There are 5 different ways to structure your coaching programs ranging from one-on-one to group coaching and products with support. Which is the best one for you?

Well, some of it depends on how much money you want to make… Some of it depends on how stressed you want to be by having too many clients… And some of it depends on the type of coaching you provide!

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All right, so I want to break down for you right now coaching, the different models of coaching, and the different ways you can set up coaching in your business, and selling stuff. Do you know what I mean? So on the whiteboard here we have a couple of different models. So we have one-on-one coaching, which is by far, in a way, the biggest way, the biggest type of coaching available. Now, one-on-one coaching is very simple. It’s you are coaching another person. There are only so many things, there are only so many people that one of our clients can work with. They kind of top out at 15, 20, and 25 coaching clients before they start to get overrun, which means that that’s their ceiling. If you can only work with 15 clients and those clients are only paying you 1,500 bucks a month, then that’s your income ceiling. For you to get past that, you need to change to one of these other kinds of models, or you need to hire other coaches. So that’s the problem with one-on-one coaching.

Ideally, you’re working with a client every two weeks, once a month maybe. It’s the blessing and the curse, they’re getting your undivided attention for some time, but the curse is they’re getting your undivided attention for some time, and there’s only so much that you can do. Now, if you look at the number two is assisted one-on-one. So assisted one-on-one coaching is where somebody is paying for access, but they’re paying for a course and they’re going through sometimes a dripped-out course, sometimes it’s just a course. You are there weekly, biweekly, and monthly, answering questions about where they are in their journey. So it’s backed by a course, and you are providing the customization, if you will, of that course material. What it saves you is you are not rehashing the same material for 20 clients, depending on where they are on your program, you are just answering questions about the material that they learned inside of a course. That’s what makes it powerful.

Still one-on-one though, you know what I mean? Now, if we go back to the model, we have assisted group, that’s number three.

Now, the assisted group is where you have the course, but you are actually doing group coaching calls, and the groups might be 8 to 10 people, upwards of 12. Anything past that, and you start to get overrun. There the group dynamic is devalued. Do you know what I mean? So you might have two cohorts of 10 to 12 people or three or four or five cohorts of 10 to 12 people, you have one coaching call for those 10 to 12 people, and it’s backed by a course, it’s assisted. So it’s a nice model for maximizing revenue and minimizing the amount of stuff you’re doing together. The next model is high-end products. Just products, no coaching. So you have a product that might get dripped out, weekly modules, weekly lessons, it might get dripped out that way. Or they give access to the entire volume of material, they email for support, or they might have a group piece that is associated with them, or you might have other coaches that are helping.

So it might be assisted group, but the other coaches are in the mix too. It frees you up from the one-on-one obligation or the coaching obligation personally, but somebody is still supporting that person through chat or support through a group, and a course. And then the last one is masterminds. A mastermind is going to give you access to, I shouldn’t say give you access, a Mastermind is going to allow you to spread the deliverable out among a group. And masterminds are very pricey things, I mean, $10,000, $15,000, $20,000, $25,000, $50,000, and $100,000 are not uncommon numbers for masterminds. And what they do is they allow you to, you’re protecting the group and you are inviting new members in, you are collecting the mastermind tree, you are putting them inside the group, and then they get value from the group. They get value from you too, but they get value from the group and they get value from you as a connector.

So some of the best deals we’ve ever had have come from masterminds, you know what I mean? So some of the longest friendships that I have come from masterminds. You pay for access to the group, and the deliverable you get is group-based. So the person who put on the mastermind is the curator, and they are the… They’re the curator and the connector, but the group itself is the value that you get. So that’s the fifth kind of coaching. Each of these has its own sales funnels, and each of these has its ways of doing business, its ways of attracting people into the world. What you got to do is build a sales funnel specific for that outcome, you know what I mean? So if you would like any help putting any of this together, go to, Book a call with me and I will talk to you soon, all right?