Welcome to GSDdaily. This is episode 155. Today is a five-minute guide, and we are going to talk quickly about how to, in five minutes or less, find the keywords your website is ranking for organically.

This is a little exercise that we put a client through a little earlier in the week and I figured it’d be cool to show you. So basically your website is ranking for something. We might not know what it ranks for yet, but it’s ranking for some keyword phrase because of a blog post or a page, or shit, your privacy policy might be ranking for something.

Keyword Ranking

One of the quickest ways to figure out what that is and are free tools, both are going to let you find out what you’re searching for, what … How much traffic your website is getting, what pages are getting traffic, and what the keyword phrases for those pages are. Install the following applications,

  1. Google Search Console
  2. Google Analytics

What we’re going to do is we are going to go through and I’m going to show you how to use Google Analytics a little bit, specifically the search console functionality, so that you can see what pages are ranking.

Google Analytics

Google Analytics

So we’re going to flip over into Google Analytics here and we’re going to look at some of the done for you data. I’m going to make this a little bit bigger so you can take a look at it. And if we go to the home here, we’re going to see, we’re going to go back to the done for you home. Overall, we’re going to switch to 28-day visitors, and then we’re going to … So just a real quick overview. These are all of your time stats. So anything real-time is in this top browser here.

Right now, there are two people on our website. We can look at the locations. We can look at traffic sources, the content they’re on. So specifically these two people, one person is on a homepage, one person’s on a software page. So you can watch that fluctuate back and forth.


Your audience is all of your audience, your people. So if we look at the demographics of people who come to do for you, then we see that by and large, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 54, 55 to 64 and 65 plus and it is mostly male. We can go, we can break it down by age and gender. We can break it down by interests. So there’s a lot of things you can do here to actually understand your users a little bit better.

Acquisition Report

The acquisition is going to show you all of the ways that people come to your site, and what we’re going to dig into is this search console tab. The search console is going to show you the landing pages, the countries, the devices, or the queries or search results.

We’re going to start by going to landing pages and just take a look through. Here we see that there have been 3,000 impressions for this particular blog post, with zero clicks through. The average position is 52, meaning the average position is on page six of Google. Obviously, there’s a lot of room to improve that. And if we look at, and then … it’ll go through and show you where your search traffic is clicking to, what pages are ranking, and then ultimately when somebody clicks in the search result, where they are going.

Our absolute number one search result is, in this sampling, is the homepage. But then after that is email marketing campaigns, is a blog post, then another blog post, then a sales page. And if we look at queries, this is where you start to see and find the keywords you’re ranking for.

Rank Your Keywords

Done for you is ranked for 4,000, and what we see is all of the things that we could be ranking for. I’m going to add rows, and so we’re going to do show rows to find the keywords. Here you can see that in the last seven days, we’ve received 900 impressions for the keyword phrase business consultant, 800 impressions for the keyword phrase sales funnel. Then we can scroll all the way down here and say, “Okay, what is customer analytics,” we received 75 impressions, business consultant skills, 72 impressions. Done for your sales funnels, 72 impressions, and four clicks.

These are all the keyword phrases that basically are done for you. What do I do when I look at this and say, “Okay, what are the keyword phrases that I would like to rank better for?” I can get more traffic from, and then also, what do I need to do to influence those rankings?

Optimize Organic Content

We’ve done quite a few dailies on basically optimizing organic content, and that is the answer to those questions. So it’s basically going through, editing the blog post, adding sub-headlines, making sure your keyword density is good, making sure you have YouTube videos and multimedia content inside that blog post, as well as images. And then editing it, bringing it back up to the top of the queue.

Google and search engines love it when you edit all content as opposed to writing new content. So whenever possible, we always try to go in and edit the old stuff, and then we’ll say updated in the blog post title. But usually just updating it is enough to bounce it up a couple of pages in Google. And then we’ll do some internal linking. We’ll do some outbound. So we do very, very little bits of linking. Most of it is just on-site SEO and stuff.

So that is today’s five-minute guide. Came in just on, I think, five minutes is right now. But that is how you find the keywords that you’re ranking for and also the pages you’re ranking for organically. And then you take it a step further and optimize the blog posts and the content for those fewer phrases. So have a fantastic weekend and I will see you on Monday.

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