Today’s GSDdaily will be about setting up a Facebook Marketing Funnel. This entire week we’re going to talk about building a marketing funnel. What we’re going to do is I’m going to walk you through our process of cold to warm traffic. Basically, how do you go from getting somebody cold with you, they have no idea who you are, you find them on the internet or they find you I should say. They don’t know who you are, they don’t know who your brand is, they don’t know what your brand is and you attract them.
You engage them and you engage them oftentimes through content like this. Whether it’s a live stream or whether it’s a blog post or whatever. There is a way to manufacture that engagement by dripping them through a marketing funnel.
The marketing funnel starts by understanding that people are going to find you and they’re going to be cold.
After they watch your video, once they read a blog post, once they do something online, they enter into your warm market. In your warm market then, they see different ads. They see ads for buying stuff, purchasing stuff, engaging with your brand a little bit more deeply. So that is the idea of the marketing funnel.
Facebook Marketing Funnels
First of all, I’m going to drop the Facebook group here. This is the traffic Facebook group because this entire week is going to be about traffic. We’re going to be talking about Facebook ads. We’re going to talk a little bit about live streams, a little bit about video and all that stuff. In it, we talk a lot about Facebook Marketing Funnels. So go ahead, join this group.
You will be happy that you did. Here we end up talking about anything traffic-related. It’s just really kind of the first traffic series that we’ve done. Let me also find a report for you that you will be able to download. You’re going to be able to download this guy.
Growth Plan Checklist
This is what is called our growth plan checklist. You may have seen it in a previous live stream, but the growth plan checklist is it’s our process for putting together organic and paid traffic strategies that work well. I’m just going to test it out make sure this is the right page. It’s called the GSD growth plan checklist. I’m going to enter this link here, so GSD growth plan. So there’s a little PDF that you can use. It’s a pretty complete document, I think three pages. I’m going to walk through the checklist of the organic and paid traffic strategies that we’re going to talk about this week. We’re not going to get into the organic strategies this week because we’ve already documented the shit out of it in these previous GSD dailies.
Organic Materials
But basically, it is a live stream but then you transcribe.
- Transcription goes on the blog
- You embed the video
- The video ends up going out as a podcast
That’s the organic piece and what we’ve seen is that it is increased to traffic now about 20% week over week. So it’s growing and growing and growing. It’s catching on like wildfire. And the paid traffic piece of this. So let me pull this up and then I’m going to open up a window so we can go through this plan together.
Paid Traffic Strategy
Now, this is the strategy. This is the GSD weekly, the paid traffic strategy. So we’re just going to go through this quickly. But that link I just dropped. It’s a weekly action plan for expanding your audience and scaling the growth of your program. You’re attracting more and more people into your world.
The goal of this plan is to engage as many people as possible without spending a lot of money.
If you are just getting started, you’re just launching a program, a product, or a course or whatever, then what we want to do is we want to engage as many people or as we can. We want to engage as many people as possible for free and then retarget them into the things that we want them to go into.
1. Start With Content
What we do is start with content. The content piece is pretty simple. You record a live stream. I’m using a stream yard right now. I recommend doing this three times a week. I go to hell with the joke as with most things, and I do it five times a week with these GSD dailies. Then you get the videos transcribed at You create a blog post, all that stuff. What we’re going to be going through this week though is this paid advertising piece.
2. Cold Traffic Facebook Marketing Funnels
Now, this paid advertising strategy. What it is, we step from cold to warm. We start with Facebook ads for our marketing funnel. We start with cold traffic Facebook marketing funnels, and we promote a piece of content to those cold traffic Facebook ads. It’s roughly 50% of our ad budget.
That might be if we’re spending a hundred bucks a day, it’s going to be 50 bucks for cold traffic. If it’s $1000 it will be $500 for cold traffic per day. And what we’re doing is we’re promoting that live stream, whatever the newest live stream is in the mix, we’re promoting that live stream until the next live stream goes live. So if you’re doing this once a week then you can promote that thing until the next one goes live.
If you’re doing it two times a week or three times a week, then you just promote till the next one goes live. I personally with these GST dailies, because I do them daily, we kind of do the best ones. Like if there’s some great stuff, then we’ll drop it to cold traffic. If it’s timely or if we get a bunch of engagements. So if you were to say hi through the comments right now, then it’s probably something we would drop to pay traffic.
Warmer Traffic Sequence
With a Facebook marketing funnel, when anyone watches more than 25% of any live stream or any video or visit the website, that’s when they go into this warmer traffic sequence. What they do is we’re using the live stream, blog posts, websites, and everybody who raises their hand and says. I am interested in the thing that you are doing by visiting, by watching a webinar, a video and by watching a live stream. If you’re just getting started, it can be 15 seconds. It doesn’t have to be 25% of a live stream because you might not necessarily get to the volume if you’re not spending a whole lot. So maybe it’s 15 seconds. It’s a Facebook thruplay.
But as soon as that trigger is tripped, as soon as somebody crosses one of those thresholds, they come to the website, they watch 15 seconds or more of a video, whatever. They opt-in, then they are put into this warmer traffic.
Promote a CTA offer
With this warmer traffic, what we do is we promote a CTA offer like a webinar or a lead magnet, whichever is getting better leads or cheaper leads. Or we might even go directly to like a tripwire, 495 offer at this moment, if we’re looking to qualify buyers and we know we have the ad budget to support buyer traffic so we might even go right there.
Usually, that warmer traffic space is like 35% of the Facebook marketing funnel budget. So, by and large, that tends to be kind of where it is. Now the next step, you have cold traffic and then you have your warmer traffic.
Warm Traffic
Warmer traffic is like your people. That’s your tribe. You’re engaging them, you’re growing them. They moved from cold to warm then once they’re in warm, we’re nurturing them and trying to get them to then move into an offer. So the offer is the hot traffic audience. These are like shopping cart abandonment.
People who attended a webinar, basically somebody who not only raised their hand and said yes I’m interested, but they also engaged with you and your brain and they said, yes I’m interested in you. Because if they said that then they are hot traffic. They’re people who we can show offers to and they will buy those offers. Now one very, very simple distinction here. As you’re moving, as you’re stepping people through this Marketing Funnel, you want to segment out to exclude everybody in the lower levels.
All of your hot traffic people, should not be seeing your warmer traffic ads and they should not be seeing your cold traffic ads. As they ascend into the level, we exclude them from everything downstream.
- If they’re cold, they’re cold, if they’re warm, however, they should not be seeing any more live streams.
- They should only be seeing retargeted ads. If they are hot, they should not be seeing your warm traffic or your cold traffic.
This week I’m going to show you how to set all this up. I’m going to show you how to exclude audiences, include audiences, build your cold audiences, your warm audiences, set up Facebook marketing funnel videos and image ads, and maybe do some dynamic ads and stuff like that.
That’s kind of the goal of this week. That’s what we’re going to talk about. The other piece of this is Google ads, which we’re not going to get into this week. Maybe next week we can get into Google or down the road a little bit. But Facebook marketing funnel tends to be always the place that we’re kind of starting with. And then we have our email nurturing here so you know how to nurture your email list.
Once they kind of hit that warmer traffic, then they opt-in. So now these people are seeing you from both Facebook marketing funnel on your cold campaigns and then also from targeted ads if using like ad role. And then they’re also seeing you from email as well. So that’s the idea. That’s the idea of the Facebook marketing funnel mode, called “retargeting.
Software for Creating Ads
Now, some stuff that I want to talk about is tools that we’re going to need to pull all this off. So what we’re going to do, we’re just going to go on a trip. We’re going to take a look at some different software that we can use, that we will be making use of this week in creating these ads.
1. Canva
Now the first one we’re going to talk about is a piece of software called Canva. Can it be an image editor? It is badass software, especially if you don’t have a designer or somebody like in the mix. So Canva lets you create Facebook ads for your marketing funnel. It does some video, but it doesn’t do like, you know when your Facebook ads. I just created a bunch of these this morning. Crawling and segmenting groups of folks. Retargeting nice. Canva is a great software platform for creating ads.
If you just go in and you have to have an account and an account is free, although I have the pro version just so there are all the images and stuff, what you can do is you can log in and just say, I want to make a Facebook marketing funnel ad. And then they have all kinds of really, really great Facebook ads.
I used something like this a little bit earlier. Just set up some image-based ads for a dynamic audience that we’ll teach you about how to do that a little bit later. But this is not a bad looking ad. I don’t sell pizza so there’s that. So I’m just going to drop a picture that I used this morning. This is my son shooting a bullseye and I used this as an ad. Then we have our little text block here. Now we can get rid of this text block and then I’m going to find a different text block. Elements text. There we go. We’re just going to use this big cheers thing. So buy my shit. Awesome.
All right now cool. We got that. Now, this could very well be a Facebook marketing funnel ad. Although, so with Facebook, it’s off. You don’t want to have any more than 20% text. It’s kind of a rule that kind of stands and kind of doesn’t. You want to have some text but it doesn’t necessarily have to be. Well, the less text the better. But you still want to have text if possible.
You also probably don’t want to say shit in there. So stuff. So buy my stuff and then maybe you want to space this out a little bit. Give it a little bit different line-height. And then let’s say you wanted to throw a block in behind it. So there it goes. So we’re just creating this little adhere. All right, cool.
Then we want to change the color to. One of the nice things about Canvas they did was color matching, which is kind of cool. So like that brown is in the image somewhere. So is that orange. It was just kind of sweet. So buy my stuff and then what we do is we just publish it. So this is done for a Facebook ad. Now I can’t say that this Facebook marketing funnel ad is going to sell a whole lot, but it’s there.
Do you know what I mean? So you can do anything you want with this guy. Usually what I’ll do is one of the pro features for Canva is you can then also resize this into a bunch of different sizes. So we’re going to resize. Let’s say we want to resize into, let’s see, 160 by 600 which is a banner ad format. And then we’re going to resize into 250 by 300. It’s going to be 300 by 250. 250. Then we’re going to do 468 by I think it’s 60 is the other one.
We’re going to just copy all these and resize them. Check this out. We’re going to continue to resizing. We need to add this. So always allow popups. And then we’re going to hit the resize button. So it’s going to make me do it again. There we go. So watch. Tink, tink, tink, tink. That’s required. You have to say tink, tink, tink, tink when it resizes like this. Haha. That’s funny. All right, so this is our Facebook marketing funnel ad, but then this is also our Facebook ad, but then we have this ad. So this ad we can go through and then we can drag it in here. We can make him just like this. I’m going to hit enter and then we have the buy my stuff and we’re just going to group this image right here.
We’re just going to duplicate. We want to group. Here and then group and then we make this big. Buy my stuff. Now there probably should be a banner, like an image or a button or something in there.
This is an image ad that ties right with our theme that we can then put into like adroll, which is a great retargeting platform. If you want to go look at adroll it’s A-D-R-O-L-L .com. We’ve got this one and then we have this one. I think this size was 300 by 250. So a different banner ad style. We’re going to group these guys together and then we’re going to make this big and so different banner ads size that we can run with. And then here again we have a different banner ad so we can just kind of, that’s kind of cool right there. So we have Sebastian’s big noggin then.
Then we’ll just group these guys and there we go. So now we have a bunch of different banner ad sizes from that one Facebook ad which is super, super … It’s well worth like the 18 bucks or whatever that Canva charges for it. But these banner ads you can import them directly into adroll which then gives you the retargeting around the internet. So, of course, you need to set up the targeting and the segmentation and all that kind of stuff. But it works out well that way.
Canva is probably the easiest place to go and start setting up Facebook ads. However, most Facebook ads anymore are video-based.
There is a tool that we like, we don’t use it, although we did and I think it was now. It was promo-by slightly forever for the longest time. it’s a marketing video maker. It drops a couple of videos together and then lets you write text over it and puts a sound on it. We used to use this a lot, but it didn’t let you upload audio. I think it does now, but it didn’t before.
The videos it created were great and it was text-based and you got the benefits of using a video. You could track how much engagement you got. You could track how many people watched it. But there are some things you couldn’t do.
3. Apple iMovie
What I ended up doing, over the last couple of years, I got good at making videos using iMovie. If you don’t have iMovie or you don’t have an Apple, then you should get one because I can’t help you on Windows. Windows video making things. The one tool that I use or have used on Windows for the video was Camtasia. And Camtasia is great software. It also works on Mac.
4. Camtasia
Camtasia is a screen recording software. It records screens, it records your camera, it records the audio and then you can go through and edit everything together. So basically it layers it in its tracks and then you can slice and dice and move it around and edit stuff. Nice stuff. These screen recording software were how I learned how to edit video. Once you understand that video layers like a Photoshop document, then you can move it around pretty well. You can cut and paste and pull stuff out of one video and put it into another video. It ends up working out pretty nicely. So TechSmith is, or Camtasia is a great tool to use. If you’re on a Mac we prefer ScreenFlow.
5. Screenflow
So I have ScreenFlow on all of our computers. It’s a little faster it seems than Camtasia, although I haven’t been in Camtasia in probably three or four years. And then once you get to like the big boy video editing space, Final Cut Pro is probably where you want to be. It’s super nice software. It’s like iMovie only you get like all of the pro editing kind of features on it. So that works out pretty nice. And I think the last tool to kind of talk about.
All of these videos you can record them with a webcam. This is a webcam that you’re watching me on, which the video probably sucks right now. It’s not that bad. So no, I’m freaking clear. Wow. I’m not usually ever clear because I usually move around and stuff like as we get to this point. It doesn’t work out all that well, but whatever. So, but you don’t need anything fancy. An iPhone will work just fine. So this is newer, it’s not the newest but an iPhone will work just fine from a video editing standpoint. This is a webcam. It will work just fine. The webcam is sitting on top of a standing desk right now.
I’m not going to do a whole lot with video capturing stuff this week, although we will do some. It’s fricking difficult to do this life from a video captured standpoint. So we’re going to do some video stuff. All the video things that we’re going to do are going to be redone.
Not redone but I will have a couple of videos that we will create ads for. So for this week to go through the process and then we’re going to do some live streams. So we’ll start from scratch there. We’ll boost probably this live stream and kind of just work on what I do, how I boost this thing. And that’s about it. So like I said, Marketing Funnel, one-on-one stuff. Tomorrow we’re going to work on the cold audience and so we’re going to be boosting in post. Boosting blog posts and we’re going to be boosting live streams. So we’re going to be working on that cold traffic segment.
Then I think on Wednesday we’re going to do warm and then on Thursday we’re going to do hot and then on Friday, we’re going to wrap it up. I think that’s probably a pretty solid workflow. We’ll do that.
For Questions and Guide
If you have any questions at all, go to and then ask questions there and we will get to them as we go. And then if you have any questions at all schedule a call at We will put together an action plan for you.
For your sales funnel, for your Facebook rollout, for your launch, for your Marketing Funnel, all of that stuff. It’s the quickest way to go from where you are to do.
