How to Improve cold email deliverability

The person who said “Email marketing is dead and gone” perhaps hadn’t gotten his numbers checked. If we look at the statistics, we will see that close to 60% of marketers believe email is their most effective revenue generation channel. This single figure says it all about email marketing and sales emails.

The problem is that not every market knows how to use the power of email marketing to good effect. Most simply think of email as a means of communication. In reality, it is the most powerful marketing source that can help your business in generating a huge amount of revenue.

Video in email marketing

If you are someone looking to leverage the power of email marketing, then we have got plenty of advice for you. Let us begin with that advice step by step.

But before that, let us have a look at a few more statistics.

Want to learn the art of reengagement using email marketing? If yes, then check this out.

You might be shocked to know that most sales emails have a merely a 1% response rate.

In order to get this number to climb, you need to follow these tips.

The structure

Every sales email is divided into three parts:

  • The opening
  • The body
  • The closing

In order to create a successful sales email, it is important to get the right balance among these three. The opening consists of the subject line, which is the most important factor that contributes to the success of your email. In the body, you must present all the information needed to not just entice the customer but also to make him or her aware of the benefits that your business can bring. Lastly, the closing part of the email which must compel the user to take some action!

The right balance among these three could mean that you now have everything in place for a successful email marketing campaign.

The content of sales emails

Content Optimization

It’s all in the content. The success of your email marketing campaign depends entirely on the content that you are feeding the customers. Even if you are writing a sales email, it must not sound like one.

Today’s smart customer is aware of the internet and he is simply not convinced by a robotic sounding sales email. He looks for something more personal and less-robotic.

This is the reason that you need to write the content of your email targeting the human side of the customer. Don’t think of yourself as a business owner; think of yourself as a facilitator who is here to solve a problem for the customer.

This will help you choose the right words when writing the email content.

Errors – a big no!

One of the biggest turn-offs in an email marketing campaign are errors, be it grammatical, typos or structural ones.

When you are drafting email content, you must get your grammar, facts, and logic right. You cannot just write anything and expect the user to be attracted. A small mistake, in this regard, could cost your business a lot in terms of loyalty, faithfulness, and seriousness of your customer.

If you don’t want that to happen, then the best idea is to proofread the email copy as many times as possible or get the experts to analyze it and only then send it out to the market.

Leverage the power of social proofs

Another smart way to incorporate your business success into your sales email campaigns is to leverage your social media proofs. Wondering how?

Well, here’s how – use testimonials from your biggest customers in your email marketing. Share any message from a happy customer who has used your service or product and has words of praise to share. Things like these can go a long way to creating a chain of trust, which can prove to be the most positive thing that you can bring to your email marketing campaigns.

Remember, in today’s world it is all about social proofs. People really like what other people say. In fact, numbers show that close to 40% of the customers form an opinion about a business only after reading a review.

Looking at all this, there is no denying that using the positive words from your existing customers can eventually work towards enticing new customers.

The right use of power words

Last, but not the least, a thing that you can do in order to crack the code of successful email marketing is to know how to use what word, and at what place. In technical terms, this is called as word placement.

As someone who is trying to weave magic with words, it becomes imperative to know which power words to use in your email to attract more customers.

Here is a list of the top 500 power words that make an instant impact when used in headlines – Similarly, there are plenty of other lists available. So, you must know how to use them to good effect when drafting your sales email.

After all, sales emails are all about using the power of words to get your customer to take an action after reading the email. Without those power words, whatever you write is simply not going to make the cut.

So, are you ready?

That was all about tips and tricks to create a powerful email marketing campaign from which your business can benefit. With these simple words of wisdom, you can easily find your way to better traction and more success with your email marketing campaigns.

However, you will need to invest the right amount of time in order to figure out how to use these tricks to good effect.

Are you ready to invest that time in writing sales emails that attract more customers? If yes, then begin now and see how it turns out.

Check out this amazing free tool on how to run a successful email sequence campaign.