Create Online Courses: How To Sell And Deliver Online

We’re going to go live and we’re going to answer any questions that you have about anything from sales and conversion to marketing and paid traffic to get online, to bring your business online. Basically, anything and everything. This is the first time I’ve ever done a live stream. Well, I should say a public live stream. I’ve done a couple like for groups and stuff. It’s a little bit odd. We’re also messing with some new software,

I have done a little bit of a scheduled broadcast this way and it has worked out really nicely. Let’s see. It looks like everybody’s good. In the chatbox, go ahead and say hi. It’s like all of our streams are online.

We got Periscope. We got a couple of Facebook’s, Linked In. YouTube, looks like they are online despite having a little YouTube connection error warning. Just a little bit of a general kind of housekeeping. This live stream was kind of the brainchild of… Well, there’s so much randomness and weirdness that is going on right now between businesses and stores shutting down and live events.

A lot of our clients who are doing live events are moving to digital. There is a lot of more traditional business models that have switched to needing to get online. Like literally my phone just kept ringing last week asking questions about moving digital products and moving events in, and should I use Zoom, and should I use GoToWebinar, and should I just prerecord these things.

All of that kind of stuff.

  • What should I do to move my business online?
  • How can I take my coaching program and productize it?
  • How can I do any of the numbers of things that are needed when you are encouraged to work out of your house?

Why I created GSD daily?

The idea behind this GSD daily is to basically give you what you need immediately so that you can move your business forward day after day after day.

GSD stands to forget shit done. These daily live streams are really meant to help move you towards your mountain. Wherever it is you’re going, whatever goal that you had when you started off, it should still be your goal. I mean, the fact that the government’s doing random stuff, all of that still holds true. Your goal should still be your goal.

The landscape hasn’t changed at all. It hasn’t even really been delayed. There is a silver lining in this for you if you can find it. Really it’s about switching the conversation between one of fear and doom and gloom to how can you make a positive impact in your people, in your prospects? How can you move them closer to your services? Really that’s all there is to it.

As I said, the idea of this live stream is pretty simple, to keep you actionable, moving toward whatever it is you need, whatever it is you were moving towards. It’ll be every day at 10 o’clock. I wrote some notes. Not that I ever write notes, but I’ll drop my contact info below if you need to get ahold of me. You can go to There’s a little chatbot in the lower right-hand corner or just email

Really, finally, share this thing with your business partners, your acquaintances, anybody who has a business or is in charge of a business and they’re kind of not up against a wall, but they’re kind of stuck right now.

create online courses

Should I move my business online?

The first question came in over the weekend. I have a live event in June. Should I move it online? Yeah, probably. I would say to give it four weeks out. also, I would probably start moving it online. I mean, the CDC last night said, what, eight weeks? Plan for eight weeks of business issue stuff. But yeah, I would probably move it online. There’s a couple of ways to do it.

Streaming Services

  2. Streamyard

There is plenty of this kind of multi-streaming services out there right now. This one that I’m on right now is You can tie into Facebook, YouTube, Periscope, and LinkedIn if you have approval, which I do not yet. There are lots of ways that you can tie into a stream of your life or your live or recorded events. Right now I’m in front of a webcam obviously.

If I was delivering a PowerPoint presentation, I could deliver it that way. It is recorded by the magic of Facebook and YouTube and all that stuff. With Restream, you can upload videos.

What I’ve been doing lately is uploading my little six to 10-minute little podcast episodes and then streaming them live to Facebook and YouTube, A, to test it, just to kind of mess around with it, but B, because Facebook and YouTube kind of give you bonus points if you stream live because you’re using their platform. What we’ve found is a lot of times live streams have lower click costs like on ads. The same goes for YouTube.

Typically, you can promote those things and get more reach for cheaper. The nice thing about that is with Facebook you can retarget lookalike audiences and you can create custom audiences, all of that stuff, based on how much of a video somebody watches. We can retarget who watches a certain portion of this thing, which is pretty cool. That’s one way of doing it.

This is a nice streaming platform that I haven’t really played with it too much. I know that it has gotten popular for any kind of one-sided streaming.

Conferencing Tools

  1. Zoom
  2. GoToMeeting
  3. GoToWebinar

Then there are your conferencing tools. There is a Zoom. Zoom, you can have a couple of people on the stream. There is the one that we really like is just the oldest one, GoToMeeting or GoToWebinar, which tends to be the one that we have used the longest and the most.

It’s still the one we use. There is, which is another one that is more of like kind of help desk oriented. But between Zoom and GoToWebinar if you have multiple people. A lot of people film podcasts. They’ll do interviews for podcasts in Zoom and then stream it to Facebook and YouTube, which is cool too.

create online courses

Membership Site

In taking your events on live, those are some options. That also begs the question, if you have a live event and you are making a digital, how are you going to charge for it? How are you going to make sure that only the people who pay get access? If you are charging $297 per ticket, then that one person should have access to your live event. That means you should probably have a membership area set up.

WishList Member Plugin

There’s a lot of things that we do from a membership area standpoint. The one plugin that we kind of always use, we always come back to is a WishList Member. It’s been around forever. It’s a really, really nice WordPress plugin for locking content behind a membership area. Then what you can do is you can drop the embed code for Zoom or whatever. You can drop the life. I was actually playing around. has live embed code for this Restream. I don’t know if it’s working. Actually, probably interesting to go check and see,, because I’m literally sitting here talking to my camera. It is loading and it looks like it is working.

There’s a little play button here, so that’s awesome. But that is one way that you could lock only paying registered users or give them access to your events and lock everybody else outside. Because to create online courses, you got to control access if it’s online. There are going to be a number of people who are sharing that thing if you don’t have those kinds of login precautions in place.

I know one of the things whenever we do like live webinars, it’s so weird because a lot of times we’ll just promote to our email marketing list and then people will just… They’ll share the link. We’ll get 30 or 40 new email leads every time we do a live webinar, and it’s not because we did any like promotional activity.

It might even be like training or something. It’s just people share the link and then all of a sudden we got a bunch of new leads. We’ll re-import the list and you got a bunch of new emails being added. When you’re doing these live events, especially if you’re moving from an in-person module and on location or on-location events, then you’re going to want to make sure that that is addressed.

Shopping Carts

  1. Infusionsoft
  2. Ontraport
  3. SamCart

Now, in terms of shopping carts, there’s a lot of different ways you can use shopping carts to charge for access. A lot of the events, they’re kind of sold through like meetup or through some sort of an event platform.

If you transition to an online event, then you’re going to be looking at probably some of the more traditional shopping carts, something like Infusionsoft or Ontraport or SamCart, so that you can make money online and then email them out the link to the events once they go live. We got another question here.

Creating Online Courses

Moving my in-person mastermind to digital. In terms of moving like anything that is coaching or mastermind related, moving it to digital, there’s a couple of really great ways to do it.

First of all, you can do some of the live stream stuff. That’s totally cool. But one of the things that I’ve done recently is whenever there’s a live coaching component, we move it into products.

Rather than $2,500 for a live mastermind or whatever, then you can charge for the course itself. A couple of things that we do there.

  1. Outline the course through Powerpoint
  2. Record a video like a Screenflow to Camtasia to Screencast software
  3. Edit and export
  4. Content Management System: Teachable, Kajabi, Wishlist Member
  5. Lock content on Membership Area

create online courses

Content Delivery

It didn’t make a lot of sense. Create online courses. That’s generally the question. Creating online courses for the internet or selling online courses. The first thing to figure out is, and kind of where we start when we start working with experts or specialists who are trying to digitize their knowledge, the way we start is really to talk about what are their passions.

What is the thing that people continue to come to you for advice and for support again and again and again? Usually, it’s one thing. It might be a couple, but it tends to relate to like what is your why, what are you uniquely gifted to do, all of that kind of stuff. Because a lot of times people, your friends, your acquaintances, even people you’re in business with or whatever, they’ll come to you for a certain thing. Generally, that’s kind of where the conversation starts.

Digital Product: The Client Crusher

The first digital product that I ever created was an eBook called The Client Crusher and it was 10 ways to pick up local marketing clients. Because way back when I first started doing this, I was doing a lot of client work.

I wrote this eBook on just kind of 10 tips, 10 things that I did that may have been different than everybody else or may not have been. I don’t know. But that eBook was a free download. It was a lead magnet. I think it was like 19 pages long. I wrote it on a weekend, and then I let a friend put it in their membership area. That was like on a Saturday I emailed it to her and said, “.

Here’s a free thing for your membership area. Just make sure to include this link and then I can start building my email list.” Well, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, I didn’t really look at it. Monday I turned on my computer, Monday afternoon, and I had over 200 leads, 200 email addresses, that had signed up to my email list.

It was a huge win for me because before that I was kind of blogging and kind of doing some internet marketing. It was the first like a digital product that I ever created, I create online courses. That local client thing was my thing for a little while, for probably two or three years. How that book kind of came about was I wrote the 10 tips and then what I did was I surveyed or sent a quiz to those 200 leads.

Three questions, what did you like about the report? What didn’t you like about the report? What would you like more of?

The first question, what did you like about the report, told me kind of what they enjoyed, what they got out of it.

The second question, what didn’t you like about it, kind of sucked to hear the answers, but what I learned was all the things that I could have done better in writing that lead magnet.

Then the third question, which was what would you like to know more about, showed me or told me all of the ways that I could expand on that report and all of the things that I could create. What I did was I went through and out of the 200 people, I think probably 60 or 70 signed or they responded, they gave me answers.

Creating Buckets

What I did was I grouped all of those people into buckets or grouped their questions into buckets. I ended up having like four or five kinds of modules, four or five things, topics that people wanted more information for. One of those topics was tools and software and another topic was what to do during the first meeting. Like when you’re pitching on a client, what to do then? What should you wear? What should you bring, printouts or handouts or whatever?

Recorded Answers via Videos

This was like 10 years ago, so printouts were actually still a thing. I was able to arrange their question into topics and I answered them, and I answered them through little videos. I just created a couple of PowerPoint slides and recorded some videos through Camtasia because I was still on a PC at the time. Hadn’t quite made the switch.

Recorded them through Camtasia, exported them as MP4 files or whatever.

Export Files on Membership Area

Videos were put in a membership area, it was like WordPress and WishList Membership area. I started selling access to it. That create online courses I think I sold it for $67 and I gave it to that list. I gave it to those guys for I want to say it was like half off or something. Then some people who downloaded the lead magnet for free, then they started buying the course.

I sold it for a couple of years and kind of went through a couple of versions and then I added, some modules to it and stuff. My point is if you’re looking to digitize your information, start small, start really just writing a report, writing a six to eight-page report, that you can give away for free, and maybe survey your audience.

If you want to dive in a little bit further than that, then create an outline of the modules, of the topics that you can talk about through your create online courses of the things that you can teach. Then from there, you can go into really start diving in. Bear with me for a minute. There’s this piece of software that I really, really love to use when I’m digging through create online courses.

create online courses

Software: MindMeister

Let’s look at the software together and I can kind of show you how I build these things. The software that I use as MindMeister,, M-E-I-S-T-E-R. I’m just going to log into my account here. You can have a couple of mind maps. You can open it up on an iPad and all the other stuff.

Sales Funnel Course

We’re going to look at the sales funnel course. I just use this mind map to create online courses called Funnel Formula. Funnel Formula is over on We’re going to go through a little mind map lesson as long as these transfers. I am going to share the screen and we’re going to see if this works. Maybe it’ll work, maybe it won’t. All right. Share my entire screen, share my application window, share my Chrome tab.

This is a mind map that I do on MindMeister, and how I organize these things is I always start in the middle. We start in the middle.

We have a sales funnel in the middle. In this create online courses, I wanted to build a course on sales funnels. I always start in the middle. If you look here, we have four main topics. Actually, it is five topics. Because content marketing is such a big part of this, I ended up kind of splitting it out. Let’s see. Can I make this any bigger so you can see it? All right, cool.

We have an automated sales funnel and then we have your website, which is one of the categories, and then we have content-based assets, which is another category, and then we have a sales funnel, which is another category, and then we have traffic. Basically, the thinking is this, you need a website in order to sell your thing. You have content-based assets, which are your sales material.

You have your sales funnel, which is the arrangement of those content-based assets, your sales videos, all of that kind of stuff, and then you have your traffic, which is how you’re getting your traffic. Now, how I do it is kind of start with the outer ring. We’re starting with your website. Then I go through and I kind of pull it out into… All right.

There are three kinds of traffic that we do for clients, we specialize them the most, Facebook, Google, and retargeting. Of those types of traffic, then I’ll go through and I’ll detail each of them. With Facebook we have… Let’s see. We don’t want to do that. With Facebook, we have rollouts.

We have a roll-out strategy, the setup, ad creative, and we have targeted. We have to go launch strategy, and then we have optimization. Under optimization, we have clone winning assets and then from there, we break them out into age groups and genders, and locations. For testing new creative, we test ad copy, new videos, new images. Each of these modules is education on how we do these things. Screen share videos and videos, kind of like you’re watching now.

A lot of examples, a lot of all of that stuff. We have the same for Google and retargeting. Underneath the sales funnel, we actually have eight different sales funnels that we build. The webinar sales funnel, SQL, VSL funnel, and each of these… This is one particular module on how to build fully qualified lead sales funnels. Best used for coaching, consulting, complex services, real estate.

We have the major components of that thing, core sales copy, core pages, core automation and so on and so forth. But what this does is it lets you really get a really good idea of all of the different things that you can teach on. One of the reasons that I mind map all of this stuff this way is so that I can put all of my thoughts onto paper. You can think of it as like a college syllabus.

Having that syllabus, you know what every week all of the different things you’re going to be going through, all the pages, the textbooks you’re going to be using, all that stuff. This is thecreate online courses syllabus, for lack of better terminology. The other nice thing about MindMeister is you can actually export to PowerPoint. I don’t actually create PowerPoint slides that can create online courses.

All I do is I mind map it and then I just hit this little export tool. I share it and then, let’s see, I can publish my map. I publish my map to PowerPoint and I have to do a little bit of editing in the PowerPoint slides. But by and large, all of this material is here and now I just have to go through and talk about it, like content types and content marketing guidelines and publishing frequency.

That ends up being a really, really nice way of how to create online courses because you can think about it once, you can kind of design it, you can export it as a big PowerPoint presentation. I think this thing was like 600 slides when it exported. It took a couple of hours to go through and edit and then I was able to start recording, and the recording took quite a while.

That’s how I create online courses. I go through, I start with one central idea, and then I kind of group it into topics.

Then from there break that topic down into usually four to seven things that need to be taught within that topic, and then from there you can go and get as granular as you want. One of the examples might be content marketing. Inside content marketing, there are lots of different things we can talk about, but one of those things is going to be keyword research.

What is the best way to find the keyword phrases that people are searching for in Google, and then how do you write content for those keyword phrases? That’s just one example. Now, you have your own thing, you have your own kind of classifications, your own topics in whatever your discipline is.

If you are a coach, then you know that when you are coaching somebody from a business person standpoint or personal development or whatever, then there are typically four to six categories, modules, and then they go through this, and then you teach these same four to six things again and again and again, and it ends up becoming a progression. That’s how you set and create online courses. Does that make sense?

For Questions and Guide

Tomorrow we’re going to be live at 10:00 AM again, go to if you want to book a call with my team and me.

If you just want to ask questions for tomorrow’s session, go to and make sure to share this thing with your friends.

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