On our GSDdaily this week, we’re going to be doing something a little … Well, not just this week. In the future, we’re going to be doing something a little bit different. This is episode number 121. 121 episodes delivered Monday through Friday at 10:00 AM-ish Eastern. It’s about time to just change it up a little bit, so what I’m doing is every week we’re going to have kind of individual slices.
New GSDdaily Weekly Episodes
Previously we were kind of training on a topic for a five-day plan, but I’ve been listening to a lot of podcasts lately that they have just a variance in the schedule, which is kind of cool. Basically, they have a couple predetermined, like every Monday they’d talk about this and that and whatever. So we’re transitioning into the same thing.
Monday – GSD Create
The title of that particular episode is going to be GSD Create. It’s going to be creating a business, starting a business, tips, and tools you need to start a side hustle, all of that stuff. The creation process of a business.
Tuesday – GSD Automate
We’re going to be going into automation, so it’s going to be GSD Automate. That’s going to be marketing automation, it’s going to be traffic. Not traffic. Marketing automation, for the most part, setting up triggers and rules, email marketing, anything that happens on an automated basis.
Wednesday – GSD Scale
It is going to be Scale, and that’s going to be all of our paid traffic stuff. So it’s going to be paid traffic tools, it is going to be maybe some SEO stuff, content marketing, anything that you would do to scale a business.
Thursday – GSD Expand
Thursday is going to be Expand. To expand is your business is set up, your business is automated, your business is running traffic, and you’re scaling through paid traffic. You’re scaling through traffic and visitors and all that other stuff. And expand is the different things that you can do to grow your revenue. So that might be introducing new upsells. It might be finding cross-sells, moving into sideways businesses, or using your list to promote affiliate products. It’s all those other ways that aren’t necessarily clicked in, money out, but it’s all the additional things that you can do with the asset that you’ve built.
Friday – GSD 5MG
On Friday, it’s the end of the week. We’re going to do a recap of the week, and then we’re also going to do tools. There’s this type of show that I have been thinking about putting together. I’ve put a couple together called 5-minute Guides, and it’s an executable that you can do in five minutes or less that is going to have a massive impact on your business. So one of them I did was a two-stage retargeting process that I implemented in five minutes or less on screen. So something like that I think will be pretty worthwhile for those too. That’s the scenario.
That’s the Monday through Friday plan that we have moving forward. GSD Create is going to be blue, and then each of the verticals, each of the types of shows is going to have different colors, and then that’s all going to marry up on the website to individual places so you know exactly where to go if you want to find a back episode or whatever. So that is the plan. Super excited about it. Teaching the same thing. Literally, through 120 episodes, I’ve taught so much shit that I don’t want to go back and rehash some of the stuff that I got into early, so this is an interesting format to continue talking about.
It’s a format that I’m excited about, whereas the last couple weeks of the old format, they were great, delivered a lot of content, but increasingly I was like, “Man, I don’t know what I’m going to talk about,” and whatever. But now Monday, you know if you’re creating a business, tune in on Mondays. If you’re automating a business, tune in on Tuesdays. Scaling, you’d tune in on Wednesdays. So you can of course tune in any day, every day, we would love that. But you know that this is the show you need to be on if you’re creating a business every Monday. So that’s the idea.
Brainstorming a 6-figure Course
Today, we’re talking about brainstorming a 6-figure course. This is an exercise that I’ve gone through quite a few times in quite a few different ways with quite a few different clients, and it always has a lot of in it. Do you know what I mean? It’s a useful way of putting your material or your content down into some sort of a tangible form. And I’ve noticed that often, it’s one of those things that you just have to think hard about it once, and then get the material out of your head. From there, you can create something super, super cool.
Now, the thing that you create, it can be a video course, it can be an audio 6-figure course, it can be a book, an eBook, a report. You just want to think about it once, you want to plot out your chapters, plot out your modules, and then from there, you’re able to just kind of flesh them out. So there’s a couple of ways to get into this. The one that I love is mind mapping. So let’s flip over here to mind mapping software.
Mapping Software
I use MindMeister for my mind mapping, and let me make this a little bit bigger for you. I wrote this thing six years ago, I called it the rapid-fire framework, but basically what it was is if you go through it, you come up with an idea, and your idea is the thing, the experience, the history that you have, that you have some sort of unique, intimate knowledge about, and that other people would pay you to learn. So for instance, totally outside of my wheelhouse, I’ve been exploring other things, especially in reading and whatever else.
But this morning, so I was reading about … I just downloaded randomly a day trading book. So I’m kicking through some day trading stuff and I’m like, “Well shit, day trading is not for me. I don’t invest in the morning and get out by lunch. That’s just not my thing.” But it was an example of something, this guy was a very, very, very powerful, popular, successful day trader, and he had all of these algorithms and all these methodologies and stuff that he employed as a day trader.
Now it was stuff that he just did in practice and he’s been doing it for 20 years and it’s second nature to him, but me learning it as a beginner, I’m like, “Well shit, there’s just so much here to learn. There’s so much here I can sink my teeth into if I wanted to be a day trader.” Now, I don’t. So as I was learning about it, immediately I’m like, “Well shit, this just doesn’t sound like me. Okay, cool.” So close up the book, but in the meantime, I learned about this other thing called swing trading. Didn’t know about swing trading either.
So swing trading is where you take a position in a market for more than a day, but less than a month, usually. And so it’s not quite long-term investing, it’s mid-tier trading, I guess. So ended up downloading another book about swing trading. Now, written by a different author, written by somebody different, so somebody who mastered swing trading and they had been in swing trading for 10 or 20 years. Now, I bring these two things up because we had our day trader. The day trader was massively successful at day trading. Day trading was his thing.
So he, in putting together this book, this beginner 101 level day trading book, sat down and he said, “Okay, what does a beginning day trader need to learn from me? What can I bring to the table? How do I transfer my knowledge from my brain into his brain?” Do you know what I mean? And this case it was my brain. So what he did was he came up with an idea, and there’s a couple of ways that you can come up with your idea. You can come from your friends, peers, family, what do they want to know from you? What questions do they ask about what you do for a living, or how you got through a certain situation, or how you did something?
That something, there might be an inkling of a way that you can create a 6-figure course, you can write a book, whatever. You can ask an audience if you already have a list, what they want to learn from you. You can dig in and find out what’s hot in the market, so you can go to Google Trends or you can go to a Google keyword tool, which we’ve talked about many times in the past, and see what people are searching in Google.
And the reality is, the pandemic has … there are so many people searching for so many different things in much greater frequency now. Day trading is a great example of one. Since March, the number of searches, the number of information, the number of 6-figure course on day trading and investing in stuff has all tripled because people are at home, they have a little bit of stimulus money, and they’re looking to generate money. So investing through an app like Robinhood is a pretty interesting way of doing it, and there are a lot of people who have day traded to riches that way.
All of that is fueled by Google searches. Then what you want to do is you want to record your material in some way. It might be a live call, it might be audio, it might be a coaching call, and then you create the rest of the offer. Now, this stuff is very sales funnel related, but what I wanted to do was bring it back to this idea of rapid product creation. So if we go in, this is MindMeister here, we’re going to go in, we’re going to create a new mind map. So we’re just going to hit the little plus button. It’s creating a mind map. And then we’re going to say, “Your new course.”
For module one, and I hit tab. So MindMeister has quite a few hotkeys that you can learn, but if you hit tab, it creates a new branch. This is going to be module one. Now, what is going to be in your module one? Now, no matter what you’re talking about or what you’re trying to teach, module one is always going to be some sort of discovery or introduction. So it’s a baseline. Now you want to assume that if 100 people read your book, 100 people listen to your video course, they’re coming from 100 different points of view. So they all have their own unique experiences, their unique history, their unique challenges and solutions, and all that other stuff.
They’re all coming to you from all different walks of life, all different backgrounds, so you want to assume that. And then in your first module, module one, your discovery module, your introduction module, that’s where you set the stage for the rest of the book. So it might sound weird, but it needs to be a 101 level. “Thanks so much for buying this book. This is what we’re going to learn,” blah, blah, blah. “We’re going to talk about this in the chapters. I’m going to teach you this stuff.”
That is your module one. Very, very simple. You don’t need to get complex. All you’re doing is setting up the rest of the book in module one. Now, most 6-figure courses is going to have five modules, six modules, somewhere in there. Especially if you decide to put one module out a week, then six modules are good because it ends up being about a six-week program, which might be an eight-week program. So module one as an introduction is perfect. That’s week one.
Then in week two, week two is always going to be like building a foundation. So module two is going to be the foundation. Now in a lot of 6-figure courses, the foundation isn’t necessarily experiential, meaning it isn’t something you do. Especially a lot of courses that I take or have been through or have helped put together, your module one is the discovery. It is thank you. It is confirmation. It’s the reaffirmation that the customers and the member is in the right place at the right time. Whereas module two is going to be, “Let’s start building a foundation for the rest of this book. For the rest of this video course.”
So the foundation is, is largely mental a lot of times. So a lot of the 6-figure course that we’ve built for clients, real estate investing, business opportunity, business development, self-help, self-improvement, a lot of those courses, module two is really about identifying the foundation for what your member, your student needs to learn, needs to set up. And a lot of times that is mental. That is getting your mind right and is the fundamentals. There’s lots of kind of foundational stuff that goes into module two.
Let’s say we were building a business development 6-figure course. So business development, module one is going to be, “Thank you so much for buying the 6-figure course. It was a great decision on your part,” blah, blah, blah. Module two foundation is going to be, “Okay. You’re here because you want to grow your business. Now let’s break down what your business is. What are your products? What are your services? How many employees do you have? What niche are you in? Is it a growing niche? Is it not? What is your search results? What aren’t they?” So your foundation is going to be identifying all those things.
Now, module three. Let me just go to module three, which is going to be some sort of build. What you’re doing is you’re layering tactics, strategies, tools on top of this foundation to make it better. By and large, it ends up you’re improving on. So at that point, you’re improving on the foundation that you’ve already identified. On business development, it might be, well, module three is optimizing a website for better results or optimizing ads for better results or moving your team around so that you’re able to grow more efficiently, or putting in processes and procedures so that you’re able to manage more effectively.
It’s always, how do we improve on the previous thing? We’ve done a lot of real estate 6-figure course, and module one is discovery introduction, module two is finding properties. Always. It’s always finding properties in real estate. Module three is always putting people on a contract. It is acquiring that. Not acquiring, but it’s usually putting properties under contract so that they can then build on top of them. And then module four is always an improvement.
So module four is an improvement. So then in the improvement module, what we’re doing is we’re saying, “Okay. We learned the foundation. We learned the build. Here’s the improvement. Here’s what you can do to improve the results that you got in the build phase or improve the results that you’re getting long-term, and then module five is usually … Module five is usually a recap. It’s not a recap, but it’s more like a summary. So module five is you establish your foundation, you put some things in place, you improved on those things, and then the summary of those things. “This is where you are, and this is what you’re going to be doing over the next year,” or whatever. And then module six is usually a recap.
There’s a lot of things you can do in the meantime. So you can end up going from module six in your recap to pre-selling the next 6-figure course. But there’s a lot of things there that you can do. But by and large, this is kind of the framework that all of your material is going to stem from. Module one is the discovery or introduction, module two is the foundation. So it’s identifying the foundation, whether it’s mental, whether it’s in real life, whatever.
Module three builds, so it’s setting things up so that they can grow and improve or transform. Module four is an improvement, module five is a summary, and module six recaps. That puts together a six-week course that you can sell for $497. $997. The price itself depends on the transformative impact that your course is going to have.
So that is basically how we brainstorm the 6-figure course. Brainstorm material. Now in here, once you get to module one discovery, or once you’ve kind of brainstormed the chapters and the modules or the outline for your 6-figure course, then you go through and you continue fleshing stuff out. So module one is going to be, “Thank you.” Then it is going to be, “What you need to know. You made the right choice. Three things. Three things that separate winners from losers.” What separates winners from losers. Any kind of introductory level material.
Then your foundation is going to be all of the things that you need to have to kind of set it up in your … like for real estate. If we do real estate here. So this is going to be, “Finding properties. Who needs to be on your team? What to know legally. What to know financially.” And then basically, all of your foundational stuff. Module three is going to be putting those properties under contract. And then legal stuff, financial stuff.
And improvement is going to be rehabbing a house. We’re just going to say, “Contractors, interior, exterior.” Then module five. Module five for this one isn’t necessarily going to be a summary, but it is like cash out. So, “Cash out.” And then it’s going to be, “Selling, renting, wholesaling,” whatever. And then module six is going to be a recap. So this is going to be, “What went right? What went wrong?” So this is a general kind of bare-bones framework that you can just drop in whenever you want to create a new 6-figure course, but all in all, you already thought about all of the hard pieces of it.
Now, if you want to create this 6-figure course, you just turn on your computer and start recording a video or you open up Google Docs and you start writing down your process. So you write a lesson, thank you confirmation kind of lesson. Then you write a lesson that is what you need to know. And then you read a lesson that is, “You made the right choice,” and then so on and so forth down the way. So another thing, if you’re selling a multi-week course, you don’t need to have the whole course up and running before you start selling, you just need a couple of weeks. Or at most, the first month. You just need to be ahead of where your students are, so that’s worth knowing too.
But that’s about it for brainstorming your course. It is a pretty simple process, you just need to dedicate a 30-minute time block to it. So sit down, figure out what it is, how you’re going to structure your course, mind maps are a great way to do it. Or you can just grab a piece of paper and start writing it down. And then from there, you’ll be off and running.
For Questions and Guide
So tomorrow, we have Automate, which is going to be all about marketing automation. If you have any questions, thoughts, or anything, just go to doneforyou.com/start, fill out the little application there, and then jump on a call with us and we’ll go through and put together an action plan for you for your traffic, for your sales funnels, for your offers, all of that kind of stuff.