Video Transcript:
Jason Drohn:
Live here briefly. All right, so we are now live. So, say hi.
Aaron Parkinson:
Hi. Episode one. I'm excited.
Jason Drohn:
Episode one. We have no idea what the hell we're doing.
Aaron Parkinson:
Well, we sort of have an idea of what we're doing.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, a little bit. Nobody's going to watch us, so this is more just a practice run because Aaron doesn't do live streams.
Aaron Parkinson:
No. I have been a guest on almost 10 live streams in the last week.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
And so, from the guest's perspective, I've been on them. But from the host perspective, no.
Jason Drohn:
No. Yeah, it'll be interesting.
Aaron Parkinson:
That's why we have you here, because you are extremely technically savvy, whereas I am good at building teams of technically savvy people.
Jason Drohn:
Right. That's funny. All right. So, why don't we just start with who you are?
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
So give a little bit of background of what you do and who you are and what we're trying to build here and then I'll do the same.
Aaron Parkinson:
I am a guy who would have a coffee mug like this.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, buddy. Yep.
Aaron Parkinson:
Right? That sums it up in one shot. But, if you want real details, here it comes. My name is Aaron Parkinson, I have been in the digital marketing space since the early 2000s.
Jason Drohn:
This was before marketing was invented.
Aaron Parkinson:
100%. It was before marketing was invented digitally and I probably invented half of what we use today by accident. Not because I'm smart. I got started in the affiliate marketing space. I just honestly wanted to make enough money to stay home because I just had my first daughter. Was selling cars in the day, was bouncing at a night club at night. The problem with those two scenarios are, number one, nobody makes money selling cars. It's all a lie. It's all a facade. The number one sales guy on the lot, I learned a month in, made 55 thousand dollars the year before and I was like, "Oh dear Lord, I cannot stand here on this lot for the rest of my life." [inaudible 00:02:12] after taxes I'm going to take home 30. And my kids are going to be homeless.
And then I'm like five 10 and a half maybe which is not a good size for running security at a night club. Which was my job at night?
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
So between the combination of those two things, I needed to find something different. But when you sell cars and you're a night club bouncer, that means you don't have a lot of skills. Guys with a lot of skills aren't doing those jobs.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
So I had to teach myself something new that ideally had very little competition because I didn't have anybody too smart ahead of me based on my jumping-off point.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, totally.
Aaron Parkinson:
Digital marketing was brand new. Google wasn't even invented yet. I read a couple of courses. I was like, let me see if I can throw some ads up, maybe sell some stuff. And I did. And I got pretty good at it.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
And then I opened my training platform because there was a bunch of people that also wanted to do that and were in my same position, and within a year we had 30 thousand monthly subscribing students in 80 countries. Which was insane, especially when you're in your mid-20s. And you're like, "Oh wow. I was poor. And now I make 100 thousand dollars a month." That's so unfathomable. That leap is so insane.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
And then I sold that company. I started a weight loss and fitness company with one of the trainers from The Biggest Loser TV show. Her name was Kim Lyons, it was called Automatic Body. And Michael was to try and disrupt the weight loss and fitness space. I was tired of the 10 minutes, 10-pound diets that are stupid that are sold in mass online. So I said, well if I created a 24-week program, super long, one change a week. Something that people could sustain longterm. Built a phone app to support it. Built a supplement line. Launched it into the world. Within two years, we had 600 thousand people use worldwide. Which was crazy. [inaudible 00:04:32] coming back of success, we're nuts.
And then the partners ended up taking that over and I moved on and started a female accessory brand called Grace Callie Designs, 100% hands-free drop shipping base. Ran that with my partner up to about a 90 million a year gross sales run rate in 18 months. Sold that to him and then I started my agency, Seven Mile Media. Which is where I am today. I am the CEO of Seven Mile Media, which is a direct response agency that specializes in Facebook, Instagram, and Google, and YouTube. And we scale already successful brands. If somebody doesn't have a successful brand yet, but they got a real concept like they want to build a funnel to do that, then that's our wheelhouse, is [inaudible 00:05:27] scale, right?
So, that's the boring stuff. The important stuff, I've been married almost 20 years, got three amazing kids. I live in paradise in the Cayman Islands down in the Caribbean so I'm perpetually surrounded by everybody else's dream vacation daily. I look at palm trees through my window. I wish I went outside more often, but I know it's out there if I want to. Yeah, that's me in a nutshell. Tell everybody about you. That's my five minutes, hopefully, people will watch the first episode so I don't have to repeat this every time [inaudible 00:06:08].
Jason Drohn:
We're just going to dive into it, it's just the coming-out party.
Aaron Parkinson:
But you are the man with the best backgrounds, always. That's who you are.
Jason Drohn:
I don't know about that. [crosstalk 00:06:21]. I pulled this thing out for a sales video the other day.
Aaron Parkinson:
Uh-oh, here we go.
Jason Drohn:
Can you see it?
Aaron Parkinson:
"Inspiration is for amateurs. The rest of us just show up and get to work." Oh, that is good. [inaudible 00:06:40] does not give free money and luck to people like you and me. It's all hard grinder work.
Jason Drohn:
Oh yeah. That is true. Me, let's see. 14 years ago now, I was a Pepsi truck driver. So I don't know that you knew that about me.
Aaron Parkinson:
I did not even know that. Did you know that my dad worked for Pepsi?
Jason Drohn:
No. Wow, look at that. So 14 years ago, I was a Pepsi truck driver. I worked at Pepsi for five years, and then my third or fourth year there I went back to school. I drove truck full time and went back to school full time, so I got a business degree and an MIS degree, which is where my love of technology and business comes into play. I love the intersection of the two. Well, you know that obviously.
So, I ended up finding a PDF. Just a random half-finished report online that was how to be a professional blogger.
Aaron Parkinson:
I probably wrote that.
Jason Drohn:
You may have. [crosstalk 00:07:50].
Aaron Parkinson:
I say it was probably mine because it was half-finished.
Jason Drohn:
Well, so it was funny. I remember taking it to the gym, I was reading it, I was like, "Well, what the hell is a professional blogger? You mean I can make money and write and put it on a website?" So then I started. It was how to set up a blog spot blog and then I discovered Word Press. And then I wrote for a little while and got a $100 Ad Sense check back in 2006. First, check ever, and I was like, "Oh my God, Google's paying me.
Aaron Parkinson:
You'd be rich. Already [inaudible 00:08:29] retirement on the [inaudible 00:08:30].
Jason Drohn:
Right. There's an image of it floating around somewhere. And that was from my 15 visitors a day who came to my website. So that sent me down the spiral of, how do I get more traffic to my website? Well, you get more traffic by writing more content and SEOing your content and I was an SEO ninja. Up until probably 2012, 13-ish, I ended up selling a lot of affiliate products starting in 2009. I remember some of your earlier work. I remember seeing it on the interwebs, way, way back in [inaudible 00:09:11].
Aaron Parkinson:
You're like, why is this guy everywhere?
Jason Drohn:
Kind of, yeah. Yeah, like what the, okay, all right.
Aaron Parkinson:
There was no competition, it's because I'm [inaudible 00:09:18].
Jason Drohn:
There wasn't. Your first iteration was like, you were the only talking about that shit.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, 100%. I was like, I'm going to be the only guy talking about this and I'm going to spend a million dollars a month.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
I win. Until Google changed its algorithm and then I was like, "Oh."
Jason Drohn:
And that's just it. Yeah, Google changed its algorithm and I had a bunch of SEO sites that were purely monetized off of affiliate stuff and making 20-30 thousand dollars a month. Free money. Affiliate stuff.
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:09:51].
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, and then the algorithms changed and all of a sudden backlinks didn't work and then you're in a free fall. And you're like, "Well, I have these digital assets" and then you start running traffic and creating your products. So that was the iteration and then about six years ago, I started doing client stuff. So, yeah Freedom Fast Lane, Bill just chimed in here.
Aaron Parkinson:
Why [inaudible 00:10:14] Freedom Fast Lane?
Jason Drohn:
Freedom Fast Lane, Ryan Moran took it over.
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:10:19]?
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, Ryan's a smart guy. Nice guy too.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, Ryan's awesome. He should be on this show.
Aaron Parkinson:
Okay. Well, we'll text him after and say, "You should be on this show."
Jason Drohn:
Yeah. That works for me. I like it.
Aaron Parkinson:
100%. Freedom Fast Lane, was that all Amazon-based? Freedom Fast Lane?
Jason Drohn:
No, so Freedom Fast Lane was just a collection of internet marketing strategies we charged next to nothing for. It was just a monthly. And then Travis Sego and Ryan Moran and I did it, and then Ryan grabbed it, and then he turned that into capitalism.com.
Aaron Parkinson:
What a genius, right? Capitalism.com. I don't even want to say it. But [inaudible 00:11:01] capitalism.com was something somebody bought. I went and started searching domains that were just stupidly obnoxious domains like that. After Sam [inaudible 00:11:10] bought consulting.com and then [inaudible 00:11:13]. Do you know what I found?
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
You can say this because it's still available. I found cashflow.com.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Yes. It is available right now and my friend owned a domain registrar called Uniregistry. I don't know if you've heard of Uniregistry.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
And he's based out of the Cayman Islands. He just sold Uniregistry one month ago before the apocalypse, to GoDaddy. Good timing.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
And made an undisclosed gazoodle amount of money, because I know he had turned down Google for 1.1 billion and 1.3 billion already. So I don't even know what he possibly accepted from GoDaddy. And he won't tell anybody. His name's Frank. And Frank's company owns cashflow.com. So I hit them up and I said, "I want cashflow.com. How much is it? And I'm Frank's friend, so give me a discount." And he said, "No problem, it's one million." What? Come on, man.
But I want it. I don't even know what I want to do with it yet. I just think, what an amazing domain that would be to have.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Cashflow.com. All ideas on how to create cash flow.
Jason Drohn:
Oh, shit. There are a couple of good ones out there. Profit.com is somebodys.
Aaron Parkinson:
Just straight up profit.com.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah. That's awesome.
Aaron Parkinson:
Doneforyou.com though is no slouch.
Jason Drohn:
No, doneforyou.com is a great domain name.
Aaron Parkinson:
Doneforyou.com is a sick domain.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, it's a great domain. I grabbed it so ... Five years ago I started doing Done For You work and I was like, that's a great domain name and I grabbed doneforyou.io or something like that. And then I emailed the owner of doneforyou.com and said, "How much is it?" And they were like, "Well, it's going to be 50 grand." And I was like, I'm just getting started on this funnel thing, we'll see. And then I just kept working on them for three years. And two years ago, it was after Christmas and before New Years, and so-
Aaron Parkinson:
Nobody has any money.
Jason Drohn:
Right. So I was like, "So, doneforyou.com." And he's like, "All right." It was five grand.
Aaron Parkinson:
I was going to say 10. I figured you whittled him down to 10.
Jason Drohn:
No, five, yeah. What was funny was, it was like a, "If you buy this in the next 24 hours, we'll give it to you for $5100 or something." I was like, "Done!"
Aaron Parkinson:
Right. [crosstalk 00:13:48].
Jason Drohn:
[crosstalk 00:13:48] process this right now.
Aaron Parkinson:
I get an email from Unitregister once a month, like "972 thousand. Today only." I still wouldn't buy it, but I wasn't expecting a million-dollar price tag to be associated with it. I'm sure after this episode it will be gone. Somebody will be like, "I'll buy it."
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, totally.
Aaron Parkinson:
Should we tell people what we're going to talk about in this episodes moving forward?
Jason Drohn:
Yeah. Rather than just dumb shit? Yeah.
Aaron Parkinson:
Well, let's be honest. I don't even want to do this unless it's going to be 50% dumb shit.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, totally. I mean, look at your coffee cup.
Aaron Parkinson:
Right? 100%. I have to talk marketing all day long and be super serious with clients. I don't want to come here and be super serious. Let's start with the number one thing. We're going to talk about digital sales funnels. we're going to talk about digital traffic, we're going to talk about what's working now because we have so many agency clients between the two of us. We'll talk about what's not working now and we'll probably make fun of a lot of different people including ourselves. Along the way. I think that's probably a fair summary of what we're going to discuss.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah. And guess, I mean, we'll probably have a couple of guests who are doing okay online.
Aaron Parkinson:
Probably doing okay.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, probably doing okay. Maybe some [inaudible 00:15:18], maybe some just Joe Schmoes who are just doing whatever.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, sometimes I like having the Joe Schmoes that nobody knows about yet, but they're doing super wizard things, and I learn from them and I'm like, oh that's smart.
Jason Drohn:
It's like all of our clients to some degree.
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
I mean, you pick something up and it's like, oh shit. That's a pretty cool way of doing a survey.
Aaron Parkinson:
100%. Maybe we should start with something, I don't know what you've got. Do you have more slides behind that slide today?
Jason Drohn:
No, I was just playing around because I've only ever done these myself. So, we got all kinds of different little view here that we can kick into. We can show[crosstalk 00:15:57].
Aaron Parkinson:
[crosstalk 00:15:56] these types of little graphic type things.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so we can do some [crosstalk 00:16:01].
Aaron Parkinson:
I think we should start with real-life example number one, right? Let's talk about sales funnels, let's talk about the funnel we just built.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
And what we were looking at yesterday and what we did to impact it.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, all right.
Aaron Parkinson:
We can even talk about both the funnels we're running right now. Because it was similar, and what made it work and what made it didn't and where the numbers are at.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so let me pull up some pages here.
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
You're talking about funnel factor, right?
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
Shit, we got all kinds of stuff going on. I think we also need to talk about groups too. So, groups are going to be something that we should talk about.
Aaron Parkinson:
Groups are hot right now.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, groups are super hot. All right, so you guys ready? I'm going to pull this off into its browser.
Aaron Parkinson:
We had somebody watching us for a second. I wonder if there's more than one.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, there's a couple of people. It looks like we've got five watchers right now.
Aaron Parkinson:
Awesome, welcome to the show.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, Bill keeps commenting though. So thank you so much, Bill. Anybody else, you can comment here and we'll make fun of you a little bit, but it'll be fun.
Aaron Parkinson:
We should probably point out to people a simple fact about going live, which we tell our clients all the time is that, it doesn't matter who watches you live.
Jason Drohn:
Oh, no. Yeah totally.
Aaron Parkinson:
So many people are scared to go live because they're like, "Well only like two or three people show up." Or four or five or 10 depending on how famous you are. And the reality is, it doesn't matter. Because everybody watches it on recording later and lives get more engagement and more reach than anything else.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, you get both points. Both points doing lives.
Aaron Parkinson:
100%. So if you do life with four people every day, you're going to get so much more engagement than any type of content you put out longterm. And it's evergreen. It lasts forever and then you and syndicate it across Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, transition it into blogs, SEO it. You can do a million things with it. So going live, if your concern is, I don't want to go live because nobody shows up and I feel like a loser, it's an unfounded fear.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, totally. It's funny because when we do lives, we'll put a couple of hundred bucks behind it for the next few weeks and then just rack up a bunch of views, a bunch of people who are jumping into a retargeting audience.
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
But, what's cool because it's funny, I've told this to quite a few clients but, so today was my 25th GSD Daily and so every daily is about 25-30 minutes and then so I'm just getting it transcribed. Then the transcript is about 4000 words, and I've just been adding them to the blog post. I'm adding 12 to 15% of organic traffic every single week. So it's just like, bing, bing, bing, bing from all those keyword phrases.
Aaron Parkinson:
That's crazy. Break that down for people. What is an extra 12 to 15% organic do for you?
Jason Drohn:
Oh, and it's compounding. It's like compounding interest in your bank account. But it's just paid every week. You look at our analytics and it's like, step, step, step, every Monday to Friday we're stepping up.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, I see the same thing in LinkedIn right now because I have a LinkedIn strategy where I engage with people four or five times and then I send them a voice message, which is a little [inaudible 00:19:29] if nobody knows [inaudible 00:19:31] piece of gold you can walk with. Don't type messages to people on LinkedIn. Send them a voice recording because the percentage of engagement is off, I've had so many people say, "Oh man, this is so much more refreshing than just sending me the text because I just ignore them all." Because they all harp on the same thing right, "I'm sure you get a lot of messages every single day like me, but I thought I would show you think funky wizardry [inaudible 00:19:56]." I don't care, right?
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:19:59] drop a voice recording in there and there's no context to it, I don't know if I can not listen to it. It could be the most amazing thing ever, right?
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
I have to out of just pure curiosity. So I get way more engagement from that. But my point is, my team does this for me, and I've got 100 of these going out every three days. If you compound that over a month, all of a sudden you see my views on my profile from the last month, it's like a hockey stick.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Because there are all these voice recordings in people's inbox that are still getting opened down the road, day after day, after day, right? To the engagement is just like, woo. And last month we closed 50 thousand dollars in business off of LinkedIn.
Jason Drohn:
Oh, that's awesome. All three right? Just free messaging?
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, I mean I'm paying for the process that's going [crosstalk 00:20:57] thousand bucks a month.
Jason Drohn:
But it's not the two dollars and 50 cents per click or whatever.
Aaron Parkinson:
Oh, no this is just pure organic. Just connecting with people, engaging them, messaging them.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, loving on them.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yep, loving on them.
Jason Drohn:
All right. So-
Aaron Parkinson:
Let's talk about this funnel.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so as you were chatting there ... There it is, all right. So there's one video. All right so I'm going to share my screen here so basically, this is a funnel that I put together last weekend. So some of you may have seen it, some of you may not have. But basically what it was, was it's a 100% cold traffic funnel. We're throwing some cold traffic funnel so ... Typically when Aaron and I roll out campaigns, we're looking at our cold traffic and then a warm traffic strategy, but this lead magnet is generating cold traffic leads for about two dollars and 50 cents right now. Yesterday was a buck 89 for a cold traffic lead, like what?
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, give people some context. I think this is partly because the auction is so cheap right now on Facebook and Instagram.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, you can go ahead.
Aaron Parkinson:
And partly because it's really good and there's a lot of people home right now looking for options. But, a lead like this would normally cost you, what? Four to six bucks?
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, four to six dollars is about normal, yeah. A lot of advertisers are pulled out which has dropped the ad cost quite a bit. So we're using video ads for this too. And the video ad is not bad. It's done with the same camera, the same setup.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah [inaudible 00:22:44] standing right where you're standing talking [crosstalk 00:22:46].
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, right here. I think I waved this thing in as a little pattern interrupt.
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
But that's about it. So, they hit this page. There is quite a bit of text here, so we're going to split test some different versions of this, just slimming down the subject lines and stuff because on mobile, there's a lot of text. There's a lot of words. But this page wasn't the problem. The problem was that this was the original confirmation page and so there is the sales video, and then we have a little download button here to download the PDF. And then down below, some different things are into it. And I was just adding stuff to this page as we go.
So, Aaron, you can describe your feedback that you had for me on this-
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, this is why it's always good to have partners or have other people review your stuff. So that first page, it was like, hey you're going to get this free report, download [inaudible 00:23:46] factor and that all made perfect sense to me and the leads were cheap. And we got to this page, and the goal was not only to have people download it but then to buy a mini-course. So we could turn them into buyers because buyers are always better than free leads. And so when I looked at this headline, I was like okay, it's lackluster and it doesn't have a lot of direction and a lot of people won't watch the video. The video is really good, but a lot of people won't watch your video. There are video watchers and then there are scanners of the text.
So then, when I was looking down below, for me, with fresh eyes, this just looked like a whole bunch of articles. Almost just content. Like I didn't understand how it connected to the top. So when I asked Jason what the ultimate goal was, he said, "Well it's to buy this course." And I said, "Well this page doesn't look to me like anything with regards to buying a course." Until this very bottom piece where I was like, "Oh what? What is that? Oh, there's a master class?" So it's buried in the video and it's buried in this banner.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
So the focal point is way too vague on this page. And so then, we looked at some other stuff that was converting well and we talked about mirroring that and now maybe show the V2.
Jason Drohn:
So this page was getting about a 2% conversion. So basically we got two sales out of the first 100 visitors.
Aaron Parkinson:
Right, and if you look at the math on that, right? So that means we're paying two bucks a lead.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so you spend $200, $200-ish, $250, to make 10 dollars immediately, which isn't awesome. It's not bad, so because the button will pop up because of the video play. So from a return on ad spend standpoint, I know that I will make far, far away that down the road, but what I'm trying to do is liquidate ad spend.
Aaron Parkinson:
Right, and so we were creating a buyer for 50 dollars.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
50 dollars [inaudible 00:26:01], which isn't horrible, but not amazing. And again, what he's talking about is that we can pitch them stuff later, and because they're buyers, they're going to buy them. But we wanted to increase the conversion percentage. I want to say the conversion percentage on this page would be like 10%.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
At least. So then let's see what you did after we had our conversation.
Jason Drohn:
So that was this page. So this page turned into, literally, it's the same content, it's just this page. So a little bit different text. We have an expiring countdown clock on the top. In the same video, the download button is sent to an email, the email inbox, the PDF download.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah [crosstalk 00:26:48] goes to their email and now they're watching this. So, let's just go back to the top. First off, big bold headline. "Which sales system brings cash on demand? Short video reviews, true sales funnel automation." Oh, I want to know. This is now compelling. I see that there's a countdown, I've got to get on this. There's a price tag, normally $49.95, today only I'm giving this massive discount [inaudible 00:27:10] access to it. If I'm the person that wants to just buy right now, I can buy it right now. That's the five percent that would view this page.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
What are buyers? And for those people who want more information, now we're explaining the story, which you've done a really good job. Most funnels fail the first time out. Get access to our best performing funnel flows, which now makes sense, right? We've got automated webinar funnel, content funnel, we've got all these prices on them that are crossed out and they're all included in this. We've got some lessons, we're summarizing the offer again, all the things we get for just four dollars and 95 cents. We're getting the keys to the kingdom, a little video walkthrough of what it looks like to pique the interest. Right? And then did we have anything below this? Another call to action? No.
Jason Drohn:
[inaudible 00:27:55].
Aaron Parkinson:
So, this is much more obvious to the consumer, what we're pitching than the previous page. And there's scarcity because it's got a countdown timer and there's a more obvious call to actions on it. Maybe talk about the stats difference that you told me from yesterday and today.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so this page has a 14% conversion at the moment. We are literally, it's seven times more buyers at the moment. It hasn't been live for very long. But this page is making the traffic, even with a four dollar and 95 cent offer, this is almost returning the traffic.
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:28:41] with upsells and down sales? Or just front end, that first buy?
Jason Drohn:
Just with the first upsell, yeah.
Aaron Parkinson:
So including the first upsell.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, including the first upsell.
Aaron Parkinson:
Okay, so maybe for those people who don't understand what you just said there, do you want to clarify?
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so the first upsell here is 97 dollar lifetime access to a piece of software and then there's a down-sell from there. So they fill in this order form, let me go to an upsell. We've got another countdown timer. I re-did the check out page to match the sales page there.
Aaron Parkinson:
It looks really good.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, the same thing, just form up top. Then we got some features and benefits over here. But all in all, just a redone page took the campaign, which, it was doing okay. The goal was to generate a return on the ad spend immediately, like the same day. So that we could then turn around and spend more money on ads.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, and that's important for people to know. We try to, what's call self-liquidating offer. We try to have enough sales on the funnel first day to cover our advertising spend. If you can get as much money back the first day in your offer as you spend on advertising it is called a self-liquidating offer, and it's nirvana. Because if you can acquire buyers essentially for free, then whatever you sell them after that is pure profit and that means you can scale your advertising up as high as you want without risk and fear.
Jason Drohn:
Yep. Yeah, so that's this funnel as it is, I mean, the upsells we will get to. We ended up getting an upsell but that paid for the traffic. It's just about unlocking every stage as we go and [crosstalk 00:30:31].
Aaron Parkinson:
Maybe talk about that real briefly because I know we're only going to do half an hour length on these. But, we wanted to see 10% and you've got to work step by step. Everyone tries to look at the whole thing and it's too much. You've got to look at, how much does it cost me to get my leads? We [inaudible 00:30:48] them for some four dollars, we were at two dollars. So we were like, okay win, right?
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Now let's move onto the next piece. We want a 10% conversion on buyers, but we got 14.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Good enough. No need to mess around with that right now. Right? Now we've got to go to the upsell piece and ideally what I want to see on an upsell is I want to see a 15% conversion rate on my upsell.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
Right? And did we get one, did you say?
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, so upsell is right at 15%.
Aaron Parkinson:
Jason Drohn:
But I mean, there's one.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, the numbers are mathematically significant yet.
Jason Drohn:
Right.[crosstalk 00:31:29].
Aaron Parkinson:
[crosstalk 00:31:29], right? And the great thing about this, from front to back, that we haven't even talked about, is that there's no fulfillment cost or fulfillment time.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
We're selling information and software.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
So, if all of a sudden we get a return that's 20%, all we have to do is press buttons and increase the traffic. That's the only work we have to do.
Jason Drohn:
Yep, it's all done, it's all fulfilled, it's all created, and truly this entire course is created out of living streams that I did. It was I was like, shit I'm just going to put this together in a course and we'll sell it. It's great content.
Aaron Parkinson:
Absolutely. I love it. Well, Jason, we were going to have to start structuring this thing better.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
There has to be [crosstalk 00:32:27] end to these. So what is our call to action today?
Jason Drohn:
Our call to action ... I think the DFY funnels group, join the funnels group.
Aaron Parkinson:
Sure. I think that's a great call to action for today.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, join the DFY funnels group. Let me grab a link here.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, the DFY funnels group, Jason's doing an amazing job every day of dropping content like this into that group. So it's an amazing place to get free content daily of what we're doing to drive digital sales through different types of funnels.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, totally. And Aaron's in the group as well, so you can join there. This podcast is going to be hosted on salessystemexperts.com once I get it to build. So, the meeting is registered but we need an mp4 file to send to iTunes and Google Play to establish the podcast.
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:33:31].
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, hence this video recording. And what? Every Friday at 11 am we're going to be doing-
Aaron Parkinson:
That's right.
Jason Drohn:
Because Fridays are typically slow days in the agency world.
Aaron Parkinson:
Yeah, everybody makes appointments with me on Friday and nobody shows up.
Jason Drohn:
Right, yeah.
Aaron Parkinson:
And then we just decided to screw them. No more meetings on Fridays.
Jason Drohn:
We're going to talk about cool shit.
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:33:57] and share knowledge and then people would come on this call and be like, "Man, I would love to talk to those guys." They can book on a Monday like a normal human.
Jason Drohn:
Right. And you're welcome, go to doneforyou.com/start and book a call and you will see that there are no sessions today.
Aaron Parkinson:
I want to be that guy that I always wanted to be when I grew up. On Fridays, I want to golf and go swim in the ocean go to the beach. I just look at it through my window. It's going to be the last thing of the day on Fridays. Doing a podcast with you, and then I'm going to go to something with real people out there.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah. After lockdown ends.
Aaron Parkinson:
After lockdown. I can't go out there right now.
Jason Drohn:
Aaron Parkinson:
But soon enough, I'll be able to go out there.
Jason Drohn:
All right, man. So next Friday.
Aaron Parkinson:
Next Friday.
Jason Drohn:
At 11 o'clock.
Aaron Parkinson:
Same bat channel, same bat time.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, and your Frankenstein mug.
Aaron Parkinson:
That is not a Frankenstein mug, what is wrong with you? It's the Hulk.
Jason Drohn:
Oh, Hulk yes. All right. There we go.
Aaron Parkinson:
I'm going to bring it every Friday now.
Jason Drohn:
All right, that'll work.
Aaron Parkinson:
[inaudible 00:35:09].
Jason Drohn:
What's that?
Aaron Parkinson:
I said we'll see you'll soon.
Jason Drohn:
Yeah, see you. Bye.