Your website, right now, is doing one of two things…  It’s pulling potential customers and clients into your mix, creating authority and chemistry, selling your products and services to them, or…  It’s pushing your prospects away.  That’s why it’s so important to learn how to write a blog post so you can start building your audience more effectively!

If you’re in the second camp – where your website and content are pushing visitors away – then you’re in luck.

In this article, we’re going to break down the elements of successful content marketing, plus give you a resource that you can use to significantly speed up the process of writing for your website.

Why Content Matters

Your website is most likely split up into various parts…  You have your products and services – the things that get you paid.

You have your home page and static pages, like your About page, contact page, and support page. Those pages are necessary pieces to give your website and brand a presence.

And then, you have your blog.

Your blog is (and has always been) this thing that you are unsure what to do with…  You know it’s essential because you read other people’s blog posts, and you’ve heard about countless businesses launching from their blog, but when it comes time to write your own, you’re not sure what to do…

Let me simplify things for you a little bit.

Your blog isn’t about you…  It’s about your audience.

So, if your audience, or the audience you hope to build, is interested in something…  It’s a worthwhile topic to write about as long as the focus is on solving a problem that they’re having!

Solving Problems

Most likely, you’re in business because you’ve discovered the solution to something ailing your audience.

After all, the great businesses and the highly trafficked websites all solve a problem. The problem can be significant, like learning how to start a business online or demonstrating how to build a nightstand from 2x4s…

Or, they can be smaller in scope – assembling a bunch of cat videos to make your audience laugh…

There are a few ways to discover the problems that your audience has, though:

  • You ARE your audience, so the problems and solutions you discover are worthwhile to talk about
  • You can survey your audience and ask them what they want more of...
  • Or, you know someone who's IN your audience and you have experience that benefits them...

Most likely, you’re writing for a reason, though, and the more you can help, the more ‘bonded’ your audience feels to you.

How To Write A Blog Post: Brainstorming

So, you want to know how to write a blog post that grabs attention and keeps your readers hooked? It all starts with brainstorming—the cornerstone of excellent content creation. Whether you’re a seasoned blogger or new to the digital landscape, brainstorming effectively can make all the difference in crafting a compelling blog post. In this guide, we’ll explore powerful strategies for brainstorming and list seven essential websites that can help you discover trends and hot topics.

The Importance of Brainstorming in Blogging

Before diving into “how to write a blog post,” let’s understand why brainstorming is critical. The brainstorming stage is your playground—a sacred space where exciting mingle, clash, and evolve. Proper brainstorming enables you to:

  1. Identify your target audience’s pain points
  2. Clarify the primary objective of your post
  3. Develop a structure that guides your readers through a coherent narrative
  4. Discover interesting angles or perspectives that make your post unique

So how do you accomplish all these? Let’s dive in.

The Classic Mind Map Technique

The mind map technique lets you visually organize your thoughts around a central theme. Start by writing down the core idea or topic on a blank page. Then, create branches that stem from this central node, each representing a sub-topic or a potential section for your blog post. Feel free to add additional layers as you dive deeper into each sub-topic. This will give you a panoramic view of your blog post, making it easier to write and structure.

The List Method

Some people find it more comfortable working with lists. Create a list of possible headings, sub-headings, and bullet points. This doesn’t need to be in order; the objective is to put all your ideas on paper. Once you have a comprehensive list, you can rearrange the elements to construct a coherent narrative for your blog post.

The Question & Answer Approach

Another effective technique is formulating questions your blog post aims to answer. This ensures that your content remains focused on solving specific problems or providing value to your audience. Questions like, “What problem am I solving?”, “Why should someone read this?” and “What actionable steps can the reader take?” can help you stay aligned with your post’s primary objective.

Websites to Discover Trends and Hot Topics

To write a blog post that resonates with your audience, knowing what’s trending or relevant in your niche is essential. Here are seven websites that can aid your brainstorming process by providing insights into current trends:

  1. Google Trends: An invaluable tool that shows how frequently a particular search term is entered over time.
  2. BuzzSumo: This website lets you discover the most shared content for a particular keyword or domain. Great for finding hot topics and how they’re being discussed.
  3. Reddit: Dubbed “The Front Page of the Internet,” Reddit has subreddits for virtually any topic. Browse through to find trending discussions related to your niche.
  4. Twitter Trending Topics: Don’t underestimate the power of social media. Twitter’s trending section can provide a quick snapshot of what’s now capturing people’s attention.
  5. Answer the Public: This tool generates a list of questions that people are asking about a particular keyword. Great for the Question & Answer Approach mentioned earlier.
  6. Quora: This Q&A platform offers a wealth of information on various subjects. See what questions people are asking and what problems they want to solve.
  7. Medium: Browse trending stories or specific tags to gauge what topics resonate with readers.

By incorporating trending topics from these websites, you ensure that your blog post is relevant and increase the chances of it being shared, liked, and ranked higher in search engines.

Blog Post Transitions and Consistency: Effective Content Marketing

When you’re wondering how to write a blog post that informs and converts, it’s essential to understand two key factors: the seamless transition into your product or service and the importance of consistency. Both elements help create a compelling narrative that captivates your audience and turns casual readers into loyal customers. Here’s how:

The Power of a Smooth Transition

Often, a blog post is limited in how deeply it can dive into a specific personal problem for each reader. You’re naturally confined to discussing general ideas or topics. This is where the transition comes into play. By naturally guiding your readers from the available content of your blog post to the specific solutions offered by your product or service, you accomplish a crucial task—you publish a content marketing piece that serves a dual purpose.

Leveraging Multi-Channel Traffic

Once you’ve created this harmonious transition, don’t stop at just publishing your post. Utilize multi-channel strategies to drive traffic to it. Please send it to your email list, run Facebook ads, employ YouTube marketing, and even set up Google Advertising to direct traffic to this page. Connect it to your sales funnel; you’ve just created a potent avenue for immediate and future sales.

Consistency is King

The key to a thriving audience and a vibrant brand? Consistency. The stark reality is that 97 out of 100 people won’t purchase their first visit. You could create various front-end offers or downloadable reports to entice them back. However, publishing your next content marketing piece or blog post is a more straightforward and more effective strategy.

Length Matters

Don’t overlook the length when pondering how to write a blog post that captivates. Industry best practices suggest that long-form content, ideally around 1,200 to 2,000 words, performs better in search engines and offers more value to your readers.

Deepening Audience Connection Through Consistency

Every new post you publish fortifies the relationship between your brand and your audience. It offers fresh perspectives on your products and services, helping them recognize that you solve many of their challenges. Consistency in publishing builds trust and keeps your audience engaged coming back for more.

Conclusion: Your Essential Checklist for How to Write a Blog Post

Crafting a blog post is more than just an exercise in writing; it’s an art form that requires thoughtful planning, smooth transitions, compelling calls to action, and consistent messaging. As we’ve navigated through the essentials of how to write a blog post that engages and converts, let’s wrap things up with a quick checklist to run through before you hit that “Publish” button:

Quick Checklist Before Publishing:

  1. Headline: Does it grab attention and include your target keyword?
  2. Introduction: Have you succinctly stated what the reader will gain from your post?
  3. Content Structure: Is your blog post well-organized with headings, sub-headings, and bullet points for easier readability?
  4. Transitions: Have you transitioned from general content to specific solutions, including a seamless link to your product or service?
  5. Calls to Action: Are compelling CTAs placed strategically throughout the post to guide the reader on what to do next?
  6. Consistency: Is your tone and messaging consistent throughout the post?
  7. Blog Post Length: Does your post adhere to the ideal length for better SEO and reader engagement? Aim for 1,200 to 2,000 words for optimal results.
  8. Visual Elements: Have you included relevant images, graphs, or videos to break up the text and enhance understanding?
  9. SEO: Are your target keywords naturally integrated throughout the post? Don’t forget about meta descriptions and image alt tags.
  10. Proofreading: Have you thoroughly proofread the post for grammatical errors and readability?

By following this checklist, you can be confident that you’ve done the groundwork necessary for publishing a blog post that’s set up for success. Here’s to impactful blogging that not only educates but also drives results!
