Creating a landing page for your product isn’t rocket science but if you want to unlock their full potential, you’ll need to respect some guidelines. Basically, a landing page is a website page where you send traffic with a specific goal. Maybe you want to sell an eBook or to get more email list sign-ups.

Whatever your reason may be, you’ll need to edit those landing pages if you wish to unlock their full potential and increase your conversion rate. There’s an endless variety of landing pages goals but you should focus on having one goal for one landing page.

Creating a landing page that has a high conversion rate is every marketer’s dream but how one would create such a website page and would he need to take into consideration before making it a live part of his online business? If you’re planning to create a high-converting landing page for your product, make sure you follow these 7 steps to unlock their full potential.

1. Focus on landing page design

If you’re working with a big online business, they will have a web design team to create landing pages. As a marketer, your purpose will be to analyze those landing pages and apply the best design practices. For example, you will need to keep the landing page’s design light. Stacking up CTAs and visual content won’t help your visitors to get to the product you’re selling.

Keep things light and focus on page responsiveness. Test if the page works properly on multiple devices (PC, laptop, smartphones, tablets – they all have different display sizes). If your landing page has a simple but effective design it will help mobile visitors to save up mobile bandwidth.

2. Separate your landing page from the rest of your website

Your landing page has to attract visitors and make them buy your product. You need to distract them as little as possible so try to keep your landing page’s design similar to your website, but at the same time, make it different so it won’t load every website JavaScript or CSS file.

3. Choose one CTA and make it count

The landing page should have one goal that you can reach through the usage of CTAs. Call-to-actions can be in text form, audio, video, and images. It’s up to you to come up with a strong CTA that brings you a lot of conversions but as a rule of thumb, your landing page shouldn’t have more than on call to action.

In this case, more is not better. Having more than one CTA on your landing page will confuse your visitors. Keep it simple and limit their options, you don’t need to list all 10 pricing plans you may have or the 14 eBooks you’re selling.

4. Make your landing page content stand out

You don’t need walls of text on landing pages. While this tactic has its benefits (for some types of landing pages), you’re probably better off with less but strong content. Here are some things you need to check off your to-do list when you’re creating the content for your landing page:

  • Make your CTA visible. You can do this by using strong contrast, making it stand out from the rest of the page content.
  • Add some sense of urgency. Adding timers to your landing page is a great way to encourage visitors to make a decision. These timers can be cookie-based so they display the right time interval for returning visitors.
  • Use trust signals. Having elements that give out a strong vibe will increase your landing page conversion rate. These trust signals can be testimonials or logos of companies with whom you’ve worked with.
  • Create content for real people. Many marketers prefer to choose already created landing page templates but are these the best option? You should create the landing page content on your own and address it to real people, not search engines.

5. Provide real value

If you want to have a high-converting landing page, you’ll also need to offer the visitors a good product. You’ll never have a high conversion rate for landing pages that feature shady products. Another way to add some sense of value for visitors is to offer them discounts or provide them with something they can use “right now”.

Testing is an important step of designing a high-converting landing page!

6. Test it out (before launch)

While this should come without asking, some people forget to test what they create and end up with broken landing pages. After you create your landing page, you’ll need to do the following if you want to unlock their full potential:

  • Proofread the text.
  • Test the page design for various screen resolutions.
  • Test the links (sign-up forms, affiliate links, buy options).
  • Make the page ready for high traffic.

7. Test it out (after launch) and follow-up with other valuable content

It’s recommended to have more than one landing page design and use A/B testing to check for conversion rates. If you see one of the designs is having a higher conversion rate then see how you can upgrade your less-performing ones.

Also, after you’ve convinced your visitors to sign-up for email lists or buy products, start sending them other valuable content to keep them close. Our recommendation would be to add the people who signed-up on your landing page to specific email lists and test out email sequences. You can use Scriptly to find out high-selling email sequences that allow you to push other sales after the original action.

You can use Scriptly to apply high-selling email sequences that allow you to push other sales after the original action. After you sign up on Scriptly, you can customize our proven-to-sell email sequences and use them on A/B test email lists.