In today’s presentation, we’re going to talk about four sales funnel strategies that will help automate your sales online. Starting from relatively unsophisticated and low front-end product sales funnels, all the way up to higher-end sales funnel strategies like coaching or consulting or masterminds or whatever. So just to kind of reiterate some of the ground rules from the stuff we did yesterday.
The idea of this live stream is pretty simple, it’s to keep you actionable and moving forward no matter what is happening outside your house, or your office, or your doors, or whatever. It’s to give you the tools you need to move forward. And you can go ahead check-in, and just leave a question, and then I will try to answer it on the next show.
Everything we talk about in this Livestream is stuff that we do. You know, stuff we do for clients, or it’s stuff that we help clients with. A lot of marketing, a lot of sales, a lot of paid traffic. We don’t really do any SEO, but I mean internally we do SEO, ad we know of those SEO strategies.
If it lives online, we probably have dealt with it in the past. And the purpose is really just to answer the stuff, the most burning question that is going to get you over the next hurdle so that you can continue moving. You know, selling your stuff online, moving your business online, transitioning online.
There will be swearing. I said this yesterday and I don’t think I swore at all, but GSD stands for Get Shit Done. Let’s see. And if you need anything at all, just go to, I’ll drop my contacts in. There’s a chat box in the lower right-hand corner, so just connect with me there and we’ll kind of get started.
We are going to talk about sales funnel strategies. So there’s basically two different ways to create automated sales funnel strategies, or there are two different areas, really. I mean, so the two points that is going to differentiate what kind of sales funnel that you are offering. The first is the price.
If you have a high ticket product, if it’s something over a thousand dollars or something that is a longer contract, then your sales methodology, your sales system, your sales framework basically needs to bond, or it needs to connect with that prospect on a deeper level than something that is, let’s say a digital course or an ebook or something simple, you know, a physical product, whatever.
The other side is complexity. So if your thing is highly complex, then, of course, you’re going to need to explain it better for a prospect. And I actually have a little, I wrote this out, you’re going to see this in a lead magnet coming up, but let’s see right there. So basically your price and your complexity are on two different axes. And what that means is that the higher your price is, the more you need to have a personal high touch interaction with them.
If you’re selling a coaching product, or a consulting product, or a mastermind, or something that is highly complex and higher priced, then you’re going to need to sell it on a sales call. And the best way to basically move somebody from just learning about who you are to signing up for a sales call is to basically position it on the automated webinar.
You go through the webinar, you generate the lead because of the webinar, you bond with the prospect on that webinar, and then your call to action on the webinar is to jump on a consultative coaching call, an action plan called, a strategy session, however, you want to term it. You’re going to be getting on the phone with this person for 30-35 minutes, 45 minutes, whatever and pitching on the phone. And it might be a one call close, it might be two or three or four calls, you know, with an invoice and all of that other stuff. But you’re still going to be pitching on the phone.
This is where your salespeople come in, phone teams come in, all of that stuff. But basically what you’re doing is you’re taking your inbound leads, your inbound processes, they’re coming in, they’re attending a webinar. On the webinar, they are learning about you. They are learning something. They have a couple of aha moments, and they’re taking away some sort of good valuable content.
The transition for the pitch at the end is to sign up for a call with you. So that’s how you sell and automate in pitch, high ticket programs, high ticket products, high ticket consulting, whatever. And it’s not just high ticket, it’s also the complex stuff.
If you have a $50,000 mastermind, then, of course, you are going to need to relate that mastermind with your prospect in order for them to buy it. It’s not something you can just drop a sales letter, throw up a sales letter and say, “Here,” you know, set up your payment terms and then you’re part of the group. You know, obviously, you’re going to need to connect your offer with that person. And that is done online. Or that is done on the phone.
In the next phase, actually, I’m going to switch over to my screen here. And I have a little… Let’s see, see if I can pull this up. I did it yesterday, so let’s see if I can do it again. So I’m going to share my screen, and we’re going to click this guy. All right, so you should be seeing my screen right now.
I went through, kind of drew up these things, drew up these presentations, and they’re on my iPad. So we’re going to kick through these things live and you should be seeing them okay, you should be seeing them on the screen right now. So, there we go. All right, so four automated selling strategies, you like it?
The first one is the webinar sales funnel. And what we have here is the base architecture for that webinar sales funnel strategy. So whenever we’re looking at building stuff, you know from a price standpoint, the higher ticket products, and the more complexity means we’re going to need to get that lead from the webinar.
I’m just going to draw on this thing, see how this works out. So social traffic would be Facebook and LinkedIn, and then we have our re-targeted traffic. This is going to be a company that we use is called, AdRoll, And then we have PPC, which is Google. And then we have blog traffic and this is going to be all of your content marketing. Blogging, SEO, all of that stuff.
Basically, all of that is going to feed into this free lead magnet, usually. All right, we just lost our feed there. So all of that is going to feed into… I hit the back arrow, I’m left-handed, so I’m not real good at this just yet.
So all that is going to feed into a free report, or an ebook, or chapters or whatever. You know, basically this an advertorial, even we use here. But basically this, a lot of times it’s just going to give somebody the immediate gratification of whatever it is we’re looking to give them. It’s going to send them to the webinar registration page.
We also run traffic directly to the webinar registration page, where they sign up. Now once they’re on the webinar, then the webinar does three things really, really, really well. So it does lead generation, it also does bonding. It does bonding for you. So you’re able to relate to folks, you’re able to relate to people who are coming in, and then it sells better than pretty much anything else.
Selling from a conversion standpoint is way higher than any sales video that you’re going to put together. So on the webinar, the call to action here. The call to action is really, there are two different ways to kind of cut up the call to action. If you’re high ticket, and highly complex, then this is going to be going to a strategy session. And if you are high ticket and there isn’t a lot of complexity, so if it’s a digital course or whatever, it’s going to be going to an add to cart button, ATC. Add to cart button.
On the call to action, you’re either going to be going through a strategy session or an add to cart button, and then whoever buys is going to be triggered into the fulfillment sequence. And then you have lots of little things down below. We have emails to basically move them through the sales funnel strategy into the next action. So if somebody signs up for the webinar but then doesn’t take action, they don’t do the thing that we want them to do, which would be the strategy session or the add to cart, then we try to get them to do that through email marketing.
We’re always moving them to the next phase. So that is how we put together these automated webinar sales funnels. Now we’re going to kick back over to me, and we’re going to see, there we go. We’re going to kick back over here. All right. Now, we’re going to stop sharing our screen. We’re going to start sharing with me again. All right, perfect.
Automated webinars, that’s how we do automated webinars, basically walking through the entire system. Now the next kind of automated webinar funnel is if you have a price, a moderate price, so a price of let’s say a digital course that’s $597, $997, you know, even $1,997 so something between like $500 and $2,000, then it’s too expensive to sell on like a straight-up sales video, sales page.
You know, it’s just too expensive. You know, somebody’s not going to watch a 20 or 30-minute video and then spend $1,000 on a course without knowing who you are, without any kind of bonding, unless they were really warm unless they’re coming from a warm list and they know who you are, what you do, what you stand for, what your business is, they know your brand, then they might drop $1,000 after just one single solitary video.
So what we do is we put together these multi-video launch sequences, and Jeff Walker came up with a product launch formula like 14 years ago, or 10 years, something. He’s done a lot of launches with it. And we have put these multi-video launch sequences in place for a number of clients.
Basically, how this product launch system works is you have three videos, and each of those videos is between eight and 12 minutes long, and then they move from video one to video two to video three, and then ultimately to the pitch video, which is video four usually. Sometimes there’s an automated webinar in it. But what it does is it kind of systematically moves prospects through the sales cycle quickly on autopilot, and it alleviates the need for a sales call, usually.
Although sometimes people do kind of put the sales calls in towards the end of the buying cycle for those who are in process, but they’re just not, they haven’t jumped yet. So we’ve seen it, we’ve done it, you know, that kind of thing in the past and it’s worked out pretty well. So let’s kick over into the screen share here, and we are going to look at that.
This one is a little bit bigger, as you can see. So here we have the expanded architecture of the product launch formula. So if we just go back here, product launch funnel. Then our expanded architecture, I got some Facebook traffic, re-targeted the email list. Solo ads we do here and there, affiliates sometimes, but, you know, basically when somebody is going to be sending your product promo out, and they get paid a commission.
Other traffic is basically anybody else. But our big ones are Facebook traffic, re-targeted traffic, and email list. Product launches work really, really well when you have some sort of data when you have an email list already. So these, typically they go to a free report, everything kicks into a free report or some sort of a landing page, which then gives them access to the rest of this content.
If done well, these videos are positioned like a mini-course or a mini class. So video one goes through, then it sends some email, just switched my colors there, and then it kicks into video two. Video two kicks into video three, video three kicks into the launch video or the sales video. Now oftentimes you will see on the bottom of this launch video and the subsequent ones, there is what is called a waiting list. Oops. So the waiting list.I keep doing that. We’re going to draw.
The waiting list down here first is a front in line to the sales video when the sales video launches. And oftentimes you’ll actually see the waiting list. The waiting list will trigger this video to drop early, and then it will just kind of slingshot these folks all the way through. So they’ll go from launch video two, to launch video three, to launch sales video.
Sometimes if you do it right, you can actually compress this buying cycle into hours or even days. Like we’ve done this through a weekend. This email sequence, it goes out one, goes out email two, goes out email three. So we go launch video one, and then this goes out day one, and then this reminder goes out day two, and this reminder goes out day three, and then day four is when this one goes live. Your launch video basically moves people through. But with the waiting list, you can kick them through this series nice and quick.
Now some of the expanded ways, you know, some of the additional things that people do, they’ll do like a Q&A webinar here, there’ll be an offer close. So the product launch will actually close on a specific day, which is nice because then you get that last-minute pop of urgency.
When the sales video goes live, so I’m just going to change colors here. When the sales video goes live, you get a bunch of sales, probably 25 to 30% of your sales are going to come in that first day. And then the remaining 25 or 30% are going to come in that last day, sometimes even 50% and the rest of them are kind of going to be dripped through here. So most of your sales are going to come in the first and the last day.
Then when we set these up for clients, we always say, “Okay, now we just generated a huge list through affiliates or through paid traffic or whatever. So what else can we sell them?” Here’s affiliate offer one, affiliate offer two, three and four, and then you know, you go down your content marketing list.
That’s how these funnels typically work out. So we’re going to kick back to the camera again. All right, so we’re going to stop sharing our screen and here we are again and my camera did something funny. So that any better? Testing one, two. Maybe, maybe. All right. Either way, it doesn’t matter.
All right, so that is the product launch funnel. And then the last funnel, and kind of the, it’s not the most generic, but the one we end up tweaking the most is a video sales letter funnel or a sales video funnel.
This is your low price funnel but is also low complexity. So a membership or free trial for a software, a book, a free plus shipping book you know, anything that is usually below a couple hundred bucks. Then what we do is we just have a sales video and the sales video has an add to cart right underneath. And then from there, they go into usually an upsell sequence.
It makes it really nice, it makes it really flexible. There’s lots of different stuff that you can do with it. All in all, it’s just a nice funnel for mixing and matching and doing some other stuff. We’re going to kick back over into the screen, and we’re going to see what else we got here.
We have one of our sales funnels. This is a fully qualified lead sales funnel, which we’re going to talk about quickly. Then we have our free plus shipping VSL funnel, and then we have our VSL sales funnel with upsells.
VSL sales funnel with upsells, we’re going to kick into this guy. Generally, we have Facebook traffic or Instagram traffic. It goes into some sort of a landing page or an advertorial. If we have an email list, we’ll also use an email list. We’ll use retargeting lists if some website stuff is already up. If we’re already getting traffic to our website, then we’ll target that. We’ll use that and then retarget those people into the front side of the sales funnel.
We always go through some sort of a landing page or an advertorial, usually just to simply pre-frame the offer. If you look at any big media buyers, they’re using an advertorial in some way. A lot of the times because the offer can switch and the advertorial doesn’t… The offer can switch. So here’s an example. Let’s say you’re promoting a supplement, that supplement.
You know, if you’re promoting a supplement as a CPA, as a CPA affiliate, then you are running traffic through a landing page or an advertorial. Then if that offer goes away, you can always switch it out, so it’s just a link on a webpage and there are 7 million diet pills, so you can literally just switch, swap it out to a different diet pill, and then you’re up and running again. So you don’t sacrifice your business model and your traffic and your revenue and all that other stuff.
That’s one of the reasons why advertorials work really well. The other thing they do is a well-written advertorial that actually helps the sales video convert higher. Even though this is kind of a bridge, it’s a bridge between like here and then the sales video. It will pre-frame a buyer so that the people who click through are predisposed to buy more. That’s the idea behind this landing page or advertorials.
Sometimes the landing page is a lead magnet, a report, a video even, you know, but sometimes it’ll be nothing and we end up just teasing whatever’s in the sales video and say, “Hey,” you know, “Click here, fill in the opt-in box and we’re going to show you three secrets to lose weight fast,” or something. So not that, because that would never get approved anywhere, but you know what I mean.
The sales video, then once they buy, they go through upselling one, and then they go upsell two, upsell three, down sell one, down sell two, whatever. And then they go into fulfillment and then ultimately they end up in like a member’s fulfillment email sequence, or a buyer’s fulfillment email sequence, whatever. And then we have marketing automation emails that help move them through the process as they go. So all-in-all, nice simple flow. And this sales funnel strategy works in a variety of different scenarios.
This is a different one that we actually use. So this is a free plus shipping VSL funnel. Same kind of thing. You know, the difference here is that we run paid traffic to sometimes an advertorial, but mostly to a sales video that is a free plus shipping offer. The free plus shipping offer normally has like an eight or 9% conversion, which means eight or 9% of people who are going through are seeing upsell one, and then this upsell, you know, there are lots of different ways to price these upsells.
But, you know, typically the first upsell might be $37, the second one might be $97, the third one might be $297, whatever. So many of different ways to do that. And then the one that we like a lot, that we’ve been building a lot of lately, is this free qualified lead VSL funnel, or fully qualified lead VSL funnel. It same kind of scenario, but you’ll notice this is a fully qualified lead VSL promo page.
We still run paid traffic, email list, re-targeted traffic into an advertorial sometimes, or this fully qualified lead VSL. And what this is, is basically it’s a simple page that is a video, and then we have a conditional logic form down below. That conditional logic form depending on what fields you add in, expands, and then it also sends traffic to a variety of different places.
This might be provider one, provider two, provider three, or it might be offered one, offer two, offer three. One of the things that we do with these oftentimes is different SKUs, different product lines, whatever. We can also run marketing automation based on what they select here. So this might be like in our Done For You case, sales funnels, it might be ad management, might be content marketing.
We can start sending the emails that are most likely to get this person to take action. So that’s the idea behind these fully qualified lead sales funnels. We’ve run this particular format for mortgage brokers. We have run it for real estate pros, we’ve run it for any kind of service organization. Works tremendously well.
NOTE: We’ve got a full blown course on how to build sales funnels here!
In fact, Done For You is entirely built using this model as of right now. You know basically working with providers and staff. I think that’s all about the sales funnel strategies that we had. So we had our webinar sales funnel, we had our launch sales funnel, we had a free quote, fully qualified leads, and all of that stuff. So we’re good there.
All right, so I think we’re going to stop sharing our screen now, and then we screw it up again. We may have screwed it up. So we’ve got five minutes left. And just to answer some of the questions that have come in through the presentation. So first of all, your coaching, consulting, mastermind kind of offers, do you need to have a sales call? Yes, you do.
Unfortunately, relating your offer to the end-user to your prospect is going to be key in closing the deals. Your webinar is the highest converting sales medium there is. Having a webinar that pitches a strategy session or some sort of a similar call to action. That is going to be paramount in selling your high-end thing. It beats the hell out of going business development reps who are calling. They’re cold calling, you’re buying lists, you’re opening them a phone book. Then kicking through all of the leads you can find.
With this model, all interested parties raise their hand and say, “Yes, I want what you do.”. They attend a webinar. As long as they’re good with webinars, they like the webinar. They like you, they like the content, there’s been a couple of aha moments. Then they’re going to sign up as a lead for the sales call, for the strategy session.
From there, it’s up to you to relate your offer to them, to close them. It’s going to take some practice. I get it. You can do sales scripts and phone scripts and all that other stuff. At the end of the day, you need to be approachable, relatable, and you need to work them through your offer.
Now the other scenarios, your product launch formula and product launch funnel, your VSL funnel. Those are very automated methods of sales. BAt the end of the day, everything comes back to the sales funnel and the copy of the material itself. The emails that are going out, the sales copy that’s going out, like all that stuff. You know your product launch videos, they need to be on point.
Your VSL needs to be on point because if those automated videos, if there’s anything about those videos that they don’t like, they very simply won’t buy because then, I mean it’s not like you can jump in and say, “Hey wait, wait, wait, you know,” and try to save the sale because they’re just gone. You can save the sale using conversational chat now, or chatbots or there are some things that you can do to save those sales sometimes, which is actually probably a pretty cool topic for another video. The conversational chat piece.
By and large, these four types of sales funnel strategies are going to get you moving in the direction you want to. Basically, move your client acquisition, your lead process online, your sales process online. If there’s anything that we can do, just go to, fill in the forms, click the button, there’s a little chat version on the right-hand side.
Here we go, let’s see what this does. If you’d like a custom action plan put together for your business, click here. That was pretty cool. I set up another one here too. To learn more about launching one of these sales funnels go to I will talk to you soon. I’ll talk to you tomorrow at 10:00 AM the same place, same time, and if there’s anything I can do, just let me know. All right.
