Happy Halloween! Today, we’re going a little niche-specific and chatting through getting clients as a health coach. For this episode, we’ll work through some data to figure out how to pinpoint your avatar and then what to do to get them into your funnel!

Let me know if you have any questions, and book an Action Plan call if you need some work done on your client lead generation!

To watch on the Done For You channel, go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICWMhiWksKE


Read the transcript below:

Today we’re going to talk about, how to get clients as a health coach.

Now, what’s interesting is… I think the best way to answer this question is to figure out what kind of health coach are you. So one of the things that, just kind of preparing a tad bit for this, I did a little bit of research, just keyword research because whenever we break into a new market, whenever we do something new, whenever I’m kind of not troubled from a client standpoint, but whenever I’m looking for a little bit of insight as to how best to answer a question, especially when it comes to something like this, how to get clients as a health coach, I always start looking for what are people searching for?

And I want to bring your attention to some of this now. As a health coach, the first thing that I defaulted to is how to lose weight. So how to lose weight from a keyword phrase. I look at some of these results. I’m going to blow these up a little bit it’s going the wrong way.

But, for how to lose weight fast, 368,000 people have searched for that particular keyword phrase in the last month. 110,000 is the estimated monthly search for how to lose weight. So roughly three times more are searching for how to lose weight fast than how to lose weight. So that’s kind of given, but check out some of these other ones. So how to lose stomach fat, 22,000, how to lose arm fat, 22,000, how to boost metabolism, 14,000. So this person is asking a different question than how to lose fat or how to lose weight.

So this gives you a good idea of where the market is. Now, if we ask a different question, so if we go and ask a different question from a keyword phrase standpoint, how to eat better? Now, this puts you squarely in the realm of like a nutrition coach. So we’re going to see what comes up for this keyword phrase. Now you can see, first of all, right off the bat, we have many, many, many fewer search results, 880 for how to eat better. So let’s do something a little different. So nutritious meals.

So we’re looking for nutritious meals or eating healthily, and we’re going to see what kind of keyword phrases come up. Okay. So here we have 49,000 search results for eating healthily, 8,000 for a balanced diet, 18,000 for a healthy diet, 33,000 for eating well, 33,000 searches for heart-healthy foods, 33,000 searches for healthy snacks for weight loss, and 110,000 for diabetes diet. Now, the reason I bring this up is that losing weight and nutritious meals are eating healthy. They both get to the same place, but you’re answering different questions and it’s for different kinds of coaches. So it’s important to dig down and figure out who your target market is, who you want to work with, what you want to do, what your specialties are for that particular space, and then what challenges you’re able to specifically solve. And then I always put it through the lens of education and content.

So can you create a lead magnet that is a free download for the seven healthy snacks for weight loss or whatever? You can answer one of those specific questions because if you can answer a specific question, then I know that I can go find traffic for that. I know that we can do some Google ads, we can go put some Facebook ads up, and then we can get opt-ins for that report, which means that they’re coming into your world, they’re learning from you, you’re becoming their expert, and you’re able to offer them services on the backside. So that’s always how I engage and how I operate from a client attraction standpoint what are you able to teach them that is going to make a difference in their life? And then they are going to default to you as the expert so that they will buy your courses, they will buy your programs, they will buy your coaching.

When and if they are of that space, and truly not everybody’s going to go right into coaching. Some people are going to buy a $37 course and then a $99 a-month membership, gym membership, whatever. And then they might spend the $250 or $300 or $500 or 1,000 dollars to jump into a coaching program, but it’s only going to be the top 10, 15% of people in the market. The rest of them are going to either buy a book, buy a gym membership, buy a course, or whatever. They might do something with that course, they might not, and then they will not flake out, but they won’t reach the upper echelon for some reason. Maybe they have figured out their nutritious meals, they’ve been able to start cooking better for themselves, they’ve been able to lose weight, or maybe they’ve lost interest and they moved on. So that kind of stuff happens all the time.

So like I said, I generally start with keyword research. The rest of it is just about designing a sales funnel around what that looks like. So if we go back to our funnel designs here and look at a lead generation funnel. So basically Facebook traffic, Google ads, all of that stuff goes into a landing page. On the landing page, we’re giving away lead magnets. And then ultimately we’re trying to book them into some sort of a consultation or applying for some sort of a coaching call that that’s one of the surest bets to moving them down the rabbit hole with you. But I wouldn’t go cold traffic directly to coaching calls or applications. I would put something in the middle where they learn some sort of a video, maybe a couple of videos, a PDF download, a checklist, a journal, something that gets them closer to the mountain, if you will. It’s closer to their goal and then you can have them apply to become a coaching client for you.

So that’s how I would attack it as a health coach. If you have any questions at all, go to doneforyou.com/start. Fill in the little form, book a call on my calendar and we can walk through what that specifically looks like for you and your business. And I will talk to you soon. All right, thanks. Bye.