audience? That rarely happens. You know, usually, you have to build the brand a little bit.

You have to raise some awareness of a core group of individuals. And then they see your first offer, which is a webinar registration page or a landing page. Then they opt-in. Then they sit on that webinar and they consider a purchase. They increase their desire. Then they take action on your offer.

So they walk through this process sometimes very quickly, sometimes very slow, but the process is always the same. So podcasts, content marketing, Facebook live streams, all of this stuff, the goal is not to sell shit. The goal is to grow the awareness so that down the line we can sell shit.

That’s what all of these awareness mediums bring up. So anymore, we have an awareness ad. It is usually a video ad, usually anymore is the tall video ads, those social videos that I’m sure you’ve seen of us. And we do them for all of our clients.

Then we go to an interesting ad, which is a freebie. It might be a lead magnet, might be a webinar. Then we go into the desire phase, which is like a VSL or a webinar or a long or short form sales video. And then of the people who take action and purchase something, those are our buyers. And everybody who doesn’t take action, those people are entered into a retargeted audience or an email campaign or whatever.

So basically the process is, you create that, those main interest groups. They become aware, which puts them into the interest category. They are opt-in for something which brings them into desire. Then they take action on your offer. Sometimes they take action, and then they go back to desire and take action again and go back to desire.

Buyer engagement

That’s your lifetime customer value is the person who is buying from you again and again and again, because your products are great, because your customer service is great, whatever, every business has their own thing. But the people who are looping that action and desire, action, desire, action, desire, that’s a sustainable business.

But think of like Apple, you had Mac computers and then you had iPods, then you had iPhone, then you had iPads, so they’re just looping customer desire, so.

That’s what I got for today about buyer engagement. I have, literally I was just on a roll, so I don’t know if any questions came in or anything. It looks like we’ve got a couple of questions. Okay, cool. So Facebook video ads, how do they work for awareness?

Okay, so the Facebook video ads, basically the goal of the video ads, and when we set up video ads for clients, the goal is to expose a cold audience to your brand, to your message, to your business. So what we’re doing is we’re, anybody who watches more than 10 seconds of that video, we then put into a retargeting campaign and then they see your lead magnet, your webinar ad, all of that stuff.

So, that’s how the cycle starts. And then once it starts, it just feeds on itself. Because then you’re generating profit and revenue, you can dump money back into the awareness ads. And then it turns into a big flywheel, so that’s how it works.

For Questions and Guide

If anybody has any questions or thoughts or anything, they want to jump on the phone with my team and me I. Go to, fill out the little application and then book a call with us and we’ll go through your business. We’ll talk about traffic and your sales funnel, and how all of this applies to what you’re doing. And if you have any questions, just go to There’s a little chat box in the lower right-hand corner of the page. Just click that and we’ll go from there. And I’ll talk to you soon, right. Thanks. Bye.