In this GSDdaily episode, we’re going to talk about how to get awesome clients. There are lots of definitions of awesome clients. Awesome clients might be high paying clients or might be the kind of clients who leave you alone for the most part.

They might be the ones who are taking massive action on your strategies and recommendations and mentorship and all of that stuff. And they implement quickly and they get results quickly. I mean, everybody has their different definition of what an awesome client is, but all in all, awesome clients are what makes your business go round. If you are selling coaching, consulting services, digital products, all that stuff.

Yesterday, we talked about assisted learning. Or digital courses, digital learning, and how you can maximize your revenue and make good money selling training, and assisted kind of group coaching courses. And what that was, if you remember, we had the diagram of a triangle and we had digital courses across the bottom. And then a level above that we had our assisted learning varieties. So it was assisted in group learning, so there was some group coaching in the middle.

get awesome clients

And then above that was assisted one-on-one. So you have a course as a kind of foundational education. Then it was a one-on-one. One-on-one coaching, one-on-one mentorship, or teaching or whatever was the ascension there. Then you have like a done for you service and then you had masterminds. So that was kind of the ascension of that model.

At the very base level, assisted group coaching. What that is, is college. Especially now in this pandemic when people are needing to self-learn. They are taking their courses online.

They have some sort of group office hours where they might get in and be able to talk to the professor and they have a forum where they can go and ask questions and get help from students and whatever. But they are learning through a computer. It’s distance learning, but there’s that group component. That would be like an assisted group.

So really, you, as a product creator or service creator, you’re going to be able to deliver the same type of experience that a university would if you structure it that way. Which is pretty powerful if you think about it.

Landing High-End Clients

Now, today, we’re going to talk about landing high-end clients. We’ve got another little diagram here that we’re going to go through. Basically, the idea of this is, how to get more high paying clients. All in all, everybody wants a great subset of clients.

Now, if you are in business on your own, you want to have eight clients, 10 clients, 12 clients, whatever. The thing about clients is, if you’re doing one-on-one engagement, then you’re going to max out at some ceiling.

Each of them, you’re working with an hour a week. You’re going to need an hour’s downtime for each of them or so to take notes or to think about their projects or whatever.

There’s always that ceiling when you are working from a one-on-one standpoint. Now, yesterday, we talked about digital courses and that’s the beauty of the assisted learning format, which is when you can package your material into a body of work. Might be a digital course. It might be an ebook, it might be a book, whatever.

Then you’re magnifying your capability as an educator or as a business owner. So now you can have a hundred people go through that digital course, and then maybe you’re only offering group coaching to 10 of them and only one-on-one coaching to two of them.

So you’re able to sell a hundred copies of the course. And then you’re able to grab the 10 group coaching students, maybe it’s 2,500 a month for them.

Then you’re able to grab two one-on-one students, and it’s five grand or 10 grand a month for them. It just depends on how you want to structure it. But qualifying those students is where the challenge ends up coming in. And it’s where so much of our work comes into play when we start automating sales processes.

Three Ways to Build Clients

So, how to get more high-paying clients? There are three ways to kind of build the front side of this out.

1. Automated Webinar

You can do an automated webinar, which last week we talked entirely about automated webinars. So an automated webinar that plays at a certain time every day or immediately after somebody else and you can do it through a sales video.

2. Sales Video

The sales video has a form that pops up underneath when the call to action is made. They can fill in the form. Maybe it’s a conditional logic form. So depending on how the questions are answered, it gets routed one way or the other way. One way might be to a sales page. And the other way might be to a consultant or a sales guy or something. You can also do it through the contact form in the blog post, that’s kind of the third way.

3. Blog Post

So you write a 2000 word blog post that talks about some of the core desires or the core fears or whatever that your prospect is going through. Then you close with a call to action and the contact one might be to sign up for, or to apply for your coaching program, to apply for your digital product, whatever. That call to action might go to the sales video, too, where they end up moving into like the matrix, which is your sales funnel. And then they end up applying and getting on a call that way.

Clients Sign-up

Now, no matter how they find … No matter how they approach it, whether it’s a webinar, a sales video, or whatever, the next step is always to sign up for a strategy session. It’s always to sign up for that sales call.

Sometimes this is an application where somebody is going through and answering some questions. And we’ll talk a little bit about that.

Sometimes it is just a straight-up, they pick a call on your calendar and then they fill in the form afterward. But regardless, the next thing is they need to pick a time on your calendar.

So it’s one of the great inventions of technology, is the fact that you can send somebody a link, and then they can pick a time on your calendar. And it’s when you’re available.

And then they can like to slot themselves in. They can get a calendar reminder, they get emails, they get all of that stuff. And then they can answer the questions that you predefined. So, it’s a lovely thing when it works well.

We use them in marketing automation all the time, but I always take … if it’s a referral like if somebody comes in and they’re referred to me, I usually don’t just send them to a calendar link.

I think it’s pretty disrespectful. If you get that one-on-one invite or that one-on-one recommendation or the one-on-one referral, and then you send them to a cold piece of technology, I don’t really like that.

But if it’s like a function of a sales funnel where the link is shown because somebody presses a button, it’s a different story. Because when they press the button, then they’re expecting to see a calendar. So different kinds of scenarios. But they need to be able to pick a time in your calendar.

So some software for it, Calendly is one. Acuity Scheduling is another that works out nicely. We have ours called Time Slots, which is currently being recorded. It’s being put into Access, which we’re excited about. But Calendly and Acuity are both good.

So once they pick a time, then usually they end up being asked questions and then they get a confirmation. And the confirmation is usually, thanks so much for the booking time. Here’s the link to schedule it on your calendar.

That kind of thing. But this is the part that I want to dive in on. So the questions that somebody asks … Let’s see if I can … Can I make this bigger? I can. All right. Can you see this? There we go. So these questions are an important part of this whole process.

So the questions that we ask, or the questions that we ask for them to answer, are application questions. You always want to include the big three, which is their name, their email address, and their phone number. And then the fourth one is, what is their Skype contact?

Or like, if you’re outside of the country, how do I get ahold of you? Because not everybody can dial an external phone number. An international phone number, I should say. So name, email, phone number. And if outside the country, what is your Skype ID?

So those are always the big four. Now, then we get into some questions. Questions important for us to find out if we’re able to facilitate the transaction of the sale or whatever. Basically to make sure that we add as much value to the sales call as possible. And these are just the general things that we ask. So the first of all is the number one challenge. Nobody is signing up for a call with you because they’re bored or because they feel like it.

They’re signing up for a call because they’re challenged by something. And they believe that you have a solution to their challenge. That’s literally what all business revolves around, is this idea of solutions. Even if it’s a widget, a video game, the solution is fun. All business revolves around this idea of solutions.

So by asking somebody what their number one challenge is, then we’re able to bring that to light, bring it to the surface. And we know how to address it before we even get on the call because they fill out these questions as they’re booking the call. We have days or hours to prepare our answers for this.

We also want to ask them any kind of qualification questions. Qualification is our requirement. A qualification might be, how big is your business? How many employees is your business? How much revenue does your business do? Qualification could be, how long have you been at your job?

Qualification could be, what degrees and experience do you have before we place you in a different employment scenario, whatever. But all of your qualification questions should be answered before they jump on the call with you so that you know who you’re dealing with. you know how the call is going to go before you get on the phone.

Then you want to ask anything about aspirational … Aspirations or goals. Examples are what is your number one goal for this strategy session, what is your goal for working together, what is your goal for the next year and what is your goal for the next three years?

We want to know that stuff so that, A, we know if we can serve them, and B we know where they’re headed. Because if we know we can serve them and we know where they’re headed, we know how to work that call. So we’re already putting a plan in our mind for how that call is going to go, what we’re going to be able to offer them, what we’re going to be able to bring to the table in that relationship.

Then we want to do some future pacing. Basically, what does your life look like a year from now, having worked together? Similar to the goals, but what we’re trying to do is to get them to future pace themselves. Future pace their life, their business, their growth, whatever. We’re getting them to answer that question.

We also want to know what kind of help is needed.  What specifically are they looking for help with? If we’re looking at business development services, maybe they have marketing, copywriting, content creation, but they don’t have a designer. I’m looking for a design.

Or if it’s from a personal growth standpoint, they already have a coach. They own a business. What they specifically need is somebody to be accountable … Somebody can be accountable for, like an accountability partner. So trying to get that out of the questions too.

Then the last thing … And I say this is optional, anymore. And that’s money. So for a really long time … And if you look at some applications for some coaches and mentors and high-end digital products, a lot of them ask the money question. And the money question is primarily to qualify whether they’re going to be able to pay for the offer or not. Sometimes with our clients, I’ll add it.

If the brand is big enough, the market is big enough, the offer is big enough, I will add a money question. You know, what is the size of your business? How much revenue do you do? What is solving this problem worth to you, is it worth $25,000? It just depends on the context and the scenario of the business and the offer.

I oftentimes leave it off though, because if you have the right offer, then the money question is irrelevant. We start from a place of serving. So if I’m even able to get on the phone, or if my team is even able to get on the phone for 15 minutes with somebody and point them in the right direction, it is worth it to us, so that it shortcuts their path … It’s a worthwhile contribution and investment on our part.

So I don’t necessarily ask a money question anymore. We used to … And I didn’t see that there was a difference with it on or off. So I would encourage you in your applications to test both. Test the money question.

Or take it off and see what happens. See if you are getting more tire kickers if you are closing more. I’d venture to guess that it probably won’t matter … The strength of your offer is going to dictate how well you’re selling or not. So it’s just something to test, something to think about.

So I think that is that’s about all I got on this one. Let’s see if I have anymore. No … Oh, yeah. So just a little highlight. Do you like these kinds of Daily? Just in the question box, just let me know. That way … I enjoy kind of this mind map, mind share process map kind of thing, it helps me diagram something. And then I think it also has some value for you too.

For Questions and Guide

If you have any questions at all, if you would like to jump on the phone and talk to us about your offer, your marketing executing some automation, doing some traffic, whatever, go to We can put all this in place and work on a plan to get you higher-paying clients, more awesome clients. And if there’s anything you need, just go to and just jump in the chatbox in the lower right-hand corner, and we’ll get that taken care of.

And I’ll be back tomorrow. So we’ll see you soon. All right. Thanks. Bye.

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