Welcome to today’s episode of GSD Daily. This is episode number 127 and it is the second episode of the Automate Series. In continuing what we were talking about yesterday, we’re going to dig into continuity clients.
The continuity clients are any client, member, the person who’s paying a subscription to your business for something. Might be coaching might, be consulting. It might be a membership site, might be a mastermind. They are receiving value from you over a duration of time. So it isn’t like just a one-off charge.
Today we’re going to talk about an automated way of pulling those clients into your world, into your ecosystem, and basically on autopilot. So what we did was we went through and drew up a little flowchart here. I’m going to walk through it. But before we get there, basically there was this model. So 70% of business leaders right now we’re saying that subscription businesses are the way of the future, especially in COVID. So when you can package your thing, your service, your whatever, into something that somebody pays for monthly or annually, you’re going to end up growing revenue.
Now, the workflow that I’m about to show you, I didn’t invent it. Well, I didn’t invent it and it was one of those things it’s not like the idea I saw it and I was like, “Well, shit, that’s smart.” And then I started seeing it everywhere. And basically what it is is it’s this application workflow. So it is an app funnel and the app funnel is where you’re sending traffic to a place, to a website. You’re doing a three, four-minute video and then that prospect is filling out an application to work with you. And then some automation runs through that.
So I saw this originally from Harmon Brothers. So if you’ve never heard of Harmon Brothers, they do the Squatty Potty or they did the advertising for the Squatty Potty, for Purple mattress, for a bunch of this viral sensation kind of videos. And I went to their website one day, just looking around, seeing how a prospect would sign up to work with them. And it was an application and it was like an overt application like, “Why should we work with you? Are you going to send us free samples.” Blah, blah, blah. They may have changed it since then, I don’t know. But this application was pure genius.
And I expected it because I knew that just from other friends have worked with them, they at the time were charging between half a million and a million dollars for a video. And that was like a $300,000 video plus 500 grand in ad budget. That was what they required to work with a prospect. So I was like, “If everybody has their stuff dialed in, it’s these guys.” Do you know what I mean? So then I adopted the model and then I started using it in all kinds of other verticals like other service businesses and everything from financial planning, to working capital, to agency staff, to even our stuff. Anything you see from us is this app funnel.
So in terms of getting and acquiring continuity client acquisition, that’s what this was made of. And getting into continuity client acquisition you have three different levels if you will, you have your traffic, you have your funnel and then you have your follow-up. So those are the big ones. Those are the main silos when you’re looking at what this automation will do, every level affects the next. Then you have a couple of different forms of traffic usually. So we usually start with Facebook traffic. We tie in Google because if you are a continuity service, most likely you are working … You have some search terms that you can advertise for.
So Google is a good place and now with Facebook and they’re randomly banning accounts, profiles. They’re just finicky at the moment, probably because of the political lockdown or whatever. Google is a nice way to hedge your bets too. So we generally have quite a bit of traffic running on Google too. Facebook, Google from a traffic source, and then you have email. So any email lists that you have, whether it’s 500 people or whether it’s 10,000 or 20 or 30,000 people, email is going to be a good way to run your visitors or run your prospects into this app funnel.
So the app funnel is made up of two essential pieces. It is your video sales letter and it is your application. So the video sales letter is a three, four-minute video that walks through why somebody cares and why somebody should fill the application below this video. Then the application asks six to eight questions and those are meant to learn more about your prospect. So of course you have your big four, you have your first name, last name, email, phone number. Those are your big ones. Then you want to have four or five additional questions that allude to A. What you’re going to cover on the call. And B. You want to learn more about this person. So how big is their business? What are they looking to overcome? What challenges have they seen in the past? Blah, blah, blah like that kind of thing.
Then if somebody successfully fills out the application, they get routed to your scheduling link. So at that point, they go into either sales call or an add to cart and we’ll cover that in a minute. But sometimes there’s a couple of things that we do around this sales page that will add to the conversation. So sometimes it’s a landing page. We’ll put a landing page before the sales page so that when they click on the landing page, they then opt-in to go to the sales page so we have their email address.
Sometimes on the sales page, we also just do an exit pop. So we don’t make them go somewhere. We present them with the VSL offer, we exit pop them into something that collects their email address. That’s actually what we do on Done for You is a sales page, exit pop. Then once they sign up and they go one of two places, they either go to a sales call. If it’s above $1000 to get started, they go to a sales call. If it’s below $1000, they go to and add to the cart. And that’s basically like either a sales bridge page where we recap the offer and then go to the order form, or we go directly to the order form. And then we always follow-up with an email and sometimes SMS.
So that’s the way that we end up automating the continuity client acquisition. Once somebody signs up for a sales call, then it’s sales. So it’s phone sales, you got to follow-up with your client. You’ve got to make sure to email them within 24 hours confirming the call. You have to do the bonding and all of that stuff on the sales call itself. So it’s like sales 101 stuff. Once they get on the phone, then you’re selling them on the package. A lot of different ways to do that. I mean, you can do hard sales, soft sales. You can do a coaching sale. A lot of things and ways to go about that.
I’ve found in our stuff and in a lot of the clients that we teach, the biggest tip, biggest, biggest tip is whenever somebody books a call with you, make sure to reply to them as fast as possible. And it needs to be your reply. It’s not an email follow-up. It’s not something that automatically goes out. Send a personal reply to them and say, “Hey, thanks so much for signing up. I was on your website and checked out, blah, blah, blah, or tell me a little bit more about such and such. I noticed you filled out the application and said blah, blah, blah.”
To send a personal one-on-one human heartfelt email to them when they book a call. Because they’re taking time out of their day to talk to you and you’re taking time out of your day to talk to them. I mean, just from a purely business standpoint, if it isn’t a great fit, then you’re not only are you not going to get the sale from the phone call that you’re on but then you’re also taking up a one hour slot on your calendar that somebody else might want to then purchase something from you. If they’re not a great fit, just don’t take the call or take the call and just try to give a couple of nuggets, a couple of pieces of information, and then try to get off the phone.
So totally up to you how you want to do the sales staff. For many of our clients it’s like once the sales call is booked like our marketing piece, the marketing piece is done. But then we get into like sales 101 stuff, and we don’t necessarily do like phone sales, coaching stuff, but I’ve done enough of it. A lot of tricks and stuff that we end up working through. So all in all, this is the app funnel for continuity client acquisition.
If you have any questions at all, you want to implement this in your business, just go to doneforyou.com/start and put together a little plan, a little program for you, and work on getting it started. And I will talk to you tomorrow. Tomorrow, we’re going to talk about scaling continuity client acquisition. So once you have all this setup, we’re going to talk about the Facebook aspect and using different creative assets to move the needle. So I’ll talk to you soon, all right? Thanks. Bye.