Today we’re going to talk about niche marketing strategy and niches are super important for a variety of reasons, but most notably they are important because they help you sell more stuff. Oddly, I am having a daily session about niches because for our stuff we don’t niche all that much.
People come to us because they have a variety of different offers, products, and things that they are wanting to sell and we help them. Everything from low-ticket digital products and courses, all the way up to high-ticket stuff, we have models for that. Part of the reason why we have a lot of different ways that we can go about selling things is that people come to us for e-comm or digital products or myriad things. But what that has helped us do is see how to sell them lots of different niches and that that part is important in niche marketing strategy.
The adage is when you are talking to everyone, you’re talking to no one. It is very, very true in sales funnels and copywriting. If you are not talking to one particular person or if you don’t have a marketing avatar, somebody in mind for your products and your programs, especially when you’re writing, then it’s just going to fall on deaf ears and nobody is going to respond at all.
For those of you who don’t know who I am, my name is Jason Drohn. I’m the creator of You can see the logos all over the place, all over right there. We specialize in three things.
- help companies and individuals create offers
- build sales funnels
- do marketing automation.
Niche Marketing Strategies
That’s kind of our wheelhouse. If it lives online, then we do it. Today we’re going to talk about niche marketing strategy and the three things that you need to keep in mind to build and create stuff for your niches and how dialing in on your thing and segmenting your thing is going to be the difference between selling not a whole lot of stuff and selling a lot of stuff.
1. Focus on One Particular Person/Avatar
When it comes to niches it’s important that you niche down and you focus on one particular person, one customer avatar.
It is going to give you a voice for everybody who is like them. I mean, good sales copy is written to do this, to do something like this very similarly. Your sales copy when it’s written for one person, everybody else writes themselves into the story. You are writing to one person, you are expressing the challenges, bottlenecks, and roadblocks to this one person. In doing so you are writing other people into the story.
What they’re able to do, or what you’re able to do, is you’re able to sell thousands of people just like them because they resonate with the message. The problem is when you write general stuff, then nobody resonates with the message and then everybody thinks it’s for somebody else. Everybody thinks it’s for someone other than the person who you’re writing for, which is them. That’s why a niche marketing strategy is so damn important.
2. Make Different Front End for Every Single Avatar
Now, when you’re writing copy and writing lead magnets and building stuff for sales funnels and everything else, what you need to do is you need to have a different front end for every single one of your avatars. For every person who could be a fit for your market, you want to have a different front end for that person. We’re rolling out a couple of lead magnets, a sales funnel for a client this week, and they have a lot of different folks, a lot of different front ends, a lot of different prospective customers. They work with a lot of different types of customers. What happens is they’re like, “Well, you know, we have this lead magnet. Do you want to add in for this other niche marketing strategy? Or do you want to create a whole separate lead magnet?”
I’m like, “Well, I think we have to create a whole separate lead magnet to get in front of this other customer group so that way they know we’re talking to them, you know?” The segments are very similar but different enough. If in your marketing, let’s say you sell right down the middle. Half of the people you sell to are, let’s say, software developers, and the other half of the people you sell to are business owners. Software developers and business owners, they’re going to have two different thoughts when it comes to what they’re looking for in your offer.
A software developer is going to be looking to offload some of the work onto your team. A business owner is looking for cost to savings, time management. There’s a lot of different things that when you put yourself into that niche, into that brain, that prospect, then what you’re able to do is pinpoint their specific challenges and what is going to help move the needle for your business for them.
You’re going to be able to say, “Yes, my product does this for you and only you.” But in talking directly to them, you’re also talking to the 100,000 people who are just like them. That’s what a niche marketing strategy is. That’s the power of writing and building a niche marketing strategy. If you have lots of different segments, whether it’s job roles or lots of different kinds of verticals, you need to think about the niche and write directly for that person. Now, another example, let’s say you’re in the health and fitness market. Let’s say you have a product that will help lose weight and that’s it, which is like half the people in health and fitness. Now, if you have a product that will help lose weight, who is it catered explicitly to?
Is it specifically catered to the person who is 75 pounds overweight or 20 or 30 pounds overweight, or they’re trying to lose that last 10 pounds of fat? Who is it that you are creating your copy or offer for? Because there’s such a wide variation between the person who is losing their last 10 pounds and losing 70 pounds. I mean, the person who is losing 70 pounds, really nutrition 101, get up and move, that kind of stuff is going to make a monumental difference for them. It is not for the person who was losing 10 pounds.
Sales and Marketing Copy
Your sales and marketing copy needs to be addressing that particular group that you were looking to target, male, female, what age groups, how athletic are they. But you need to have a clear idea in your mind for that person. But in niching it out, you should have, one sales video for men and one sales video for women, or one sales video for busy moms and one sales video for stay-at-home dads or whatever.
Like you can niche out the sales material and the offer can be the same, but what you’re doing is you’re targeting the person. And the thing is just targeting one person at first. I mean, we run into this all the time. Somebody’s like, “Well, my niche is X, or it could be Y, or it could be Z. How about we just do all of them and test all of them and then we’ll see which one wins?”
The problem with that though is oftentimes… I mean, ad budget and time and budget is limited, you know? Oftentimes, especially if it’s an ad budget, it’s like let’s say you have an ad budget of $5,000 to test. Well, if you’re testing three niches and then splitting it down the middle on all three, then you’re looking at what, $1,500, $1,700 per niche.
Would it be more advantageous to just throw all five grand at the one niche and test deep, test a lot of different ad combinations, a lot of different landing pages, or just sprinkle some ad budget on three niches and test across them? It’s probably going to be deep in one if you have a limited budget of $5,000. Of course, you’re going to be making sales, you’re going to be getting leads, and all that other stuff. You’re going to spin it over into a new ad budget, but do you get the same level of growth by sprinkling it between three different niches?
Do you know what I mean? In niche marketing strategy, it’s important to think about stuff like that. Sure. You can throw all of them out there, but do you give anyone thing enough runway to do anything with it, to make a difference in your business, to generate leads, to get sales? Because if you pull the trigger and then you stop $100 bucks, $200 bucks in, you didn’t learn anything. You learned that you pulled the trigger too soon. It’s what 100 clicks, 200 clicks, and maybe a couple of leads, a couple of sales, whatever? But you didn’t get far enough along to do anything substantial with it, you know?
Selling Affiliate Products
That’s is why you end up doing niche marketing strategy. Now, another thing is if you’re selling affiliate products, niches are wildly important, actually going after one particular vertical, like business development or like health and fitness or like investing. But when you’re going after one niche and one avatar, it doesn’t mean they’re not going to buy other things. You might have a lead magnet that is straight into business development of companies that are a million dollars or more, or whatever.
Those people, yeah, they’re going to be buying business development courses, but they’ll also buy self-help. They’ll buy Tony Robbins stuff. They will buy coaching. They’ll buy the software. They’ll buy an investment, any kind of investment advice. Even though you are specializing in one niche marketing strategy, it doesn’t mean they won’t buy other things. Look for those kinds of sideways side door relationships that you can use to generate some side hustle income, especially through affiliates or partnerships or JVs or whatever. It’s going to help in the long run.
3. Be Clear With Your Niche’s Features and Benefits
The third reason, the third tip I have here, is it makes it easier, more viral. The other thing about niches is when somebody can distinctly say this is what you do, it helps them share what you do. One of the things I’ve always been fascinated with sales copy is everybody says that the features and benefits are important in sales features and benefits are essential, like little bullet blocks and stuff, but the features and benefits, aren’t just important for the reader. They’re not just important for the person who is buying your offer. They are equally important for that person justifying their decision to others.
Here’s what I mean. Have you ever read a sales letter or bought something and you found yourself justifying your decision to somebody else with language that was in the sales copy? It wasn’t your original thought, but the thought was planted in your head from sales copy or marketing copy, and then you used that thing verbatim to justify your decision to somebody else. I mean, it happens all the time, but the next time you do it, notice it because I’m sure you’re doing it. I do it all the time. It’s like, “Well, you know, I bought this…” This little video thing here, I’ll show you.
This thing is what is called a SlingStudio. What it lets me do is it lets me switch between camera angles. This is an iPhone. This is a webcam. Then I can hook some different camera angles up to it and then I can just switch back and forth. Then I have a little audio switcher unit so that it switches between the iPhone monitor and then also a mic. This thing, I was like, “Well, you know what? Here’s why I want to buy it. I want to buy it because I can save local recordings of my videos and I don’t have to worry about the streaming quality on Facebook and YouTube.”
Where did I get that thought? I got that thought from the SlingStudio website that said, “You can save your recordings locally, and then you don’t have to worry.” Literally, like I took it verbatim and then I justified my purchase decision with that, but it makes total sense. It makes… I’m their perfect ideal candidate because I started doing the live streams and then I was like, “Well, okay. You know, I’m going to start using these for different things, social media videos down the road.
I’d like to archive a good solid copy of my videos, something that isn’t compressed in YouTube’s random algorithm with a big video that’s 200 megabytes.” Do you know what I mean? I want to be able to use it in the future. That has been the learning curve in the last couple of weeks, but I justified my purchase decision because they knew that I was their buyer.
They knew that I was their niche, somebody who just started live streaming, who has a couple of cameras, and they want to do it a little bit differently. Maybe they’re creating digital products. Maybe they’re doing some live event kind of stuff, which I’m not doing, but I use their feature and benefit to justify the decision. They niched me out perfectly and they have different niches. If you look at SlingStudio, they’re niched for band members, they’re niched for drone video enthusiasts, pun intended, they’re niched for all kinds of different people.
At the end of the day, they know that by focusing on a couple of segments, they’re able to sell a lot of products. Being able to share what SlingStudio does, I am now talking to you about them on this live stream. It means that now I’m giving them a bunch of free press. Basically, just delivering a good experience and then also making it easy for me to talk about them.
Do you know what I mean?
- Concentrating on a niche is important.
- Attract your ideal buyer.
Who is your ideal buyer?
Your ideal buyer is the person that you say they are by writing sales copy for them. That is going to be your ideal buyer. That is going to be the person who does business with you. Everything starts in the discipline of thinking about your customer avatar. Who do you want to work with? How much do you want to charge? What level should they be playing at to work with you? And then from there you get into the niches and writing sales copy, building sales funnels for that person.
Does anybody has any questions about niches and rolling out niches and some of the collateral or whatever you need for niches? Happy to answer any questions.
I guess that I don’t have any like real things that I can share in terms of niches, like screen stuff. Finding niches… One of them… There is some discovery kind of stuff that I usually go through. Whenever I’m looking for niches or I’m looking for ideas, there’s always a couple of places that I go to.
Now, whenever I’m looking for niche ideas, product ideas, I’m looking to do some research into what niches to go into. It is whether about creating a product or affiliate offers, which for the most part we just do stuff on behalf of clients. Like we build our stuff, of course. We build our software, in terms of like info products, we just help facilitate client niches. Whenever I need to do research, there are always three places I go to.
3 Best Sites to explore Niche Marketing
The first is ClickBank. ClickBank is an affiliate marketplace, a digital marketplace that they grew up around affiliates. There are the Dummies books, which is, and they have entire research and development teams that do nothing but figure out niches and that’s what they write books for. And then the third one is Amazon book bestsellers.
These are three places that I like to go and explore what people are buying. If you can find something in one of these three places, you have some pretty good insight into what niche is. It will also give you an idea of what a segmented niche is and how to speak to that segmented niche. It will also determine what kind of material they are buying and resonating with, and then also how popular it is.
1. Clickbank
The first is we go over to ClickBank. A lot of times we go to… Let’s see. Kind of redid their homepage here. So we’re going to go to browse products. Now we have a lot of different categories here. There are e-business and e-marketing, games, health and fitness, self-help. We’re just going to go to e-business and e-marketing. And then here we see there are several products, Thumbnail Blaster, Sqribble with a Q, Empire.
You’ve got to love all this stuff. And then there are subcategories. Affiliate marketing, general, video marketing, there are lots of different kinds of ways that they end up cutting up this e-business. But what we’re doing is we’re seeing… This is a discipline in segmenting down. Here, under affiliate products, or here under thumbnail blast or general or video marketing, those are going to end up being some individual products, some niched down products.
Now, if we went back to like health and fitness, we’re going to go to product categories. We’re going to go to health and fitness. Then here we have Keto. We have Natural Synergy, The Power of Hormones. Cacao bliss, one bottle, one-time supply. Dietary supplements. There are lots of ways you can end up drilling down, but you can tell… I mean The Power of Hormones, Natural Synergy, and Carb Shifting Keto, those products are niched to a particular segment. Obviously, this is Keto. The power of hormones is a how-to guide on balancing hormones for women age 25 to 55. These people know exactly who their niche is and they are writing for that niche.
2. Dummies
Now, if we go to Dummies, then we look at browse topics. Then again, you can browse games, personal finance. Let’s hit games. And then underneath we have… Let’s do Cryptograms, just to see. We have Cracking Codes and Cryptograms for Dummies Cheat Sheet. And then we have some articles focusing on these… We’re going to end up… Let’s see, I’m going to look at their books. Browse topics. Let’s go-to personal finance. We’ve got our top weekly articles. All right. Emerging market in Russia.
3. Amazon
All right. We’re going to head over to Amazon. There we go. Here we have Maker and Kids Tech Guides. And my screen froze. There we go. Okay. Electronics for Dummies, Twitch for Dummies, Helping Kids with Coding. I mean, these people are masters of their niche. They have a book for a niche. A lot of times it ends up being discipline-based, but it’s everybody who is looking for information on Raspberry Pi or like the little Raspberry control units. The person who was into that Raspberry Pi is going to be a maker.
It covers connecting the Pi to other devices and teaches you basic Linux system admin. It also explores creating simple hardware projects, shows you how to create web pages. They know who their buyers are just by having the book and then writing to the person who would be into that book. Also, they know that niche, but they didn’t put the Raspberry PI book also with Linux coding. There might be a little bit in there, but they didn’t sell it all as one book. They broke it out into different niche marketing strategies so that the person who was into Raspberry Pi could buy the Raspberry Pi book.
This sounds general and basic, but it’s amazing how many people try to put all their stuff into one basket. Then sell it as one basket, and then it doesn’t sell because nobody knows who they’re talking to. If we look at Amazon bestsellers, we have our department’s over here on the left. If we look at engineering and transportation, then we see that some of the best-selling books inside engineering and transportation. We’re in engineering transportation in automotive and then we can dive down into classic cars. These are the books that are inside that segment that are selling well.
Spend a couple of minutes, dive down a little bit, see what your people are buying.
It just lets you explore niche marketing strategy and lets you explore topics and verticals and dive down into the thing that is working well in that particular space, which gives you a great tool or great set of tools to begin exploring your niches and kind of most people don’t do this research. Most people don’t spend 10 minutes and get an idea of who their buyer is. They just think they know. Don’t do that. It’s going to give you a lot of insight into your niche, how you should write to them, how you should talk to them, how you should sell to them, and then go from there.
For Questions and Guide
If you would like to schedule a strategy session to talk about this in your business, go to and set up an action plan call. Fill out the little form. Then from there, we’ll get on the phone, talk about your sales funnel, your traffic, any of that other stuff. If you need anything else, just let me know and I’ll talk to you soon.
