As a new coach or consultant, selling your programs online can be challenging. You might see successful competitors with simple sales pages and wonder, “Why can’t I do that?” The truth is that established coaches have two key advantages: distribution and trust. But don’t worry – there’s a proven strategy to help you sell coaching programs even without a large following. Let’s dive in.

The Trust and Distribution Dilemma

Established coaches can often get away with simple sales pages because:

  1. They have an extensive distribution network (followers, email lists)
  2. Their audience already knows, likes, and trusts them

As a new coach, you likely don’t have these advantages yet. So, how do you bridge this gap and start selling coaching programs successfully?

The Solution: Building a Sales Funnel

To sell coaching programs effectively, you must create a sales funnel that guides potential clients through getting to know, like, and trust you. Here’s how to structure your funnel:

Start with Traffic

Begin by driving traffic to your funnel through platforms like Facebook Ads or Google Ads.

Offer a Lead Magnet

Offer a free lead magnet instead of sending cold traffic directly to a sales page. This could be a PDF guide or short video course related to your coaching niche. This step helps you collect email addresses and build relationships with potential clients.

Host a Webinar

Once someone has downloaded your lead magnet, invite them to a webinar. This is your opportunity to:

  • Introduce yourself and your background
  • Discuss the problem your coaching solves
  • Explain how your coaching program can help

Direct to Your Sales Page

After the webinar, guide attendees to your sales page, where they can learn more about your coaching program and make a purchase.

Implement Email and SMS Marketing

Throughout this process, use email and SMS marketing to:

  • Remind people to attend your webinar
  • Follow up with those who didn’t purchase
  • Send abandon cart reminders to those who started but didn’t complete their purchase

Critical Strategies for Selling Coaching Programs

Break Down the Buying Process

Don’t expect cold traffic to make a big purchase immediately. Break down the journey into smaller, more manageable steps.

Focus on Building Relationships

Use your lead magnet and webinar to provide value and build trust with potential clients before requesting a sale.

Leverage Email Marketing

Use email sequences to nurture leads, remind them of your offer, and address potential objections.

Offer Multiple Touchpoints

Give potential clients several opportunities to engage with you and learn about your coaching program before deciding.

Be Patient

Building trust and a client base takes time. Focus on providing value and building relationships, and the sales will follow.

Mistakes to Avoid When Selling Coaching Programs

Skipping the Warm-Up Process

Don’t try to sell to cold traffic without warming them up first.

Neglecting to Build Trust

Ensure your funnel includes elements that help potential clients get to know you and your expertise.

Overcomplicating Your Offer

Keep your coaching program offer clear and focused on solving a specific problem.

Ignoring Follow-ups

Don’t forget to follow up with leads who don’t purchase immediately. They may need more time or information.

Final Thoughts on How to Sell Coaching Programs

Selling coaching programs online requires a strategic approach, especially when starting. By creating a well-structured sales funnel that builds relationships and trust, you can successfully sell your coaching programs even without a large audience.

Remember, the key is to guide potential clients through getting to know, like, and trust you before asking for the sale. With patience and persistence, you can build a thriving coaching business online.

Need help designing a sales funnel for your coaching program? Get personalized assistance in creating a funnel that works for your unique offering – click here!