Today we’re going to talk about… so first of all, happy Friday, this is our 15th, my 15th episode of doing this, which is kind of fun. The… so when I started a couple of Mondays ago, two, three Mondays ago, I wasn’t sure how far I was going to get, you know what I mean? Like 10:00 AM and sometimes mornings just get kind of out of control whether it’s somebody calling in, or somebody you know whatever, a server breaking or you know, there are all kinds, there’s a myriad of things that could go wrong.
But yeah, I mean three straight weeks, 15 episodes that’s not too bad, so we’re going to keep this going for the foreseeable future, probably forever because at the end of the day we’re creating a lot of content. Every single one of these and we’re going to get into this today, but every single one of these episodes once transcribed ends up being like 4,000 to 4,500 words, which is nuts to think about.
I mean, so literally, I’ve already written a book in these episodes because a book is typically 75,000 words and so we’re breathing on that right now. My other two books are… they’re 220 pages, 220 or 226, or something and they were about 73,000 words. So the fact that we just wrote a book in three weeks, if it was structured correctly that’s kind of crazy, right? So it’s one of the powers of content and that’s kind of what we’re going to talk about today is creating content and how to leverage content, how to get organic search rankings from content and all of that stuff, so really with ad costs.
I’ve been sharing a lot of stuff with our two groups. We have DFY funnels group and the DFY traffic group and then also to the Done For You page and stuff, but ad costs are, really, really low right now and they are dropping because advertising is supply and demand. So when advertisers pull out of the market then the inventory goes up, cost go down, so we’re seeing small click costs and small cost per action costs right now.
I mean it’s never been a better time to advertise if you want to move into a market, which is it’s one of the reasons why you see so many people giving away free stuff right now. So what they’re doing is they’ve had to pull out of the market because they don’t want to spend money on advertising, so they’re giving away free stuff in the hopes they… they’re leveraging their assets, whether it’s a digital asset or a physical asset or whatever, but they’re leveraging their assets.
They’re trying to gain market share without spending money, which is a good strategy, but what’s better is if you leverage your content and you spend money and you’re driving traffic to said content. So you’re expanding your reach as opposed to like leveraging social, you know what I mean? But it all comes from content, so at the end of the day, it all comes from the content.
Today we’re going to talk about creating content through keyword research and the idea and the goal of today’s episode is to give you a roadmap that you can use, so the creating content doesn’t… it’s not so scary. I mean, creating content is a bastard, really is writing, I mean any more like to get a good solid blog post that is 1500 words or 2000 words that is going to rank in Google, it will take you six to eight hours to write and write well. However, that same blog post can be a 15-minute video that is transcribed and then edited if you know what to do and that’s really what today’s… what today I’m going to share with you.
Now, let’s see. For those of you who are just checking it out, go to if you would like to talk on… if you would like to talk and you are anywhere other than the Done For You page or, or one of the groups, the DFY funnels group, then go to… you can… here’s a link straight to the live stream so you can chat. There’s a link to the live stream, I just threw that in. It doesn’t look like… yeah, YouTube isn’t, I think YouTube has taken it. Is it? Yeah, all right, cool. Now, let’s see.
We’re also going to add a link to the traffic group. I didn’t get a chance to set this up so that it automatically approves anybody, but while you’re here, go ahead and join our Done For You traffic group, which is going to be all traffic content. It’s basically whenever we’re talking about anything traffic-related it’s going to be in this group. The live streams go to this group and then I also post blog posts and stuff.
NOTE: For more about creating content for traffic, visit ProAccelerator!
Content is traffic because the content is just it’s vertical, it’s no different than Facebook traffic or YouTube or whatever, it’s just a place where you’re getting traffic. After all, it’s just a channel. With content, though you can leverage lots of things, the channel being Google traffic being whatever, so join that traffic group there. And then there was one other thing, all right.
I have a checklist that I think you’re going to like. I’m calling this the GSD growth plan, you might’ve seen some ads, we’ve got some ads going forward, but this is a two or three page PDF that is going to walk you through what I’m about to share with you. Growth plan PDF, all right. So there, should just get that in the chat too. So that growth plan just opts in for it, it’s just a PDF. I think there’s a video on the thank you page, but the PDF is going to walk you through our organic and paid an email strategy for growing and it’s a weekly checklist.
You just check off these things and I’m going to walk you through the organic part of it right now. Maybe next week we’ll talk about the paid traffic part, so it’s warm it’s like a cold, warm, hot market which is very popular, everybody’s kind of segmenting their marketing out that way now, but today the content piece we’re going to dive into it. And if you have any questions go ahead and just ask them in the chat and I’ll grab them as we go.
Creating content, like I said it’s pain in the ass. One of the things that… so I used to… I enjoy writing, but it’s just not, there’s not enough time for it anymore especially with so many other things going on. So what I have done, what I’ve been doing is leveraging video and then getting it transcribed. Now, the hard part with video is figuring out what you’re going to talk about or what you’re going to write about.
What kind of content to create because you as an expert you’re in lots of different places, let’s say you’re great, you’re… I have a lot of clients who are doing stimulus consulting right now. Let’s say you’re a tax professional, you are a CPA, an accountant may be, maybe you’re just a tax consultant, but you know everything as it relates to the tax code, small business kind of financials, filing taxes, deductions, accounting, so you are a master in that space.
Now there are lots… there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of topics that you could write about, or you could create, and oftentimes when you’re just kind of sitting down thinking I need to write a blog post it doesn’t work. I mean, you’re just sitting there, you’re like okay, blank screen, you see that cursor just ding, ding, ding, ding and you’re like I don’t know what to write about. And then you move, I’m just going to go check my email.
Okay, cool. Go check your email, oh I’m going to go over to Facebook, all right? And then your day is shot, you know what I mean? Like you just get… you sucked into the rest of the reactive state and sucked into the rest of your day and that content piece never gets written. So what I like to do is I like to start with a keyword list, basically like phrases that kind of trigger topics or trigger thoughts and then… so I always have this list ready and available and here let me move this little share.
This is the list that I’ve been working on for these presentations. So I’m going to share my screen, I’m going to share this guy. Okay. So I’m going to stop this one and I’m going to share the screen that I just pulled out, which is an Excel spreadsheet, so this is about as boring as it gets. Can you see that? Okay, cool. So, I can’t make it any bigger, maybe you can make it bigger on your screen. But basically like… here, let’s see if I can do this and then maybe I can, I do this and then make them all bigger. Can you see that? Does that help?
This was keyword research that I did for these presentations and trying to come up with ideas because talking every day for 20 minutes, 30 minutes about something internet marketing related that is focused it’s like [inaudible 00:11:07], there’s plenty of things I can talk about, but I end just saying the same shit over and over and over again if I’m not triggered by like a keyword phrase or something, you know what I mean?
Basically, this is my week’s content here. So we talked… I think on Monday about CRM marketing. So I just kind of pulled it up and now if you look, so we’re just going to highlight this thing. So if you look, CRM marketing… the estimated clicks, the estimated impressions, none of it matters because I pulled it out of ad words, but this kind of gives you a ranking of how many people are searching for that as compared to other things.
CRM marketing, there are 488 estimated impressions. The estimated cost is 26 bucks for paying for traffic, whatever. So CRM marketing, I think I talked about Monday. Sales funnel management I talked about maybe Wednesday. Let’s see what else did I talk about. There was… the other ones I must’ve pulled off… Oh, chatbot sales funnel I talked about yesterday.
Chatbot sales funnel right now there’s hardly any impressions and traffic for it, but I thought it was pretty cool, so why not. And today, I didn’t pull off of this list, when I redo it, it will probably end up being content funnel, that’s probably the keyword phrase that I’m going to rank this blog post for or at least attempt to as it relates to funnels. But the phrases, the keyword research that I did was actually on creating content through keyword research.
Creating content is a keyword phrase that is hot right now and keyword research is a phrase that’s hot right now. I’m going to show you how to kind of get to this stuff. Putting together this kind of keyword phrase list, it takes a lot of the pressure out of actually creating content because you’re like whoa, okay, cool. Today, I’m just going to show up and I’m going to talk for 15 minutes about building a Shopify funnel. All right.
What are the steps of building a Shopify funnel? Well, you need a Shopify account, you need some products, you need some pictures, you need some descriptions and some prices and maybe talk about plugins a little bit. But before you know it, your 10, 15 minutes worth of content, which translates into a 12 or 15-minute blog post, so super, super easy. Sales funnel training, the same thing, funnel CRM, man you know.
Talking about a funnel CRM I’m going to end up getting into marketing automation because funnel and CRM are two different things, a funnel is pages and CRM is CRM but I can understand why people are searching for it, so if I can draw that correlation then I can talk about it. So in the chatbox if you have something you want to do, keyword research, live for, just let me know. Just throw it in the chatbox here, anybody who is paying attention and I’m going to go, move.
I need to stop sharing my janky little spreadsheet here and I need to start sharing my browser. All right, so we are looking at, okay. So I need to pull this keyword planner out. All right, cool. And then I need to share this through the application. All right, you ready? Cool. So now, we are in a software tool called Google keyword planner. Years and years ago, this piece of software was called a keyword research tool and I loved the Google keyword research tool because of it… I just got ranked for everything in it.
We had websites that were ranked on the first page of Google eight times and we were just like cleaning up for keyword phrases. So now SEO has a lot less of like a science and a lot more of an art which is one of the reasons why it’s almost impossible to game because there’s now… so back then, inbound links, there was onsite and offsite optimization.
The links they were coming to your website, the pages that were coming to your website, or the links that came in, pointed in, those were all super beneficial and so what we used to do was a lot of article marketing, a lot of social bookmarks and stuff to try to get as many people pointed into our website as possible. The problem was Google figured that out and then they started banning websites. So we had a bunch of sites that got slapped and then revenue and rankings and everything just disappear overnight.
Some were making over $20,000 a month just with affiliate products and then they were gone just like that, so that sucked. But so Google kind of went in and redid reworked their algorithms and then they… so now it’s like… so we transitioned to paid traffic and paid traffic is still where we like to play, but organic traffic has as much of an impact because they all reinforce each other.
Now if you have a website that ranks well, you’re going to get super cheap traffic for it, which is nice, so David said this is excellent. Thank you. Your keyword is marriage advice, awesome. So marriage advice, marriage counseling or marriage therapy. Perfect. So we’re going to search for that stuff.
Back in the day, I mean you got ranked and then you got a bunch of free traffic and you could promote affiliate products or physical products or digital products or whatever. Any more though, now it’s like you try to rank and you try to build your following a little bit and grow your exposure and grow your brand, and then you kind of capitalize on that with paid traffic through retargeting strategies.
A lot of times when creating content is your attraction and then the retargeting that happens because they landed on your website, or they watched enough of the video or whatever, then that is… that’s where the magic starts to happen. That’s why creating content is so powerful now especially now that everybody’s online and going from there. We are going to look at some keyword phrases. David, thank you for commenting, I appreciate it. Marriage advises, so what we’re going to do is we’re going to search for keyword phrases.
Those keyword phrases are going to be married and for those of you who are looking to get to this keyword planner tool, just literally go to Google and type in Google keyword planner. You need an AdWords account though for it, but AdWords is easy to set up. So we have marriage advice, that’s going to be one keyword phrase. We’re going to have marriage counseling.
All right marriage counseling and then we’re going to have marriage therapy. David, you are in a loaded market right now. We were just talking… I was just talking to another client yesterday they were like, there’s going to be a lot of babies and a lot of marriage issues and he said that all the big lawyers in New York City are all super, super busy either because A, everybody is like… because A, people are on each other’s nerves because they’re in the same house, but B, so they can split assets before a serious recession hits and so it was very interesting. It was kind of another side to that, that I hadn’t considered.
All right. So marriage advice, marriage counseling, marriage therapy, we’re going to say get results. So what Google is going to do right now is they are going to… I’m going to make this a little bigger and hopefully, so there’s that and then I’m going to try to make this wider. All right, cool. So you should be able to see it a little bit better. Maybe a little bigger.
You should be able to see that okay. Now, so basically what happened is we search Google’s keyword for all of Google’s, we searched Google for those three keyword phrases, marriage advice, marriage counseling, and marriage therapy. The first thing Google is going to give us is what those three keyword phrases are. So the average number of searches for marriage advice is 5,400. The average number of searches for marriage counseling is 90,000 and marriage therapy is 6,600.
And then you can kind of see a little trend graph, so you can mouse over and see what the search volume is. Pretty powerful stuff, like this, is marriage therapy. It looks like in March it was 110,000 and then kind of it’s all pretty level and I assume that once we get to March and April then it’s just going to be like crazy, I assume. Then down below we have keyword ideas, so family therapy, couples therapy, marriage counseling near me, couples counseling.
The reason Google does this is not because of their kindhearted nature, what they’re trying to do is to get you to buy advertising. What they want you to do is you go through and you select all these keyword phrases and say, I want to add them to my two, start advertising for these keyword phrases as a new ad group and then broad match.
Basically, anytime anybody types something in, family therapy counseling or Michigan family therapy or whatever, then your ad pops up and then if somebody clicks on it, then Google gets to charge you. So that’s why they make this tool available and if you’re running AdWords traffic, fantastic, but we’re not here to run AdWords traffic.
What we’re trying to do is get keyword phrases and ideas that we can use for creating content. So what I’d like to do is I will go through and say all right, marriage advice, marriage counseling, marriage therapy, great keyword phrases and then some of these ideas they start to trigger other things. So okay, couples counseling, well, can I create a piece of content on couples counseling?
You don’t want to just say couples counseling like that’s the name of your title… that’s the name of your video or your blog post or whatever. You want to employ some solid copywriting stuff to it. Like three tips for couples counseling, couples counseling calling how to get through this pandemic, or let’s see, Christian marriage counseling that thrives even when you can’t go to church or whatever something, marriage, and family therapist.
What you’re doing is you’re using these keyword phrases as inspiration for creating content. So relationship counselor, funny marriage advice, marital counseling, basically we’re going through and we’re just trying to figure out what keyword phrases make sense for creating content. Now once we get an idea, so what I usually do is I’ll go through and I’ll just kind of check the ones that I like, licensed marriage and family therapists, Catholic marriage counseling, marriage and family therapist near me, Gottman couples therapy maybe.
I don’t put a whole lot of emphasis on these average monthly searches. When I used to do a lot of SEO training I would always kind of try to stay between a thousand and ten thousand searches a month. That is somewhat true now, but what happens is when you use this model, when you kind of.
When you start with the video and then you get it transcribed. Then you post that blog post onto your content, what ends up happening is so verbally you’re using all of these keyword phrases, they’re called LSI keywords or latent semantic indexing keyword phrases and basically what you’re doing is you’re using all of the phrases like so if our blog post is marriage family therapist like it is here, and it gets a thousand searches a month, well in your language you’re going to be using all kinds of other phrases and words and stuff that relate to marriage family therapist, and Google’s like machine learning and AI and all that stuff, they know that it relates to all those, to the primary keyword phrase.
At the end of the day what ends up happening is your keyword… your blog post because it’s 1500 words, ranks for everything. I mean, some of our blog posts rank for 40, 50, 60, 70 keyword phrases. We have some that I looked the other day, 310 keyword phrases, every variation of a keyword it is ranked in the first 10 pages of Google. So it’s crazy how effective this is when you start with video when you start with just speaking to a camera.
You go through, you put this little keyword list together and you can dig into any of these. Also, you can dig into marriage and separation advice. You can say okay, I’m going to redo my keyword phrase and this is what I’m looking for, I want to dig into marriage separation advice. All right. Separation from… separation advice for married couples, 20 searches, separation from husband advice, so what you could do is you could have a marriage separation advice blog post and then you can have sub-headline separation advice for married couples, sub-headline, separation from husband advice.
You can go through and just give Google exactly what they want. Now, in recording the video you can have noted, you can have bullet points, however, you want to do it. You can do it with a mobile phone, you can do it on a live stream like this. I’m using StreamYard right now, this is a webcam, it’s hooked up to an old Mac at a standing desk.
It’s the workflow, once you get the workflow is good, it’s not bad, it’s pretty natural. So then once you’re here, you just basically figure out okay, I’m going to set aside an hour to record four videos or five videos. Like me, it’s like 10 o’clock every morning I’m just going to record a 20 or 30-minute video about this, about something and then that’s just my routine. It’s in my calendar, it’s my routine. Then after you record the video and with… so I’m using StreamYard for this, StreamYard sends it right to YouTube.
I usually download just right out of YouTube and then what I do is I upload it to Rev. So Rev is a human… so there’s two, is a machine language transcriptionist. So basically you upload the MP4 for within an hour or two hours later they give you your transcription after you get done creating content. Now these things, these are like I said 4,500 words and when a machine transcribes 4,500 words and I am the furthest thing from perfect in terms of language.
I say so a lot and um and a lot of so, you know, you see, and so when otter transcribes my content it’s like, so, so, so in literally every single sentence. Well, then it ends up being so or so starts it or whatever. With Rev, I ended up just having a hard time editing that and making it look not so terrible. I ended up going to Rev and Rev it’s a $1.25 per minute. A 30-minute video is going to cost you 40 bucks. That sucks, but this process of creating content – it lives forever.
The subhead minds, like if we were pulling, doing a blog post, doing a video that is marriage separation advice, and then there’s sub-headline, three things, three tips for separation, so three separations whatever. Separation advises for married couples three tips, then separation from husband advice and then we broke this down.
This blog post could be an ebook, it could be a 5,000-word blog post, there are so many different ways that you can cut it up. You can take the sub-headlines and put them into a different blog post, you can kind of open different eBooks, you can sell a kindle book from it. There are so many different ways to benefit when you’re creating content, so why not just spend the money, get it transcribed the right way the first time, save yourself 45 minutes or an hour worth of editing and then you’re better… then you’re off and running.
Now, Rev gives you… so here, I’ll just kind of log in and you can check it out. Rev has… I mean transcription is ridiculous. Yesterday, I think it was done in three or four hours and then it’s going to log in there. It was done in three or four hours and usually, there’s a couple of errors sometimes, but not too many and they separate it into paragraphs, which is awesome.
Really it’s as cut and pastes friendly as possible, and maybe I don’t have my right password, I’m not sure here. But you can kind of paste it into a blog post. Once you cut and paste it into a blog post, how I do it is let me, there. I’m going to grab, let’s see, maybe it’s down who knows. Once you’re done creating content and it’s transcribed, then what I do is I go through and I post it as a… I post the blog post as a blog article.
We go over to here to blog then you’ll notice that I take the image that I have in these live streams, and that becomes the featured image. I started these, I’m up to five, it’s been busy. Drip marketing automation, this was two Fridays ago I did this one. I dropped the YouTube embed code, so this is a YouTube button here, YouTube embed and then below we have a little call to action, and then below that I have just a little banner for a PDF and then here’s the transcript. So this is as lightly edited as possible.
I include some links, I make sure that Grammarly checks it all okay, but check this thing out. This is all this one blog post, it was 4,000 words long and so I kind of do like a control F and search for phrases that I want to do some internal linking on. Drip campaigns, sales funnels, all the stuff we’re ranking for and then that’s it. I just kind of hit publish and go from there.
The other thing I do is I use the PowerPress, PowerPress Blubrry. PowerPress B-L-U-B-R-R-Y is a WordPress plugin that does podcasting. With this plugin, basically, you have the MP4 file that you downloaded out of YouTube, so you can upload it to Amazon S3 or Blubrry’s podcast hosting, I just use Amazon S3, and then you send it to Google Play and iTunes as well. Let’s see if I can find my GSD daily iTunes. It looks like there’s, I don’t know, it doesn’t… it’s up.
GSD daily is up in iTunes now, but I can’t remember what the link is. I should probably make it a little be easier, but so what I’m doing is I’m using this one video file as a way to create the text-based blog post. It gives us multimedia elements of a video that we can add to the blog post itself. We’re ranking, we’re trying to rank for the keyword phrases here, and so like this particular one, drip automation… drip marketing automation is the keyword phrase we’re trying to rank for.
Then if we just do a quick control F, drip marketing automation. So drip marketing has been in… it’s in this blog post four times, drip marketing itself is in this blog post 21 times and as well as all those LSI keyword phrases that we’re trying to rank for. So actually drip marketing was the keyword phrase we’re trying to rank for, that’s it, 21 times in a 4,500-word blog post as well as all the other variations of that phrase.
The power of really just kind of nailing that one thing and just focusing on one keyword phrase, talking about it, getting it transcribed and then creating the blog post and creating content for around it. And literally, it didn’t take me any longer than probably 30 minutes to do this… I’m sorry, 45 minutes to do this.
Once you get your processes done for creating content, you can turn your lights on, you can step in front of your camera, you can do your thing just talk, 30 minutes to record this video because the video is I think 28 minutes long and then I just downloaded out of YouTube, uploaded it into
A couple of hours later sent the transcript, I dropped the YouTube embed code and the transcript on the blog post did a little bit of light editing for keyword phrases and stuff because I might’ve said drip, drip, whatever. And I was like oh, okay Drip marketing, bing, bing, bing just copy and paste all the way through, add a couple of links to other posts, publish, done. Well, thank you, David. I appreciate that that’s awesome. David said dominate keyword phrases, yeah. Like literally right now, the Done For You homepage I think is ranked for 320 keyword phrases.
The sales funnel development page is ranked for 120, 130 keyword phrases, there are blog posts like the one that we’re crushing right now has done for you email, done for you email copy, it’s over on… but it’s doing crazy, crazy numbers just mostly because it’s affiliate stuff, but yeah. So that’s the idea, the goal is just to kind of crush keyword phrases.
Does anybody have any questions about this? The strategy, these thoughts, let me know, I’m here to help. So whatever you want just to go ahead and chat, throw it in here and then we’ll kind of go from there. All right, now let’s see. Looks like somebody wrote in do you want to do, okay, stimulus. So we’ve had… just a real quick, we’re just going to look at stimulus, stimulus plan. That might be a little broad, business stimulus. I’ve had three consultants who are doing these stimulus consultations and so this is quite a topic right now, but we’re just going to check it out.
I just I’m more interested in the terms, look at that man. All right, so keyword phrase, this is into…. this is in February, February 2020. We haven’t quite hit it yet, but stimulus plan 110 searches. This data might be a little old, but we can still kind of kick in, we can still look at some president’s stimulus package 10. So the trend data is almost too old here to get a good look at it.
If you were doing like… here’s another one, I’m sure. Let’s say venture capital, let me just check it out. All right, so venture capital, VC 60,000. Wow, kind of got a little bit of a bump there. Index Ventures, benchmark capital, startup funding. So what you could do, I mean if you’re in the venture capital space or the VC space or the angel fund space or whatever, and you want to start creating content in that space, startup funding… let’s just look at this real quick.
In creating content for keywords. Startups, startup funding, startup capital, working capital, then let’s say maybe saas startup because of software as a service, super big for startups. All right, so startup funding, 2,900 searches. I am surprised it’s not higher, very surprised. Start-up capital, working capital, working capital 27,000 search phrases and if you look here, so just kind of talking about these numbers. So the competition isn’t the competition in the search rankings, that competition right there is the competition in AdWords.
This is a very highly competitive phrase. There’s a lot of people trying to bid for this phrase and the top of the page bid meaning the person who shows up at the top of Google, they’re paying $17 per click on average. Working capital they’re paying $49 a click. If you want another arbitrage strategy, then what you do is create a blog around working capital and then you throw in AdSense.
AdSense is the other side of AdWords. So AdWords is where advertisers go to spend money to get traffic. AdSense is where publishers, bloggers to put banner ads on their website to make money. We should probably do a live stream just on that, that would be pretty cool.
aas startup, now if you are creating content for venture capital or VC or anything like that, networking capital, doing a video on networking capital or startup loans or PayPal working capital, although that might be a competitor, working capital loan, invest in startups, venture debt. So negative working capital, these are all legitimate keyword phrases that you could create. In creating content like videos and blog posts on and it won’t take that that long especially, I mean these spaces, there’s probably very, very little competition in the organic rankings. There’s hardly any competition in the paid rankings, but you can get ranked for everything.
Startup business grants, operating working capital, then you just… so to turn this into a blog post, three things you need to know about startup business grants, four ways to get approved for startup business grants, startup business grants, seven things you need to know or four things you should ask your consultant about or whatever. I mean, it doesn’t matter what the content of the article is as long as it ranks, as long as you use startup business grants many, many, many times throughout that content.
I think we pretty much-covered everything SEO and organic related. Well, at least as it relates to this, go ahead and… so this strategy is outlined as a PDF here, so I just dropped it in, it’s the GSD growth plan it’s a weekly checklist. Now, it is the organic strategy, the pay strategy that backs it up and kind of backfills this and then the email marketing strategy that goes over the top of it, so check it out, let me know what you think. Let’s see, it’s Friday, so I don’t have another one of these until Monday.
Monday 10:00 AM I don’t know where we’re going to talk about, but true to our strategy let’s take a look at our list here, and maybe if you guys want to see something we can throw something in. So this is… all right. So these are our topics, we have… let’s see, what do I want to talk about on Monday.
We can talk about marketing funnels, we can talk about native ads, let’s see, we can talk about conversion funnels, growth marketing, ROI marketing. Let’s see, automated webinar funnel. I’ve been meaning to rank for that keyword phrase anyway, we’re ranked in a couple, but I’ve been meaning to do a video walking through automated webinar funnel and how we build them and kind of the three things that we do. So Monday we’re doing an automated webinar funnel video and it’s going to rank like crazy for automated webinar funnel after a little bit.
Cool. All right guys, thank you so much, and thank you, David. You and I should chat, so I will send you a message and that’s about it. So if there’s anything you need, just let me know, go to Done For You, there’s a little chat box in the lower right-hand corner, if you want to jump on a call to get an action plan done, go to and if you would like to ask questions for the next episode, And Monday we’re talking about automated webinar funnels.