Today, we’re going to talk about search engine optimization.
- What we’re going to do is we are going to optimize the keyword to a blog post that we choose.
- We are going to talk about a way to get organic traffic from the keyword phrase that you want to rank for in search engines.
It used to be relatively complicated to get traffic from Google, way back in the day. When search engine optimization was in its infancy, then really all it took was keyword loading a blog post, sending a bunch of links, and then that was really about it.
At the end of the day, Google wizened up to it like 2009, 2010, and then all of a sudden website’s that were getting lots and lots of traffic, like a lot of mines were, all of a sudden got de-indexed because Google updated their algorithms so that it prioritizes better sites. Sites that weren’t trying to game the algorithm.
Right now, SEO – search engine optimization, is not a guaranteed way of getting traffic. Even though you follow best practices, there is no sure-fire. Surefire kind of strategy that is going to get your site ranked in Google predictably and reliably, at least. However, it’s not something that you can ignore because at the end of the day, building the foundation of business online has everything to do with traffic and organic traffic, and free traffic.
Website’s Traffic: Paid and Organic
In short, paid traffic is a great way to grow and scale, but there is a certain amount of traffic that should always come from organic. You should always kind of have that in your long-term plan. Like I’m doing this now to get paid traffic and grow my business. I’m also creating content and doing content marketing that isn’t going to get me traffic forever.
DFY Ads Strategy during Black Friday to Christmas
Even if I shut off my ads, I am still getting the organic traffic and this comes into play around Christmas time. Like black Friday, all the way up through Christmas, you have every physical retailer and eCom company in the world, like literally emptying their coffers and just driving paid traffic to their site. This is because they know they’re going to generate revenue for it. Well, what we do with our clients is we cut off all paid traffic, like halfway through November. It was actually like halfway through November last year. It would probably be like the beginning of November this year.
We turn off cold traffic for ourselves and all clients, unless they’re selling e-com offers that work well through Christmas. The reason we do that is that cold traffic costs a lot, it’s supply and demand. What we end up doing is anybody who has like, if you’re inside of a re-targeted group, then you continue seeing like our client’s ads because you’re in their silo. We’re just not welcoming new people in.
We’re not running those cold traffic ads that raise awareness of their brand. In that sense, they’re able to save some money. You know, they’re not wasting money on cold traffic, but they’re still able to be in front of the people that they’re already in front of. But what cold traffic, or what search engine optimization traffic, organic traffic does, you can never shut it off.
Organic Traffic
Like organic traffic comes every single day, regardless of whether you’re spending money on it, regardless of whether you want it. Like we have some clients who, through this pandemic, they’ve shut off their paid traffic. They’re running out of inventory of products and they can’t get a manufacturer in China or at least they couldn’t, but they are still selling out and they’re still generating sales every single day because they can’t shut off the organic traffic. I mean, it just comes. That’s a great problem to have and one of the reasons why I wanted to put together the series.
Optimizing Keyword Phrase
Today optimizing for a keyword phrase. Right now you can see this is Google webmaster tools. Our Google search console, as it’s called. A Google search console, we went through this yesterday.
We looked at keyword phrases that we were ranking for. We figured out where DoneForYou was ranking and how much traffic we were ranking and what keyword phrases were on the third and fourth page of Google that we could then end up increasing their ranks. Today what I wanted to do is I am trying to find an example of blog posts that we could go through and optimize keyword. One that hadn’t been optimized. There are like 450 sites or articles on DoneForYou. The article that we are going to go through and optimize is this one. It is a blog post that was written a while ago called how to set up a hidden affiliate system. This blog post gets traffic, but it’s not optimized. It isn’t optimized from an SEO standpoint, you can tell because there’s little, this little Yoast thing is not green.
When I was looking through kind of blog posts to get traffic, trying to find an example, trying to find stuff that we could do today, this one popped up. In the last 30 days, I think, it has received 348 impressions in the search engines. It has gotten 21 clicks. 25 of those have been users in 27 total sessions. What we’re going to do is we are going to go find which keyword phrases this blog post is already ranking for. Then we’re going to pick one and then optimize the keyword for that one keyword phrase. To do that, we’re going to go over into the Google search console. We’re going to search that URL. Just to see what comes up. Here it looks like they’ve crawled the page. We’ve got some coverage on it. This is all good stuff.
I’m just going to query the page. Drop the URL in here, there we got a page. We’ve got 75 clicks to this page and 1091 impressions. Let’s look at the queries, let’s see what this thing is ranking for. So it is ranking for 19 keyword phrases at the moment. And mind you, I haven’t set up, like we wrote the content, but I haven’t done any on-page optimization. And where you would find that on-page optimization is, this is the backend of the blog post, and yes, I still use the old editor. I can’t stand the Gutenberg editor.
This is a plugin called Yoast SEO. What Yoast does, is you basically put in your focus keyword phrase, the keyword phrase you’re trying to rank for, and then it goes through and it gives you like a little checklist and tells you all the things that you need to do to optimize keyword for that keyword phrase.
So we’re going to discover the keyword phrases we want to rank for. Now, if I’m writing an article from scratch, then I find the keyword phrase first, and then I write the entire article around the keyword phrase. But in this sense, I’m basically, we wrote the article in 2015. So we wrote the article just under five years ago and it is getting some SEO ranking, some traffic, and now we’re going back in and saying, okay, how do we optimize keyword this article? Because Google is already telling us what keyword phrases it thinks we should rank for, and we’re already getting traffic for it. So let’s just give Google what it wants. So either way, it can happen, but we’re still going to be using the same plugin, the same plugin, the same page of the same, same format, I should say.
Now if we go to, move on a performance. Let’s look at these keyword phrases. I’m also going to search for the average position. Important cause. You know, the average position itself is going to tell us where we need to be so DoneForYou Affiliate marketing system. We’ve gotten 35 clicks, 251 impressions, and 2.4 on the position scale for the DoneForYou affiliate program. People are looking for done for, affiliate programs for our services.
We might have to explore that. It’s always fun to find out what, when you’re searching keyword rankings, you always have all kinds of other weird ideas, you know? So, and then apparently there’s a keyword phrase, try Matt’s DoneForYou system. And that is what’s gotten 16 impressions or something, I don’t know. Affiliate system, where on the 10th page of Google Four. ClickBank system 80 or spot number 88 and that your affiliate marketing system.
Generally, clicks are important. I usually search for impressions. I want to see how much traffic we could potentially get from a keyword phrase. Then I usually optimize keywords for that top one. This particular article right now is ranking for the DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. We’ve got 35 clicks, we’re in the second or third spot on Google. We just need to kind of step up our game a little bit and take over that top spot. Then we’ll be getting about 70% of those 251 impressions clicking through.
All we’re going to do, we’re just going to grab this keyword phrase. Then we’re going to go over to our blog post editor and down inside the Yoast SEO. Yeah. Down inside the Yoast SEO thing, we’re just going to drop this keyword phrase in. So DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. And then what you will find is, it immediately did like SEO analysis, and the SEO analysis came back yellow. So there are lots of things that we need to do to strengthen this blog post. So this part is going to get kind of boring cause it’s copy and paste. But basically what we’re doing is we need to put the key phrase in the introduction.
We’re going to go up and then on implementing, A DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. Now I just stuffed the DoneForYou affiliate marketing system in the opening phrase, and now that particular thing has gone. The next one is we need to put that keyword phrase three more times in the body of the article. Let’s go look at that. We’re going to put it right… For most people, that’s where the process stops for a DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. Let’s say you’re building an internet marketing list with a DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. Then we’re going to find one more time, so your affiliate links. Now that you’ve found the products for your DoneForYou affiliate marketing system, it’s time to organize. You just need to make sure the keyword phrase fits in. You know, that’s all. Now we’re going to go down and check our little checklist again and awesome.
We have enough now we have a meta-description link. Your meta description is the thing that shows up in Google. We’re going to go look at the meta description for this post. So, if you look there’s our meta-description right there. This is the DoneForYou search result. We are on, in this particular phrase. We see an ad here and then an ad here and then an ad here and then an adhere. And then it gives us some rankings because we’re signed into the search console. It gives us a little bit of stuff that is only visible to me like me. Then we have some videos. And then of course we have our listing right here is on the number one spot. So when you look at this listing, this is like one On one level stuff.
But when you look at this listing, there is this snippet. The SEO title is this, how to set up a hidden affiliate system. And then if you look at it, so this right here, right underneath, is what is called the SEO description or the meta description. That’s going to be a meta description right there. And there’s another one that isn’t used up too much anymore. And that’s meta tags. So it’s the tags associated with the blog or the page.
Tags used to be a primary ranking indicator, but now they don’t matter at all, or at least not that I’ve seen or am aware of. So what we need to do is we need to write this meta title and meta description to be SEO friendly, and I write them like I would write ads, because when somebody is coming down though, they’re scrolling down through, and then they’re like, boom! How to set up a hidden affiliate system.
This is a very, very weak, it is a weak description. Let’s say you’re building an internet marketing list and you have a report and a video course that you sell. That’s so terrible. What they should say is discover how to build an affiliate system that prints cash for you on-demand, whenever you want it on the backside of any kind of offer. It should be written like an ad. Because if it’s written like an ad, then people are going to click it. And if people click it, then Google is going to know the people like it. And if Google knows that people like it, you’re going to rank better in Google. That’s typically kind of the premise at least.
All right, we’re going to write this guy. . The SEO title is how to set up an affiliate, how to set up a hidden affiliate system. Okay, that works, whatever. No, that doesn’t work. How to set up a DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. That’s what we’re going to DoneForYou affiliate marketing system. So that’s the phrase you’re trying to optimize keyword. It’s always good to have the keyword phrase in the subject line itself. It’s also good to have the keyword phrase in the permalink. However, this article has already been indexed in Google so we could change the permalink and then Google will pick up the 401 redirects, but we’re not going to mess with that today. And then we also want to put, so we want to write this meta-description as we would write an ad. To discover the secrets of setting up the DoneForYou affiliate marketing system.
We’re going to capitalize this cause remember it’s got to be written like an ad DoneForYou affiliate… I did it again, probably because I said it. My A and the S on my keyboard are worn off. So it’s funny. Discover the secrets of setting up a DoneForYou affiliate marketing system from scratch, to get you paid online... Click here to learn more.
There’s a call to action. This is a marketing copy. I mean, click here to learn more. So we’re asking them to click here to learn more and being that we optimize keyword on the SEO title, and because we dropped the DoneForYou affiliate marketing system there in the subject line, and then we also optimize keyword on the meta-description, both are now green. Both of our things are green and our green little SEO analysis went to a green smiley face.
This means that we are sufficiently SEO’d and that’s it. You know, so basically, like how I do it is, I write the article, optimize the keyword on the article, and then I scroll down through, and then I fill out all the Yoast SEO parameters, and then I keep scrolling. If I have any podcasts, like podcast episodes, then I’ll drop the podcast episode in through here. And then I kick over to the right-hand sidebar and I go back up through. So I will add a featured image, which that needs to be changed. You know, I’ll add tags. So the tags should be reflective, at least one of them should be your keyword phrase, affiliate marketing system.
We have affiliate marketing and marketing. We scroll back up and okay, this is good. Our SEO is good. Our readability needs improvement. We can address that some other day. I just wanted to show you how to optimize keywords on an SEO blog post using the SEO plugin, the Yoast SEO plugin. We scroll back up through and all is good. Our little Yoast thing is green up top. I’m going to go ahead and hit, publish, or update. It’s going to update the blog post. It’s going to take a couple of days for the search engines to pick it up and drop our new title in and our new description in, but relatively quickly, within the next three or four days, we should get a bump. This DoneForYou affiliate marketing system should update to spot one. It should update higher.
Then what’s going to happen is we are going to pick up additional keyword phrases that we’re going to rank for. So, we’re going to not only rank for 19, the 19 here, but we’re also probably going to rank for 10 or 15 more. And that’s the content optimization piece because Google would rather, you go back into your archives and rewrite something that is ranking or that that is ranking, and you just make it rank better than creating an entirely new piece of content. There are a lot of created content now that Google would rather keep the old stuff than create a new one. The algorithm is unpublished.
It is like you get a priority if you update something that you already created in the past. That is how to SEO a blog post. Do you remember anybody who has any questions? It looks like we got some folks on. Somebody said, Hey. What’s up? Does anybody have any questions on the SEO piece? Keyword phrases, SEO, rankings, any of that kind of stuff. All right, let’s see.
Cool. How do you, let’s see if we got a question, how do you find out what you are ranking for? This kind of a recap of yesterday, but basically if you want to find out what you’re ranking for quickly and easily, what you do is you can drop into this Google search console tool, and you set up your domain name. So we’re looking right now. But once you set up your domain name, then you can find out, Google is going to tell you all the places you’re ranked for. So if you end up here, you’re underperformance. You can see all of the keyword phrases you’re ranked for. So I’m pegged out at a thousand right now. So a thousand is the most they’re going to return. And this, as far as I know, DoneForYou was ranked for 9,200, 9,300 different keyword phrases.
If we add the filter of your average position, then what it’s going to do is it’s going to show you where in Google, all of them are ranked. If we wanted to, for DoneForYou affiliate marketing, which is what we just kind of optimize keyword. No, we did the DoneForYou affiliate marketing program. We were number two. For DoneForYou affiliate marketing, we’re number 7.5. We’re going to, the query is DoneForYou affiliate marketing. We’re going to hit pages and see what blog posts are. Three pages are ranked for that keyword phrase. One of them is how to set up an affiliate hidden system.
That was the one we just optimize the keyword for it. One of them has done for your email marketing campaigns, affiliates that are on in spot 10. And then in spot seven, we have an affiliate marketing step-by-step strategy. Step, step, step start strategy is on the seventh spot. That’s how you would end up going about finding the optimize keyword phrases you’re ranking for. Now you can drop-in filters. In the last three months, the query we’re looking for is, let’s say we’re looking for a funnel. We want to look for every keyword phrase or every website page that has the optimize keyword phrase funnel in it.
There are 69 pages and posts that have the keyword phrase funnel, and this is all of them. This is also where they all rank collectively. Why You Needed DoneForYou Sales Funnel blog has gotten 31 clicks and 2,400 impressions. The mobile app marketing funnels on that first page of Google 25 clicks, 2100 impressions. If we were to look at the queries themselves, this is all the queries, everything with the word funnel that we’re ranked four there’s 516 of them.
We’re ranking for DoneForYou sales funnel, done for your sales funnel system, digital product sales funnel, sales funnel questions, DoneForYou funnel, or DFY funnel, app marketing funnel, mobile marketing funnel, self-liquidating funnel. These are all the phrases that we’re ranking for organically. Funnel marketing agency, Facebook sales funnel, funnel agency, marketing funnel agency. This is why you do SEO. I mean because you want to rank for 500 keyword phrases that have the word funnel on them and not have to pay for it., This is why you do it. Let’s look at the optimize keyword phrase ad. So we’re going to look at the ad.
I just want to see what this is. We have a bunch of weird stuff like lead magnets, cause it has an ad in it. Let’s look up DoneForYou Facebook ads. We’re spot number three, got 15 clicks, 108 impressions. We’re ranked for 363 keyword phrases with the sales funnel or with the optimize keyword phrase, Facebook in it too. Creating Facebook sales funnel, Facebook ads, client onboarding, Facebook ad funnel. There’s just, this is a lot of ways you can slice and dice the data if you want to spend a bunch of time here looking at it. There are just so many different things. Many different ways you can look at it. Many different things you can do once you start writing content and started doing content marketing and started understanding data and how to make things play the way you want them to play.
For Questions and Guide
If you have any questions at all, go to and fill out an action plan form. You’ll be able to schedule a call with my team and me, and what we’ll do is we’ll go through, talk about your business, talk about your sales funnel, talk about your traffic, all that stuff, and then figure out what is the best way for you to grow, put together an action plan for you to grow online. Do you have any questions for future episodes, go to
