Video Transcript:
Hey, what's up? This is Jason Drohn. Welcome to today's GSD Daily. So today we're going to talk about setting up the Facebook conversion pixel, tracking, and digging into data. So this has been Facebook ads week, where we dig into... So basically Monday we talked about building the marketing funnel, then we went into building a cold traffic advertising campaign, kind of step one of the marketing funnel. Step two of the marketing funnel is the retargeted campaign. The warm traffic campaign, so the people who are coming to your website, then they leave and then they see your ads.
Yesterday, we went through optimizing an ad campaign from scratch. So we have a guest on the show, Jennifer, and we went through and optimized her photography lead generation campaign. So that was a lot of fun. And today, we're going to talk about data. So analyzing data in metrics. And a good friend and a client told me that basically, I need to start these live streams with what I do. Because a lot of times just listening to me speak is like drinking from a fire hose sometimes, which dude, I get.
So basically what I'm good at is clarifying people's message, building sales systems and sales funnels, and then also analyzing the data and tweaking all of the above for that. So that's really what I do. It's what I'm good at. And everything that we do is some version of that. So today we're going to talk about data and how to read data in a way that tells a story, which oftentimes is the challenge in building sales funnels and automation that work because you never know.
So what we're going to do over in the comment box, just let me know if you have any questions as we go through here. And then I'm going to dig into an ad campaign. And we're going to look at some of the demographics and some of the information that will make this campaign run, or not work or not. So all right, so we're going to dig into an ad account. And here, what we're looking at is we're looking at one of our campaigns. So this is a conversion campaign. Yesterday in the optimization that we did, we set up a conversion campaign.
And today, we're going to dig through some of the sets, not of that exact campaign, but a conversion campaign. So just to kind of bring you back to the very, very beginning, to what we covered earlier in the week, there was an of different things that we had going on. So we have this cold traffic campaign that is running, and the cold traffic campaign is built around lookalike audiences. So if we dig into this, we have some lookalike audiences which are buyers, prospects, leads, basically, people who raised their hand and said, "Yes, I'm interested in learning more," or "I'm interested in what you do."
So once they become a lead, once they qualify themselves, then they're assembled into this audience... That the point of the Facebook conversion pixel! Next, we create a lookalike audience and now we're reaching out to everybody else that is who Facebook thinks is like that. And then we're putting an ad in front of them. So that ad is this ad. So it's a dynamic ad that it's a collection of videos and images that recycled. And how that ad is set up is we have a couple of different variations of text. We have a couple of different images in a couple of different videos. You can see there's one of the videos. Let me open up this. So I'm going to preview.
There we go. So let me check out the variations here. So this is one variation. So then we have another variation where the ad where the image is switched. Then we have a video or an image where there is a sales video, or not a sales video, but just a marketing video. So you can see there's a video of me and then we have another one which is another video. And then so there are lots of different variations here. This one I'm testing out different emojis. So here I have a little download guy or a little a download envelope.
And then here I have a Superman cape, like a Superman, super whatever. And then just some arrows. So with this dynamic creative, it is going through and just going, ding, ding, ding, ding. It's split testing all of these ads and it's not telling us what is winning. They wouldn't do that because they want us to continue spending money on ads. But what it is doing is optimizing the creative in the background. And it's also showing slightly different versions of the ad to people who we are seeing the ad. So that is keeping it fresh in our prospect's minds. And then also kind of reinforcing our message through lots of different ads.
So that is why dynamic creative works well. So that is our cold traffic ad. Now on Wednesday, we set up a retargeted ad. And if you remember, the retargeted ad was... Let's see. So if I go in, I'm going to check out the ad creative, it's just an image. This is just an image. Nothing too crazy. Funnel flow made simple with just a graphic. But if we look at the audience of this, you can see that this is only showing to people who have been on the website in the last 30 days, and people who they signed up as a lead.
So they're familiar with us in one way or another. And that's who sees the ad. And the audience isn't huge. The potential reach is still available because it is a smaller audience. After all, they've either been to the website or not. And then we kept the targeting pretty open. So 18 to 65, that way if somebody came to the website and they weren't necessarily in part of one of our interests, then the app would still show it to them. So they retargeted ad is left open for a reason.
Let's see. So those are the two campaigns. We've got the cold traffic campaign and then we have the warm traffic campaign. Now what I want to do is I want to go in and look at the data. So there are lots of different kinds of ways that we can check this out. One of my favorites though, so we have our conversions set up. So to set up conversions you go into... Let's see. If we go down, so pixels are where we set up our pixels. And we can set up a conversion pixel in here. So basically what we do is we cookie a page. So if somebody hits a page then they get added to an audience. And then we have our audiences here.
So we have our lookalike audiences, video views to 10 seconds, video views to 15 seconds, video views to 50%. So all of those are the different audiences that we're going after. And then if we go into custom conversions, this is where we set up our conversions. So one of the custom conversions that I have set up is for this right here. So it's a $4.95 video course. That's the course we're retargeting. Then this is the URL that we're targeting. So if somebody hits this URL, that means they successfully purchased the video course and its increments, it adds the conversion into the sequence.
So when setting up the reporting, basically what we do is we add that reporting into the mix. So we say, "Okay, we are looking for this particular piece of information." Here, let me just go there. So I'm going to ad manager, and then if we go here into our cold traffic ad, we see. So I'm just going to pull the special report that I have, and now this right here is the number of buyers that resulted from those campaigns. So this one right here is showing us, 11 buyers. Now the interesting thing is if we break this down into by delivery, age, and gender, then we get to see a very interesting look at our data.
So here we go. We're just going to grab this, then break down age and gender. And then here, right there. So you'll see that of our age groups, 35 to 44 female, we got some reach, some impressions, no buyers. Then we have 35 to 44 male. We have one lead, 202 reaches, 360 impressions. And our cost per result was $16.61 per lead. So that's out of control. I mean $16.61 to get one email address. That's nuts. Now, if we go down here and say, "Look at this data." So we have a 55 to 64 male, we have 18 leads within this time. Those 18 leads, there was 401 people saw the ad. There were 899 people impressions, and then the cost per result was $3. So it ended up being $3 per email lead for this 55 to 64 male. Of those 18 people, 11 of them purchased our little $4.95 course.
So, what that means is that all of these other demographics, all of these people who could have potentially bought the course but didn't, and also were much more expensive from a lead cost, that means 55 to 64, they were our people. They were my people. And I found this in quite a few iterations of the stuff that we sell, but typically 55 to 64 male just worked well with us. And this is conclusive data that this is true. Do you know what I mean? So what I did in knowing this, I said, "Okay," let me just hit none here. So if we look at these audiences, what I did was I broke it down and said, "Okay, now since I know 55 to 64 male is my audience. So they're my buyers. Then let's create an ad set for each of them."
So now we have an ad set for 55 to 64 US dynamic. Then we have 35 to 44 males, which I mean this budget is next to nothing, but it's good to have them there just to see if they pick up eventually. So then we have a male 55 to 64 mobile. So also... Here's another kind of another little interesting tidbit here. So which one was it? Yeah, this one. So this ad set here, this is the one that sent the 11 sales. We're going to go into this ad set. I just want to show you something real quick.
So if we go into this ad set, you see that the ad set is only on desktop. So in this particular ad set for whatever reason, we have manual placements checked, and it's desktop, and it's only Facebook. So no Instagram, no Messenger, no audience network. Actually, on desktop, you can have Instagram or Messenger, you can't have an audience network though. So our buyer's 55 to 64 on a desktop, using Facebook conversion pixel. That's our magic sauce.
And again, I haven't seen this quite a few times, like throughout doing business online is our people tend to be that 55 to 64 segments on desktop. That's not discounting mobile. So mobile, what often happens is somebody will opt-in on mobile because they're on their device on mobile. But then they get the email, and once they get the email, that confirmation email that sends them the report or their link or whatever, then oftentimes they will click the link in the email on a desktop if they're into it, and then they'll come and buy.
So you want to make sure that the emails that go out, they have the lead magnet link and then also the offer link if there's an upsell afterward or whatever. So it's just kind of an interesting little data play that you just want to make sense of. Does that help? Does that make sense? Okay, cool. So let's see. It looks like grace said hi. Hi, grace. And then we have, let's see... It just says Facebook user, unfortunately, but hello to the person who replied good morning to me. So hello.
Let's see. Okay, so data, campaigns, ad sets, all of that stuff. Where else can we dig into the custom conversions? So I think probably the other thing I want to talk about is just these video view campaigns. So one of the best ways that we end up assembling audiences for startups, for folks who we just kind of start working with, and we start from scratch. Are we do these video view campaigns, and how you set up a video view custom audiences, you go custom audience, then you use Facebook conversion pixel sources.
So when you use Facebook conversion pixel sources, we have video and then people who watched at least three seconds of your video, 10 seconds, 25%, 50%, 75%, or 95%. The person who watches more of your video, they're more engaged. So at the end of the day, that is helpful. It's great to know because somebody is not going to watch 30 seconds into your live stream if they don't care if they're not engaged if they're not reasonably interested in the thing you're talking about. Things on Facebook move quickly, especially when you're just swiping down.
Gary V. says, "Well if they're not interested in it, it took them a fraction of a second to think that they weren't interested and then just continue swiping." So it's fine. So the person who watched 30 seconds or more of your video, or 15 seconds or more of your video, they're interested, which means that we should be showing them additional ads. So how we set this up from a marketing funnel standpoint is we say, "Okay, the engagement is 15 seconds or more of any of these videos."
So a 15-second video play on Facebook is called the ThruPlay. Now we're going to choose these videos. So this particular video has gotten 11,200 views. Then we have these, got 2,600 views, whatever. So you go through and you just choose all the videos that you want the Facebook conversion pixel to keep track of. Might be promo videos, it might be ad videos, it might be live streams, whatever it is you want them to do. Then we're going to hit confirm. We're going to select those videos, and then we're going to tell Facebook how far back we want it to go.
Now, if you're creating an audience from scratch and you're just kind of getting started, 365 days is fine because we want all the data we can. Some data is better than no data, but more recent data is the best data to evolve. So if we do the last 30 days, then the last 30 days ends up being our warm market. So those people, 30 days, they might remember us. 10 days, they remember us. So what we're going to do is we're going to call this our video views. 15 seconds, 30 days. So then when we create this audience, basically what it's going to do is say, "Okay, do we want to create an ad with this audience, or do we want to expand this audience?"
So we are going to create a lookalike audience of the people who watched 15 seconds or more of our video. Do you follow me? So Facebook conversion pixel is going back and saying, "Okay, all the people who watched 15 seconds of the video, now go find me 2 million people just like them. 2 million people just like the people who watched 15 seconds." And then like we did in our optimization campaign yesterday, we take those 2 million people and we drip them down. So we go from 2 million down into a geographical location, which could be a town or city or state or whatever, or it could just be the country. And then it's all 2 million people. And then we go interest group, and then we go gender, and then we go age and all of those other selects. So that it whittles those 2 million algorithmically perfect people down into 50,000 or 100,000 or 200,000 people.
So that's the scenario of this kind of video view campaign. The reason it works so well for people who are starting, kind of startup business owners, or startups, or new digital course creators or whatever, is because we're using Facebook conversion pixel data to build all of this. We're using Facebook, we're using all the algorithms, and the social profiles, and all the data that Facebook is gathering about all of us. And we're using it to build our customer avatar. And before we know who needs to give us their email address and who we need to target from an opt-in standpoint, we can use the tools that Facebook already has, that Facebook has made available to all advertisers, and everybody who's creating content, we can use those tools to dial in our target market.
You don't even need to be an advertiser to do this. If you have a page and you're putting videos on your page, Facebook conversion pixel is tracking and Facebook conversion pixel is keeping track of who watched your video in the last year. So you could go and create this audience inside your ad account. Even if you've never created an ad, and Facebook conversion pixel will have data for you chilling back here, ready to build your audience for you. So if you use a lot of videos and you've never done this before, then you probably already have a treasure trove of data that you just haven't used yet.
So it's important to know that if you're doing anything with video, video is such a great tool. Then you're going to be able to leverage that stuff automatically. So I think that's really about it on the data and lookalike audience front. So this week we walked through Facebook conversion pixel and Facebook ads. We walked through a marketing funnel on Monday, we walked through cold traffic ads on Tuesday, we walked through retargeted traffic on Wednesday, campaign optimization on Thursday, and we walked through data today. Is there anything else you can think of that you want me to kind of kick through in the next couple of minutes? Because I have another show at 11 called the Sales Systems Experts.
So I think we're just going to kind of dive into that. That we're going to talk about conversion. Five killer tips for conversion or something like that. So I think that's it. With that, Monday, I think we're talking about offers. I think next Monday next week, and probably the next two weeks are going to be creating digital offers. We're going to go through and talk about eBooks, video courses, memberships, software systems, basically doing a software boot camp. Or not a software boot camp, but an offer Bootcamp. I think that is going to be the plan, which is pretty exciting. So let me know if you have any questions, go to doneforyou.com/GSD to ask questions. Or go to doneforyou.com/start to book a call and talk to us about an action plan. And I'll see you soon. All right, thanks. Bye.