Today’s GSDdaily is a continuation of our last episode. We started talking about the automated webinar playbook that you have access to when you go to, I dropped it in the post, but downloaded it here. It’s And just so that everybody knows what… Got a little ticker there. If you are just showing up, then you can see that you can download this report by going to legendary.
Basically, what we did on our last episode as we talked about this idea of selling high-ticket, highly-complex offers through strategy sessions. That was like coaching, consulting, all of that kind of stuff. Then we went through and talked about strategy sessions as a rule, like things that you need to do from a strategy session standpoint. We talked about setting up a high ticket, high-growth sales machine, automated webinar funnel. And we got all the way down to this section.
We talked about what the quickest path to cash is and we gave you a little… If you print this book out, then you’re able to fill in what your quickest path to cash is; whether it’s a book that is half done or a software project that just needs a front end website, a course that you recorded two years ago that needs some automation put on the front of it or whatever.
Then, we got down into this part, which was right there… We are going to talk about the high-growth sales machine, the architecture of an automated webinar. So, and here’s where it gets… Well, for me, it gets fun because we’ve built these things hundreds and hundreds of times.
Automated Webinar
In an automated webinar, there’s this kind of framework that you put around it. So the automated webinar itself is just this thing right in the middle and the high-growth sales machine. So let me see if I can draw. I think I can draw on this. Maybe. Let me see. No, I can’t. Anyway.
The webinar itself is the thing right in the middle. It’s right there if you can see my cursor. And basically, we have a lot of different traffic channels that we can plug into.
So if you already have an email list, then you can mail your email list to the offer. If you have retargeted traffic, you can retarget some of that traffic to your new webinar. If you have social media traffic, if you are an influencer, you can point those folks to the new webinar. This will add to have a high-growth sales machine.
What we generally start with is first as an email. If we have a client or we’re rolling something out for ourselves, the very, very, very first thing we do is launch to the email list.
Reasons we do that:
A) People already know about us and hopefully they will like us
B) To train Facebook‘s pixels. So much of successfully running traffic now is based on Facebook’s algorithm. Google’s algorithm. You know, everybody has their algorithms. And it’s important when you’re rolling something out to train those pixels, to train the algorithms. That way Facebook knows exactly who to target; otherwise, they have no idea. They don’t know what you’re looking for and who is good for you and who is not good for you. So you want to make sure to train the pixels. And the easiest way to do that is to use a set of data that you know is perfect for you. And there’s no more perfect data than buyers list and prospect lists. So you mail the automated webinar, you train the pixels and then you start a Facebook campaign with those results.
If you have 100 webinar registrations, 200 webinar registrations, you’re training the pixels and then you tell Facebook, “Go find me another 1,000 people just like that.” Do you know? And then this is the budget per day. And then you set up the ad campaigns and all that other stuff.
Now we don’t usually go directly to a webinar registration, especially for a high-ticket thing and high-growth sales machine. You can’t go from cold to selling a $5,000 thing right out of the gate. It doesn’t work. It just totally doesn’t work… I was going to say, unless you’ve been in the space for 10 or 15 years, but then the brand… They’re already warm to the brand.
I’m thinking of some of the folks out there. You have your Frank Kerns, your Grant Cardones, your Gary V. You know, if they were to run a cold webinar, offering a $5,000 or thing, they’re going to crush it… Pun intended, I guess because I said something about gravy. But they’re going to crush it because of the brands.
Because if they put 3,000 people on a list, you’re going to find they’re going to get a great conversion on a $5,000 offer because there are 3,000 people on the list or 3,000 people on the webinar. Do you know what I mean?
Unless you have a huge brand that you’ve spent years, decades kind of cultivating, you’re not going to be able to just rush out and start selling this $5,000 thing. You got to kind of warm them up. And that’s why we put this free report here.
The free report, the ebook, the chapters, or whatever is a free six to an eight-page lead magnet. We’ve talked about them quite a bit before, but you give it away for free in exchange for an email address. Then you invite them to the webinar.
Onboarding Sequence
Sometimes there’s an onboarding sequence, which is these yellow emails right here. That’s trying to get them into the webinar. They’re probably going to download the ebook, page through the ebook, then open your emails. And then after a couple of days, they’re going to sign up for the webinar, knowing that you know what you’re talking about. Knowing that you’re going to give them value for being on the webinar.
Generally, that’s the best way to go. Sometimes we can run cold traffic directly to the webinar registration page. It just takes a little bit longer to sell them. So it might be, they watched the webinar after a day, but then they buy six days after that. That’s thanks to this second set of yellow emails, which is the webinar replay sequence.
Webinar Replay Sequence
They sign up for the webinar and then they’ve dripped out the emails from there. And then all of those emails, point to one of two things. They either point to the webinar replay, the webinar replay being the day one and two of the webinar replay sequence. They point to the webinar and say, “Thanks so much for watching it. Here’s the webinar just in case you missed something.”
Then on day three of the replay sequence, you promote two things. You promote the webinar replay and the call to action for the offer. And then day four and then day five, you promote just the offer. So the call to action.
Then you have buyers, and the buyers go off into the fulfillment section. So you’re fulfilling stuff. Or if they don’t buy, then you send them to the next offer; the next offer in your mix, the next offer in your thing, whatever. (Wow, that was loud.) So that is the architecture of an automated webinar.
Now there are lots of things you can do before and after this. I mean, afterward, you can send them a down-sell into a payment option. You can send them through a sequence of videos that warm them up for the next offer. You can send them through blog posts, and then drop another offer next month. This isn’t the end of their life cycle with you. It’s just the end of this funnel.
There are lots of things you can do, but this is kind of that matrix, that thing where they come in, they bond, they learn, you peel off some buyers and then everybody else moves deeper into your email process and hopefully they buy something next week or next month or next year, even.
One of the things that I find perplexing oftentimes is after like 30 days or 60 days, people just don’t email their list; which drives me crazy because those people oftentimes… People don’t turn on buying until it’s two months, three months, a year, or two years. We’ve had people buy… Six years they’ve been reading my email and then all of a sudden they come in, you know what I mean?
But if I didn’t continue pursuing that relationship for six… It’s not even pursuing that relationship. You’re emailing your entire list. Do you know?
You’re basically whether they’re new, whether they’re old, they’re getting the same content; it’s just a broadcast email. So it’s just something to think about and knows that you’re creating content and consciously for is the people who signed up yesterday and the people who signed up four years ago. It’s just something to think about.
Now, the automated webinar typically… You generate traffic from various sources. It might be an email list, it might be Facebook, might be LinkedIn. We usually try to focus on one and then we’ll branch off into others. But one kind of leads to others because you might have Facebook traffic as your primary traffic driver, but then you get back in front of them from email.
Some of our physical products, like e-com clients, I mean, Amazon is a primary driver of traffic or sales and traffic for them. So there’s always different verticals that you can tap into. As soon as you get stable and profitable in one, I usually try to find that second one so that we know just from multiple streams of income standpoint.
Now you always want to point traffic to a lead magnet first or point traffic to the webinar registration page which is typically a targeted ad. And then you want that automated email sequence follow-up to be in place. You know, you want the webinar follow-up to be in place, the call to action, and then the fulfillment or the next offer.
On this page 15. I don’t want I’m thinking. So page 15 is we have, you print this thing out. There’s all of the different stuff that you’re going to need to pull this webinar off.
You’re going to need the webinar presentation, which is a video usually. But the webinar presentation is going to be a slide deck. It’s going to be the video recording and then like the edits of that thing. And then the other piece of creativity that you’re going to need as the lead magnet and lead magnet does have a piece of creativity that you…
Anyway, the lead magnet itself is going to have a piece of sales material – you have a sales process or a sales responsibility I should say. What you want to do is you want to deliver enough content that somebody is… They’re finding value in it. They have an aha moment. They have a takeaway moment from it, and then you transition into the webinar or the offer.
Then you have your core pages. So your core pages, you need a lead magnet landing page. You need a lead magnet confirmation page. So those. Yep. Lead magnet confirmation page. That’s for the lead magnet. So they have an opt-in page and then a download page. And then for the webinar, you need the webinar registration page, the webinar room page, and then the webinar replay page.
The webinar room page, the only difference between the webinar room and the webinar replay, they both have the video and it’s both the same video, but the room page drops the call to action when the call to action is stated on the webinar. So like 50 minutes in 30 minutes and whatever, and you say, “Click the button below to sign up for a free strategy session, where we talk about the boom, boom, boom, boom.” Whatever.
The link is going to appear and then it stays there for the rest of the presentation. The webinar replay page is a second page and is only used in the replay email sequences. And that replay page has that call to action link, usually like after five minutes. I don’t usually have, well, sometimes I do. I guess it just depends.
But you can either have that call to action button immediately on the page, or it’ll show up after a couple of minutes so you don’t scare somebody off, but it’s up to you. And then you want to have a strategy session scheduling page.
You can just link directly through, to like a Calendly scheduling page or Acuity scheduling or whatever. Sometimes we find that you get a little bit better take rate on those if you have a video or some content directly from you or directly from the sales guy or whatever, talking about why they should be signing up.
It might be the Calendly embed with a video on top, and the video on top walks through what you’re going to do on the page or what you’re going to do on the call. And that’s just reiterating it right from the webinar.
4 Sequences For Webinar Funnel
- Lead Magnet Fulfillment Email (Onboarding Sequence)
- Webinar Promo Sequence
- Webinar Replay Sequence
- Strategy Session Promo Sequence
Then there are four sequences that you need here. So you need your lead magnet fulfillment email. So that’s, “Thanks so much for downloading the email. Here’s your link.” You need your webinar promo sequence. So if we look up here, this right here, you need this webinar promo sequence, right? That first yellow block.
Then you need your webinar replay sequence. And that is this yellow block right here. And then you need your strategy session promo sequence. Typically, it’s not actually here, but oftentimes if they don’t sign up for a strategy session from the webinar replay set, then we usually wait like three or four days and we just do like a hard push of the strategy session itself. No reference to the webinar, but just the, “Hey, we’re here to help,” kind of thing.
That is the architecture of the webinar funnel which will be your high-growth sales machine, and this is your checklist of the things you’re going to need to facilitate that, to build it so it will become your high-growth sales machine.
Is this helpful? Did you guys like today’s high-growth sales machine? So, tomorrow we’re going to pick up here… Tips for maximizing conversion. We’re going to go through probably the next 10 or 15 pages, but today was the big one because it’s all about architecture and flow and the things you’re going to need to pull this kind of a webinar off for your high-growth sales machine.
A lot of them, you probably already have, like in one way or another, and then we’ll just continue through this document here. And if you have any comments, just go ahead and drop them in here. So it looks like we got a couple. All right, cool. So, let’s see.
One of them was, “Where does content marketing fit into the mix?” So content marketing, oftentimes, like if we’re looking at this diagram here, content marketing is a traffic source, so it’s still going to be over here.
Yep. It’s still going to be over here on the left-hand side of this grid here. So rather than social traffic, retargeting traffic, PPC traffic, and blog traffic are going to be your content marketing traffic.
It could be advertorials. It could be, there are lots of different things that we can use here, but it’s going to be over in the left-hand column.
For Questions and Guide
Any questions at all, just let me know. is where you can grab the report and I will see you tomorrow and we’re going to talk about maximizing conversion through this process.
So I’ll see you soon. Thanks. Bye.