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The Three Cornerstones of Sales Conversations: Sales Calls, Strategy Sessions, and Strategy Calls

Sales Calls: The Old-School Method

When you're a novice in high-ticket sales, the concept of a sales call can be intimidating. Traditional sales calls often come with the baggage of pitching aggressively, closing deals on the spot, and sometimes even employing high-pressure tactics to seal the deal. However, as you gain more experience, you'll understand that sales calls are just one of many methods to engage with potential clients.

Strategy Sessions: The Consultative Paradigm

In stark contrast to sales calls, strategy sessions are designed to identify and address the problems your potential clients are facing. These sessions can go by Quick Start Calls, Action Plan Calls, and so on—but the core objective remains unchanged: establishing credibility and trust before making an offer. Strategy sessions are generally free, private, one-on-one consultations lasting anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.

Strategy Calls: The Best of Both Worlds

Strategy calls serve as a hybrid model, combining elements of both sales calls and strategy sessions. They allow for a more fluid conversation and are particularly effective if you do not like pushy sales tactics.

Why Strategy Sessions Are Your Best Bet

Selling a product or service over $1,000 online is challenging unless you've built a substantial relationship with your prospect. This is where strategy sessions come into play. They offer you the opportunity to make that relationship and, consequently, command higher ticket prices. However, the effectiveness of your strategy session is directly tied to the brand and reputation you've built in the market.

The Importance of Brand Building

Your brand is not just a logo or a catchy tagline; it's the total of how your audience perceives you. If you've consistently delivered value through podcasts, videos, blog posts, and other content, you're more likely to succeed in selling high-ticket items. This is because your prospects feel like they know you, trust you and are more willing to invest in what you're offering.

The Pitfalls of Ignoring Relationship Building

One of the most common mistakes people make is not investing enough time in bonding and nurturing relationships with potential clients. If your prospect doesn't know who you are, pitching a high-ticket item immediately is unlikely to yield positive results.

The Role of Scripts in Strategy Sessions

Scripts can be helpful, especially for those new to strategy sessions. However, relying too heavily on a script can make the conversation feel forced and unnatural. The key is to use the script as a starting point but to move away from it as you find your natural rhythm and flow.

When Scripts Go Wrong

Clients have shot themselves in the foot by sticking too rigidly to a poorly written script. One client even saw his closing rate plummet from one in six to zero in 102 calls after following a script written by a so-called guru. The lesson here is clear: while hands can be helpful, they should not be followed unthinkingly.

Preparing for Your Strategy Session: The Pre-Game

Before the strategy session, gathering essential information about your prospect is crucial. This can be done through a brief application form that asks 6-8 key questions. Knowing the answers to these questions allows you to tailor the conversation to their specific needs and challenges, increasing the likelihood of a successful outcome.

Questions to Consider

For business-related services, you might ask for the prospect's website URL, the size of their email list, their current monthly revenue, and their monthly ad budget. These questions help you understand the prospect's needs and pre-qualify them, ensuring that you're talking to someone genuinely interested and capable of investing in your services.

Your Next Steps: Resources for High-Ticket Sales Success

We have many resources available if you're keen on setting up your automated webinar, sales funnels, and traffic strategies. These include a CRM tool and a Funnel Formula Masterclass, which serves as an accelerator course on assembling your sales funnel.

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Ready to take your high-ticket sales to the next level? Book your strategy session today, and let us handle your sales and marketing. Visit to get started. See you on the other side!

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