If you’re looking for lead magnet ideas, you’ll also find it quite valuable to learn the basic features of the perfect lead magnet. After all, what would a good lead magnet idea be worth if no one wanted to download and implement your solution?
Putting together the perfect lead magnet funnel to persuade website visitors to join your email list can be a roadblock for coaches, online entrepreneurs, experts, bloggers, and service providers.
Questions like “What do I offer?”, “Will people read it?”, “How long should the lead magnet be?” and “Can I get done for you lead magnets?” often confuse business owners who end up stalling instead of growing their online audience.
This post shows you how to create the perfect opt-in offer. We will break it down into five simple traits that make your lead magnet irresistible.
What is a lead magnet?
But first, let’s explain what a lead magnet funnel is about. Those just starting with online lead generation may not be familiar with what lead magnets are and how they can help boost their lead generation process.
A lead magnet is some freebie you’re giving away in exchange for a person’s email. In other words, if you’re looking to subscribe to a website visitor to your mailing list, you need some incentive.
Such an incentive, namely a lead magnet or, otherwise called, an email opt-in offer, could be a report, a video, a cheat sheet, a checklist, a template, or practically anything else that your audience will want to get their hands on.
A perfect lead magnet will be the ethical bribe for people to give up their email, and we will share five essential tips on creating a high-converting lead magnet.
Are There Lead Magnet Templates?
There are… Sure. But the best thing you should do is decide what you want to write… Then, find the best format to convey that information.
There are lots of different styles of lead magnets. Lead Magnets for coaches might be an 8-page PDF that teaches a 4-step breathing pattern to get clients’ minds right.
Similarly, a B2B business might have a one-page checklist that includes everything you need to account for everything on a Windows-based email server.
In both cases, the Windowsagnet template doesn’t apply… But the material itself lends itself to the format.
You know?
Why Your Lead Magnet Title Matters
The first thing we need to get out in the open first magnets suck. The reason we don’t get more than 15% conversions on landing pages doesn’t have anything to do with the page itself…
It’s your lead magnet!
Anyone can write a report titled “7 Ways To Double Your Revenue” or “8 Conversion Hacks For Your Website.” Take 5 minutes and cruise around online, and you’ll be surprised how many similar titles you’ll find.
The key is to be specific – to let a prospect know exactly what they’re downloading – and make sure that the material is unique enough that the only way for them to consume it is to go through the lead magnet funnel!
Because let’s face it… If your lead doesn’t at least look at your stuff, they sure won’t be on your list for very long! How many times have you downloaded something and never opened it up?
My point exactly :0)
So, rather than start from scratch, let’s see if we can give the first title, “7 To Double Your Revenue,” a makeover…
- 7 Secret Persuasion Tricks To Increase Webinar Conversion
- Seven WordPress Plugins That Increase Visitor Engagement (Without Them Even Realizing It!)
- 7 Passive Ad Networks That'll Increase Website Revenue In The Next 15 Minutes
- Seven Email Templates To Re-Engage The Email Subscribers Who Have Already Written You Off...
See how that works?
Be specific. Deliver value. Get the lead.
You’re smart, so I’m sure you’ve already picked this up…
What does a super-specific lead magnet title let you do on the thank you page?!
Add an upsell!
That’s right… If someone just downloaded a report titled “Seven Secret Persuasion Tricks To Increase Webinar Conversion,” what interests them?
Webinars: Do they sell webinar courses for your services, coaching, and anything between…
Welcome to the magic of creating sales funnels.
Now, let’s get back to lead magnet funnels… There are seven different types of lead magnets. We use seven, with an extreme preference of 5…
(Nan extremely tutorial on how to create a lead magnet – click here!)
Show off your perfect lead magnet.
And, by the way, you want to place that off on a beautiful page, right? With Scriptly’s drag-and-drop page builder, you can create unique opt-in pages in seconds.
Here’s a preview of Scriptly’s dozens of page templates and their template categories:
Watch this quick video to find out how fast it can be to create a bold, high-converting opt-in page for your lead magnet funnel. Not only is it easy to make the layout, but you’re also given the option to populate the web copy automatically. Hence, it matches your ideal customer–we’ll say more about that further down this post.
1. Give a specific solution for a laser-targeted market
The perfect lead magnet must provide a straightforward explanation for a particular audience’s problem; you don’t want to go vague with the content of your opt-in freebie.
For example, “How To Make Money Online” sounds too generic. It doesn’t let the reader know if it’s just? For them, if it’s something they can do, and if it will get the results.
Although the idea is big and exciting to most people, the headline is incredibly vague.
Such lead magnets are not targeted to a specific niche and don’t present a crystal-clear solution.
Conversely, instead of saying “How To Make Money Online,” you can use a title such as “How To Use The World’s Leading Freelance Marketplace To Make Up To $10,000 A Month As A Beginner Web Designer”.
Now, that is a lot more specific. And, of course, you can rephrase the title if you want to remove earning claims or mention the name of that particular freelance marketplace—UpWork.
See how instead of tackling the entire subject of making money on the internet, we have narrowed it down to a specific topic that gives a solution to a particular audience—beginner web designers who want to make money freelancing.
And here’s an example of a specific freebie offer in a different but well-defined niche.
Let’s see another example of a lousy lead magnet funnel. “How To Speed Up Your Website”.
Who is this for? A solopreneur? A blogger? A developer? Is it suitable for a blog? How about a large eCommerce site? Is it suited for HTML websites or WordPress only? These are only a few questions a potential lead can have before they try to download your lead magnet. You get… And because the headline is too vague, many visitors will leave your site without taking action.
Transform that into “The Non-techie’s Guide To Doubling The Speed Of Your WordPress Blog,” and you have a specific topic for a laser-targeted audience.
Remember, when brainstorming on the perfect lead magnet topic, you must abandon the idea of a big overarching market. It’s hard for some people to do that because they feel they will close fewer deals with clients. But the truth is that narrowing down to a particular niche will help you create high-converting lead magnets, better products, and generate more sales because your marketing messages will speak to these people’s needs.
As Tim Paige of LeadPages put it, “If you want a lead magnet that draws in the folks that you want to become customers, then you always like to think about their wishes, desires, biggest pains, or most extraordinary pleasure. ”
2. The perfect lead magnet promises one primary result
An effective lead magnet would give a significant promise and sell people on a big idea. You don’t want to promise that your lead magnet will deliver on many things.
You want to show your prospect that, after they have consumed and implemented the content of the opt-in offer, they will have arrived at a specific, measurable result.
At the same time, you’re inspiring your audience to believe that the solution is possible. You want to give them hope, examples, and strategies to help them think they can get the same good results.
You’re not necessarily giving up the whole “how-to” process or your expertise. You don’t need to go and create a 70-page ebook on the entire subject. It would be best if you weren’t doing that.
All you need to do is focus on one primary result you want your potential customers to get. One thing that will demonstrate that your solutions will work for them. If you were to make a lot of promises, your leads wouldn’t have the time or energy to implement them, and, in turn, they wouldn’t get results. Then, they will be under the impression that your methods don’t work.
If you take our original example of “The Non-techie’s Guide To Doubling The Speed Of Your WordPress Blog,” the content of your lead magnet could be about this: How to install a free plugin from the WordPress repository, set it up with two or three clicks, and how to measure their blog speed before and after installing the plugin. Give them images, examples, and practical tips along the way.
When you limit the promise to a known, specific result, the reader will likely implement your ideas and be happy with the outcome.
Always remember that people are looking for results, so they’ll google “how to speed up my blog.” They want to find a DIY way to get the best result possible.
Answer their question in a specific way, and you have your particular. Give people measurable outcomes, like percentages, numbers, or timeframes, e.g., to accomplish something within one ho, accomplishing. Whatever is most appropriate to your offer.
Build that specific result into the title of your email opt-in offer to attract more people who want fast, measurable results.
3. Will give immediate gratification
This takes us to the next point: the perfect lead magnet fun: the audience’s instant gratification.
You know as well as we do that patience and attention span are constantly diminishing due to a ton of information we receive daily, mainly on the internet and smartphones. We all spend hours consuming content and feel, more often than not, that we need quick and easy solutions to our problems.
We won’t judge it, but it’s a fact that people are accustomed to immediate gratification on social media, and that fact has altered our behavior. Instead of resisting the trend for instant gratification, what you should do instead is to use it to benefit your online business.
For example, the following offer promises results in under 5 minutes.
This characteristic of a perfect lead magnet goes hand in hand with the previous point we talked about. The significant difference is that you don’t want your lead magnet to deliver on something huge.
You don’t need to create anything significant to build your list, like an ebook on creating a complete sales funnel from top to bottom. Such a monster tutorial will take time and effort, so that it won’t give people immediate gratification.
Think for a minute; When people land on your page, they are warm. That’s because they’ve either searched on Google or clicked on your ad. They are so in the mode of finding an answer right now!
Then, they enter their email to download your seemingly perfect lead magnet funnel. They’ll feel like they have the solution in hand, and it’s only a matter of seconds before they read all about it. Now, they are even warmer and in the mode of taking action. They download and open your lead magnet.
They are curious to start consuming the content. This is precisely when they need to feel that your solution is something they can implement immediately. They also need to believe that you will deliver on your promise.
So, you want to move the new subscriber down the pathway of belief right from the very beginning. You want to amplify their hopes that they can get the desired result. They need to believe that a solution is possible.
Again, remember that you can’t solve all people’s problems with one PDF. Instead, you want to take them one step further to transform their current state into an ideal new state.
You want them to realize they have taken the first important step and made that headway. But you want to give your new lead a quick win.
You want to give them a link to your site and see more of your services, share a testimonial about you, or tell you about their results. This way, they will acknowledge that your methods work, which can spark a conversation. This perfect done-for-you lead magnet funnel will help your business when people get results and engage with you because they will now think of you when they need similar services or solutions.
FREE BONUS: Download the Ultimate Lead Generation Template to grow your list fast, following a proven plug-and-play system! Click here >>
4. Can be consumed in just a few minutes
We have touched on this, but it’s important to stress this idea because it is essential to a perfect done-for-you lead magnet. You must ensure that your email opt-in offer can be consumed in less than 30 minutes (ideally in less than 15 minutes) and on any device.
Long videos, 30-day challenges, or a 70-page ebook won’t do the magic trick. It’s unnecessary to have extensive introductions and conclusions—no need for much detail about the topic. You want your leads to be able to consume your content fast on their computer or mobile device and be able to start seeing results quickly.
Use images or screenshots that demonstrate what you want to explain. This will help you make your paragraphs shorter and easier to read. Checklists and cheat sheets are preferable to typical ebooks because users can quickly scan the whole content.
Other ideas for perfect, easy-to-consume, done-for-you lead magnets are resource lists, email swipes, newsletter templates, lists of pictures, short screencasts, or audio files.
You don’t need to impress people with size because the longer your lead magnet, the fewer people will read it. If you want to give them more content, you can direct them to an additional resource from the free ebook. Now that these leads have entered your funnel, you can communicate with them and provide them as much content as you want.
As we mentioned before, internet users are overwhelmed with information. It would be best to keep that in mind to publish the perfect version for your lead magnet. You don’t want your work to be another PDF collecting dust on the user’s hard drive.
Your top priority is to get people to download the lead magnet, and your next goal is to motivate them to instantly consume your content instead of filing it on their computer. If they leave it for later, that will most likely never happen.
5. The perfect done-for-you lead magnet has a high perceived value
Marketers say that videos are products with a higher perceived value than ebooks.
That makes sense because everyone understands that a video requires equipment and technical know-how, while an ebook can be created using any word processor. Of course, perceptions change over time as technology and marketing tactics evolve.
A perfect lead magnet must not necessarily be a video but must have a high perceived value. This doesn’t have to do with a dollar amount; The perceived value is entirely different than the price. The lead magnet needs to seem valuable regarding how users perceive it because they expect it to solve a nagging issue.
Some marketers rely on psychology when they say their ebook is “Valued at $17, now available for free.” Usually, this is a marketing trick because they never sold the ebook for that price. They’re just amplifying the perceived value.
You don’t need to play games like that; you can increase the perceived value of your perfect lead magnet by stressing its benefits. If you can convince your targeted audience that you can give them a reliable solution with this lead magnet, you have a winning case.
To accomplish that, you need to know precisely your ideal customer. Paint the picture of your customer’s avatar as clearly as possible.
Scriptly’s customization features will help you do that. With Script, you can create as many customer avatars as you want, understand their situation, and find their significant concerns to build better, done-for-you lead magnets and better option page copy.
Then, when you use Scriptly to create a drag-and-drop option page, you can press a button and auto-populate your page with a sales copy customized for the chosen avatar.
How cool is that?
In essence, when you’re speaking to a well-defined customer avatar, you will know the single biggest concern they have. You can create an effective lead magnet to solve that. You can promote that lead magnet by writing a good landing page copy that increases the perceived value.
Let’s talk about the best types of lead magnets to use for you…
PRO TIP: If you're putting together a sales funnel, and that's why you're on this page... It'd make sense to have a conversation with us! We've built hundreds of sales funnels for coaches and experts, going live in 30 days or less... Click here to learn more!
Lead Generation Strategies That’ll Get You Leads!
7 Types Of Done For You Lead Magnets
If you want to profit from your email list, you must get the lead… There’s no better way to do that than to start solving problems for your prospects and packaging the solution into something that folks will opt-in for into something leads; begin to have Scriptly write your emails for you!
1) Report or Guide
The ‘report’ is the standard done for your lead magnet for a good reason – it works! We’ve found that a good reason report or a guide will get more quality leads than a video often or ever will.
Things to watch when it comes to PDF downloads are:
- You MUST, MUST, MUST deliver value.
- Your reader should have the ability to DO something contained in the report that will give them gratification of some kind.
- There should be at least a little bit of bonding that takes place in the report, so your new lead gets to learn a little more about you!
- A good length for a free report is 8 to 12 pages, normal spacing and typefaces.
- Most important of all - it needs to focus on ONE specific, clearly identified problem!
- And... Make sure it contains some kind of call to action at the end of it!
Wits, the more clearly you state the benefit, the better your conversions and lead costs will be.
2) Cheat Sheet or Process Map
I love process maps because they quickly cut through a lot of BS!
In many instances, the sequence of events often rips people up when trying to accomplish a specific task, whether setting up a website or editing a perfect black-and-white photo.
You’re giving your folks an incredible service by outlining a comp and breaking it into small, easily understandable chunks. They’ll know that you:
- Have the 'process' down to a science (increasing trust...)
- Are able to perform that process for them or teach them how to do it themselves
Both outcomes lead to more sales for you in a very short time!
3) Software
This concisely meant to do with my life; I’m just now finding that out.
One of our software applications is TimeSlots, a sales call scheduling software… It has a 14-day free trial. I don’t need to tell you how awesome that is for getting us leads!
The beauty of software is that its core function instantly solves a problem for users. Plus, now, an immediate element can’t be matched.
The best way to get your software into a lead magnet is to set up a ‘Free Trial.’ They get complete setups to all of your software, and after seven days or 14 days, they need to join to keep using it.
4) Checklists
Much like ‘Process Maps,’ checklists are fantastic tools for describing actions someone needs to take to accomplish a task correctly without giving them the tools to train it…
The 2X checklist is what we gave away on some of our live webinars.
(After all, we want to convert them to a sale at some point, right?)
With a well-thought-out checklist, you can demonstrate that you know the material inside and out and point out things that your prospect midpoints to get them to raise their hand and say they need your help!
5) Videos
One of these is that many marketers try to gain that many to a ‘free video.’ From experience, I can tell you that sometimes it works… And sometimes it doesn’t.
Suppose you’re demonstrating something obvious, like training a dog, swinging a golf club, adjusting a camera for the best portrait, or building something out of 2×4’s. In that case, a video is an excellent medium to share. In that case, ent.
If you’re doing something that’s NOT visual, like talking about marketing strategy, explaining the significant benefit of life coaching, or teaching someone how to ward away panic attacks – a video lead magnet is a lousy way to go.
The point of the video is to move them along in the sales process, and it’s almost impossible to do if the video isn’t engaging. You’re far better served to choose some PDF download that you can give away. tutorials
I’m a fan of point-and-click tutorials for teaching, as point-and-click teaching tutorials are all done for your lead magnets.
I can’t tell you done-for-couple have emailed me saying they printed them out and rely on them whenever they need to set up a new campaign whenever website.
As further evidence of this, the biggest tutorial sites, Envato Network’s Tuonline tutorial sites, ‘ve put together incredible tutorial sites, and now they’ve got so much content that they’ve placed a big course kind of wrapper around it, making it a HUGE challenger in the digital course space!
7) Quiz or Survey
And finally, quizzes and surveys, like what we have at Ask.
What’s funny is that quizzes and surveys have been around forever, and marketers are just now touting them as the ‘best way to users because you can get feedback from your readers a bit differently and immediately segment through buckets.
Years ago, we called this list segmentation… When someone fills out a survey and selects (A) as their choice, they get put into one autoresponder. If they choose (B), they get put in another autoresponder.
That’s the crux, though… When you use a survey as a lead magnet, your lead conversion will most likely drop… But your engagement will be much higher, meaning you’ll have better leads!
It’s worth A/B testing. I’ve seen campaigns that use surveys so effectively that it doubles optin rates. I’ve also seen campaigns where conversions were below 10% (which is dismal!) It’s all in how you set them up!
(NOTE: Once you get your lead magnet set up, the next step is to add one of these Lead Magnet Plugins to your site to start converting traffic to leads!)
Some Niche Lead Magnet Use Cases:
We work in many niches and even have a Lead Magnet promotion service of sorts… We write them for all our funnel clients: sales funnel never gets published without a lead magnet – they’re that important.
With that said, here are some niche thoughts.
Lead Magnet Ideas for Coaches
We do a ton of work with coaches – building sales funnels and driving ad traffic to their automated webinars.
Lead magnets for coaches are where a LOT of the heavy lifting is done in a sales funnel. Coaches need to solve one problem clearly, concisely, and quickly before the prospect will do anything else.
Here are a few examples of lead magnets:
- 4 Foods You Can Buy At The Grocery Store Have Instant Energy
- 3 Steps To Changing Any Habit (No Matter How Addicted You THINK You Are)
- 5 Tips For Increasing The Quality Of Your Clients
- 16 Things That’ll Improve Your Relationship With Your Spouse In 7 Days Or Less
Now, you can write about anything you want… But depending on what kind of coach you are, those are a great start!
Real Estate Lead Magnet Ideas
We’ve got a lot of real estate clients, too, and I’ll tell you… If you’re a real estate coach, you’re probably going to be writing about one super-specific method:
- Finding deals
- Flipping properties
- Holdireal estate
- And financing real estate deals…
A 6-8 page report is going to be perfect for you. Help someone solve a problem, and you’ll have a client for life.
Again, these done-for-you lead magnets need to be fordone-for-automated website and other sales offers that’ll put money in your bank account; let’s work on creating your lead magnet…
So, let’s put some time into getting your lead magnet. Spend some timely easy, and once you’ve done it a time or two, you can whip them out in record time!
The first type of lead magnet funnel we will use for your campaign is we will guide.’
Special Reports or Guides are great for generating leads; they’re easily created, and you’ve already got all of the software you need to get one set up on your company. Often, a report or guide will get more charity leads than a video often will.
There are some things to take note of when it comes to creating a report to give away, including:
- You MUST, MUST, MUST deliver value.
- Your reader should have the ability to DO something contained in the report that will give them gratification of some kind.
- There should be at least a little bit of bonding that takes place in the report, so your new lead gets to learn a little more about you!
- A good length for a free report is 8 to 12 pages, normal spacing and typefaces.
- Most important of all - it needs to focus on ONE specific, clearly identified problem!
- And... Make sure it contains some kind of call to action at the end of it!
Wits, the more clearly you state the benefit, the better your conversions and lead costs will be from paid traffic.
Let’s get into your step-by-step action plan:
1: Figure Out What Your Lead Magnet Will Be About
The first thing you must consider is what your lead magnet will think. A fair bit of strategy comes here because you want Yead Magnet to stand out among the other ones out there…
For example:
- Course on real estate investing, your lead magnet might be a report on "3 Ways To Find Cheap Investment Opportunities Using Free Tools."
- Coaching offer on webinar marketing, you have a lead magnet titled, "7 High Intensity Closing Strategies That'll Increase Webinar Conversions By 120 Percent.
- Brick and mortar shop - a car dealership - your report might be "5 Things To Look For That'll Maximize Your Resale Value."
The lead magnet is a small example of the larger overall picture in each instance!
A side benefit is since you’re giving away a piece or a splinter of a bigger picture, your lead magnet will be ultra-focused and easily understood by cold traffic… Which means your conversions will be through the roof.
2: Open Up Your Editor
Now that you’ve decided on your lead magnet, it’s time to open up your word processor…
Depending on your computer and operating system, there are three different programs that you can choose from:
- Microsoft Word
- Apple Pages
- Google Docs
It doesn’t matter to me which one you use. What will and prefer Pages, but it’s entirely up to you. From a functional standpoint endpoint, they each do the same thing.
Some notes:
- Include an intro section. Talk about what's going to be in the report, introduce yourself to your new reader, and make sure to talk about why what they're about to read matters.
- Include subheadings. Break up longer sections of your lead magnet into sections and give them sub-headlines. This encourages consumption.
- Write like you would to a friend. Lead magnets serve three purposes - to educate, to bond your new visitor to you, and to sell. Don't write them like you would a research paper or a corporate memo...
3: Write 8-12 Pages
We’ve found that your lead magnet reports should be between 8 to 12 pages long… That might sound like a lot, but it goes by fast!
Here’s a little breakdown that you can use as a model for yourself:
- Introduction: 1 Page
- About You: 1 Page
- Report Core: 5 Pages (this is the meat of your report)
- Summary: 1 Page
- Call To Action: 1 Page
And really, the title of your lead magnet will give you everything you need to be in the Report Core section.
If you’re writing a report titled “7 High-Intensity Closing Strategies That’ll Increase Webinar Convns By 120 Percent,” simply devote a page to each of those seven strategies, and you’re golden!
Again, make sure to include sub-headlines to break each section up 0)
4.: Include Calls-To-Action
At the end of your report, you’ll want to include a call to action to your sales video, webinar signup page, affiliate link, or whatever you’re promoting…
You want your reader to read the report and go through it to continue deeper into your sales funnel.
Usually, the last section in our reports is a “What’s Next?” section.
In that section, I invite a reader to continue on the journey by signing up for a webinar, ling out a strategy restitching a video. In each of those examples, they continue deeper on the path.
The person who opts in downloads your report, then reads it, hopes in, and reads a link is an extremely h to lead.
They liked you. They wanted what you had to say. And they’re willing to take the next step with you – which means you’re about to generate some revenue!
These are your buyers, which we talked about yesterday.
5: Add Images
After you include your call to action, it’s time to pretty up your report.
I’m not huge on adding images to every report page, but I try to make my report page Igraphically appealing. You can go deep end fast by hiring an editor and having them mock you a design for the whole report…
Typically, I’ll look for Creative Commons or messages corresponding to my report’s sections and drop them in.
You do want to make sure to include a picture of you! Your readers want to learn more about you, and there’s no better way of fostering a bond than having an image of yourself…
6: Export As A PDF
In Step 2, we listed three-word processors you can use to write your report… Each of them has the functionality of exporting your document as a PDF.
PDFs are the standard when it comes to reports. They lock the editor so that a reader can only read what you wrote, and Adobe Reader (the program that opens up PDFs) is on almost every computer known to man.
Plus, your more technologically proficient readers can put their PDF on their iPad canet and consume your content from there.
Not to mention, with Amazon Kindle and iBooks getting so popular, ebooks and digital files have more value associated with them. That’s a good thing in the mind of your prospect!
7: UplosomeF To Share Online
The last step is to upload your PDF online somewhere so you can share it by posting a link.
There are a lot of ways to do this… You can upload your PDF to Dropbox.com and share it with a public link. You can upload it to Google Drive and give it a public link.
Or, my favorite, you upload your document as a media file to your WordPress website and get your link from there.
After You Get The Lead…
After you get the lead, what do you do? Do you sell them something? Do you give them some free content and build a relationship with them?
The best answer – both!
Ready to craft your next lead magnet?
So these are our top 5 tips for creating the perfect lead magnet. Put them to use when you become a customer, eventually a new freebie to entice subscribers to join your list.
You can also implement these practical ideas to transform your existing low-performing lead, generating new exciting lead-grabbing offers. Creating the perfect lead magnet sounds a lot easier.
As a parting piece of advice, don’t forget to include a call to action (CTA) in your lead magnet. It should be a CTA that helps the new lead go deeper into your sales funnel to become a customer eventually. So, as an example, a CTA could revolve around a paid product that would complement the at hand. Using a CTA in your lead magnet ensures many tools are already gained.
You want your readers to implement your solution and get results. And you can still email them anytime to promote your products.
If you’d like to look into having us set up a lead generation system or a sales funnel thalead-generationay You Lead Magnet for you, go ahead and tell us a bit of gayness here!
GSDdaily Episode 82
This is Lead Generation Week. The idea is to arm you with many tools you can use online. We want to ensure that you have everything you need. From a Facebook standpoint, Google standpoint, or SEO standpoint, to quickly generate leads in your business. It's really what this week is about yesterday; we tout some lead generation and some affiliate marketing. We got into some different things regarding how to generate leads online.
Today, we're going to talk about lead magnets.
What is a lead magnet?
Now, a lead magnet is something you give away in exchange for an email address, name, phone number, or whatever. You are putting together; you're packaging your knowledge, experience, or whatever, into a thing, an asset, a PDF. Preferably something that you can send them quickly through an email. They can be downloaded from your website. You're giving that in exchange for their email address. Now, you're grabbing their email address to market to them. That email address needs to go into your CRM.
They're downloading the PDF, and they're consuming the PDF. Then you can also email them tomorrow or the next day. You're able to put them in your retargeting sequence on Facebook. There are many things you can do once you can do things. The thing is that they receive something of value in the report that they get, the lead magnet.
Done For Your Lead Magnet
,1. Title matters
Tmanye has many life and other formats in a lead magnet, but most importantly, your title matters—more than you would think. Your lead magnet, whether it's a report, a spreadsheet, or a video series, no matter what, the title needs to very clearly and succinctly tell what's in that report, tell what's in that lead magnet because if it doesn't, then people, they're just going to pass by it.
They're just going to disregard it. They are going to keep moving, and that's it, that's the problem. Here, we have a couple of examples.
We have Seven Secret Persuasion Tricks to improve Webinar Conversion. Now, that's a particular title. You know what you're getting when you download that thing or Seven WordPress Plugins that Increase Visitor Engagement Without Them Even Realizing It; you know exactly what you're downloading. ; you know precisely what you're getting when your email address is in that box. Seven Passive Ad Networks That'll Increase Website Revenue in the Next 15 Minutes. Again, you know exactly what you're getting. See how that works; you be specific, deliver value, and you get to lead. It's as simple as that. When you do that, then you're able to turn ads on.
You can drive cold and warm traffic, pay for people to sign up as a lead on your list.
The antithesis of that, the other side, is if you have a shitty title. Let' 's have a tag, and your lead magnet is Four Ways to Double Revenue in the Next 60 Days. Well, anybody could write that lead magnet. Nobody knows what they're downloading when they get that. What's gg: to end up happening, I; anybody starts running paid traffic to it, or you put it on your website or whatever, nobody will opt-in because nobody knows what is in that report. Now consider Four Ways to Double Your Revenue in the Next 30 Days, let's say, okay, or Seven Se; youPersuasion Tricks to Increase Webinar Conversion.
Of course, Seven Secret Persuasion Tricks is going to win. You know precisely what is in that report. Now, the Four Ways to Double Revenue, whatever, it could be anything. The problem is, it probably is anything; anybody could write a perfect. If they're in business, anybody could write that report. You want to make sure your title or your head makes perfect sense.
2. Landing Page
The lead magnet must be shown; you want to ensure that you have a straightforward landing page written for your perfect laser-targeted market, your customer avatar, the person downloading your report, and who will be buying your services. Make sure that the lead magnet is written for them. Here's a great example. It's a primary example, but it's a perfect one.
This is Survival Life, Grow Enough Food to Feed a Family of Four in Just Four Square Feet of Space Even if You Don't Have a Yard—the super-specific headline on this landing page. Thel; your page is straightforward. You just got an email with particular instant access. You got your Ecover graphic, and that's it. It's easy to understand what is in this thing.
3. Promises one primary result
Your perfect lead magnet also promises one significant result. In this example, we have Five Ways to Improve Your Mobile Conversions. Now, we know exactly what is in this lead magnet. The lead magnet promises one major thing. In the digital marketing world, this is called product splintering. It might be a website conversion; your split ned lead magnet would be particular inside that version vertical.
In the previous one, it was gardening. The last magnet lead that we just covered, the specific significant results, a specific transformation that that thing prom, used, you were a vertical garden. It's not the whole gardening space, but it's the vertical gardening space, and that's it.
4. Immediate gratification
Now, it needs to give immediate gratification, and that's the thing about lead magnets. Usually, workout PDF downloads are when somebody hits your website. They land on your landing page, and they click an ad. PDF lead magnets give them immediate gratification. They can enter their emPeoplex and immediately get sent to the PDF. The PDF can then be downloaded to you, and you don't have to wait to watch a video—no need for them to stay and log into a membership site.
They get an immediate result, which is what your prospects want. That's why lead magazines still work better, especially with traffic. We've tested many opt inferent PDF leads, PDF lead magnets versus your cabinets versus spreadsheets versus software. PDF lead magnets still work better than almost anything else because people look for immediate gratification on Facebook. It's as simple as it is.
If you can give somebody immediate gratification and exchange for their email address, they will opt-in more frequently and do business with you. You're; they're an impact or transformation in their life much more quickly when you can give them that immediate gra; they're.
5. Keep the lead magnet short and precise
You also want to ensure it can be consumed in just a few minutes. A six-page lead magnet, what's going to happen is they're going to scroll down the rough-magnet, and then they're looking father you're full one reason to open up the six-page repo, rt. They want to look at the cover; they're likely it's on mobile and will scroll down. They're going to read your headlines; they're going to look for a payoff at a time in the text, and then, if they find it. Your prospects will scroll back up to the top and read if they don't see a payoff. They will close the PDF up and move on their way.
That's one of the reasons PDF lead magnets still work well: they're very, very low risk and give you their emaPDFs address. They received the PDF; they opened the PDF. They can scroll it, PDFs, it's not like it was five or six years ago, or even ten years ago when PDFs were ... Now, we have tablets. At the end of the, we have tablets. Any device reads a PDF. Before, we used to have to say, "We even got to download Adobe Acrobat, and then you got up the PDF on your website and then blah, blah, blah." Now, any device can read PDFs, and our phone can read PDFs. There are many different ways that they can andPDF. They're just scrolling down, ensuring you know what you're talking about and that they will finish it.
6. High perceived value
They will have that aha moment, have that transformation because of the PDF. Now, the perfect Done For You leads to central learning of a highly perceived figure. Even though it's free, it still needs to be something you could charge $37, $67, whatever. One of the lead magnets we're running we have a 200-page book.
Your first lead magnet doesn't have to be that, but it needs to have a high value. It would be best if you delivered something that your end-user is interested in learning, is interested in figuring out, a solution that they have for the problem in their business, in their life, whatever. That's what your lead magnet needs to dt needs to have a high perceived value.
7 Types Of Lead Magnets
Now, the lead itself, there are seven types of lead magnets.
1. Report or Guide
We've talked about a report or a guide, a six to eight-animation; it's a manual. You can save it in Google Docs and make it in Microsoft Word. You can make it in AppPages. It just needs to be a collection. It would be best if you had them through something. It doesn't take a long time, so you'll still like writing; what you can do is you can do a podcast. You can have it transcribed; the text is written out for you. You go through and edit it. That's how a lot of books are written anymore.
There's no reason why a lead magnet can't be the same. It's a 20 to 25-minute video, like one of these live streams I'm doing. They are transcribed and turned into about 4,500 words, ten pages, 12 pages worth of text. Even if you edit it down, you'll still get five to six pages of good, solid text. Well, if you record yourself doing something like this. Every time we do one of these live streams, we turn it into a blog post. The blog post ends up being 4,000 words. It's one of our central SEO strategies at the moment. All of this content can be turned into lead magnets. It can be turned into book chapters and everything.
The content is sheeting to live on and be mashed up a million ways. The first type of Done For You leads magnThere Cheaheet or Process Map.
Now, number two is a cheat sheet or a process map. I love process maps. We have talked about mind maps quite a bit. We've talked about some process maps a little bit n.
Mind maps are a great brainstorming tool. With the extension of a mind map, you can assemble these process maps. You are mapping out a more complex process. Process maps or cheat sheets can be done in Google Drawing, Microsoft Excel, or Apple Numbers. You can draw out a process map. There are many different ways to create this process: mwille cheat sheets or-page, two-page cheat sheets with chat boxes. It is a super, super high value for your end-user.
People love that stuff because it keeps them on track. It lets them know where they need to go next—just the core tenets of why people are looking for lead magnets or who are looking for more information. It's just looking for how to do something, and they're looking for all the steps to pull something off.
You delivering that to your prospects will be a tremendous value in their eyes— heatsheets, process maps, really, really good stuff.
3. software
If you have us walk in the background or are interested in learning how to code, you can create software. t is a great lead magnet. Just over the friendly, my wife and I were brainstorming software we could give away as a lead magnet. It's just some simple stuff, but it's mighty and the stuff that I get a lot of questions about.
Just from a current scheduling standpoint
- How do you schedule content?
- How do you brainstorm topics?
- Is there a way to create a friendly, simple piece of software that allows somebody to walk in and do that?
- Will you find that keyword phrases are a lot?
- How do you put them on a calendar?
Well,l, not even wallead-generationgo to a page and do it real quick and print out a calendar; it could be super powerful.
If you have a software background, there are all kinds of little hacks like that. It would be about a tour you could code up in a cutting or a weekend. I've somebody more to help them in their business or hell. You can ask for an email address, but a simple tool will generate great leads. Time Slot, our first software application, was used as a lead generation tool before I started selling anything.
4. checklists
Checklists are great from an instructional standpoint. They're also great from a lead magnet standpoint. NY time, you can list things that need to happen in sequence. Utting a little checkbox in Apple Pages makes it super easy. The checkbox is just like a bullet. You can drop a checkbox in, and then the checklist puts it together. Utting it behind a lead magnet landing page will workdescribeideo
You would have a landing page promising the result of the video. t is going to be a headline that promises something, some discover. Ree Video Reveals How to Rank Websites on the First Page of Google Without Even Trying, any remote address below. Ree video may shat Tools You Need to Put Together. The 2x4 end table might not be all that awesome, but the video is the thing willing away. Hat's what people are an option in. The headline and landing page are the directions they opt for.
That needs to be split-tested: all that other stuff, but video launch sequences, mini-courses, and potent stuff. From a paid traffic standpoint, we saw them. I haven't seen a free video course outperform a PDF lead magnet. When you opt-in to init the play button, you know you will invest that time you agree to; that's video, and that payoff might be 4, 12, or 32in. It might not even mean that video might be fun inside. That's one of the reasons why PDF lead magnets are powerful; you can download them. Hey, I can see what you're into.
They can go through, find the thing they want to see, and handspun opt-in for a webinar. Hen, I built into a multi-viduence. It isn't until they know what you're talking about. they can commit to making that time investiture disbanded Project Tutorials.
There's a piece of software called initially that I'm pretty into called ScreenSteps, screensteps.com. His is tutorial software. It's like knowledge-software, but you can take screen captures. You can annotate the screen captures and assemble them into a tutorial. Built a piece of software called Clait, and ScreenSteps is the extension of Clarify-it.
They didn't go to, and then, it was a disbanded project because that team was also building ScreenSteps, it's tutorial-based software. You can take screen captures. You can annotate screen captures, and like this guy, I went through and wrote notes about that screen capture. Tutorials are lovely for giving away as downloads.
They're also great for SOPs, standard operating planes, that you can give to your quizzes. e use them in both scenarios. I'll build something as an SOP by reactions, so give it away because our prospects like that stuff.
7. quiz or Survey
The best part about quizzes and surveys is you can generate leads. You can put them into buckets based on their survey responses. Also, you can trigger different email autorsequences. Here are lots of things you can do with the rWe'llelves. The most important thing is the software. M other software plugins, quizzes, surveys, and test-taking tools exist.
Thrive Themes has an excellent survey plugin. Foo does form, which also has the same functionality. SurveyMonkey has formed, and there are lots of different ways that you can skew this. ucket.io is another one that you can end up putting people into different paths.
I think tomorrow we will be talking about WordPress lead magnet plugins. I'll get into a little bit more of this and, of course. If you scroll down, there are some lead magnet ideas for coaches. Often, some real estate lead magnet ideas. Also, there is additional material and training on lead magnets.
The process is straightforward.
- Figure out what it's going to be about. Start brainstorming what your prospect wants and hear sorted about. You probably already know this. The hat is a question that you get often again and again and again.
- You open up your editor. You open up Google Docs, you open up Pages, you open up Microsoft Word, and you start writing. I often start with a table of contents, then flush it all out. Hen, you want to write eight to 12 pages. You will have an introduction, an about you, a reporting core, and five porters. It's the meat of your report, a summary at the end, and a call to action.
Every lead wants to have a call to action. His calls to action can be to a product, or it can be to a webinar. What is the next thing you want your prospect to do? You want to add other needs, and you wish to export them as a PDF. Hen, you can share it online and upload it to Dropbox. You can upload it to Drive, and you can upload a website. Hen, you move them into a prospect sequence after you get the lead. The hat is generating leads from lead magnets in a nutshell.