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The costs of advertising are rapidly increasing, even as you read this. Retargeting pixels are more important than ever as an advertiser (merchant, marketer, or agency).  It would be best if you kept the cost of your retargeting and regular campaigns low and your return on investment high.

According to Wordstream, here are the benchmarks for the average CTR (click-through rate) and CPC (cost per click) sorted by industry.


The average CTR across industries is 0.90%, and the average CPC in Facebook ads across all industries is $1.72. The graphs also show CTR and CPC by sector, such as apparel, beauty, education, fitness, and healthcare.

Fb ads average CPC
These are the averages, and these averages might not mean anything to you if you don’t get your Facebook advertising and campaign management right in the first place.

To optimize your ads and get close to those averages, you’d need to set up your campaigns properly -- with the right kind of Facebook campaign setup, a firm offer, matching landing pages, smooth sales funnels, and marketing automation for following up with your leads.  The quickest way is to ensure your retargeting pixels are set up correctly.

We’ll be honest: Most businesses don’t get it right. They make blunders while launching Facebook campaigns. As if to rub salt in the wounds, many freelancers don’t launch Facebook campaigns correctly.

Regardless, it’s proven that you’d do better if you started with remarketing campaigns instead of launching regular ad campaigns first.

Note: You’ll need to set up audiences (such as an audience of all your website visitors or lookalike audiences of your existing customers or email subscribers) before you launch remarketing campaigns.

Here are the top reasons why you should start targeting campaigns first:

Retargeting Ads Make Sense

Since about 80% of your visitors don’t take any action when they visit your website and landing pages, retargeting is a natural and progressive way to get your visitors back. Retargeting ads are highly targeted, relevant, and timely.

Because your retargeting ads only reach out to people who’ve already visited your website and landing page, you are targeting a warm audience (as against a completely cold audience), leading to better results.

When your retargeting ads reach out to the audience already aware of your brand, products, and services, your audience is primed to take action. They are more likely to respond to your campaigns than cold audiences do.

Read more:

How Retargeting Helps Improve Your Conversion Rate

Retargeting: Smart Tips To Get More For Less

Refuel Your Funnels: Basics Of Retargeting You Can't Afford To Ignore

Get Considerably Cheaper Traffic With Retargeting Pixel Data

The cost of regular digital advertising for a few industries can go up to $50 a click or more (depending on the geographic location and the industry).

As such, with those vast rates per click, it becomes harder for a few businesses to run ad campaigns. When retargeting shows what it’s worth.

Apart from the fact that retargeting pixels helps with brand lift, brand recall, increase in traffic, and an increase in overall time spent on your website.  It’s also considerably cheaper than running regular campaigns.

Google’s Data reveals that if you used Google’s Display Network for retargeting, you could achieve a CPA (Cost per Acquisition) 2% less than the typical CPA on the search network.

Claire Pelletreau, for instance, managed to make $1.60 for every $1 spent, thanks to retargeting on Facebook.

Do you need more convincing than this?

Get Higher Conversion With Retargeting Pixel Data

According to an infographic from the folks at Invespcro, website visitors who are retargeted with relevant and timely campaigns are 70% more likely to convert than others.

Larry Kim of Wordstream launched remarketing campaigns (through the retargeting pixel) that helped increase repeat visitors by 50%, boost conversion by 51%, and increase the overall time spent on site by an insane 300%.

According to Neil Patel, you could boost your conversions to up to 128% or even more.

Retargeting campaigns are inherently brand-aware, instantly recognizable (because your visitors still remember you), and highly relevant.

Convert Shopping Cart Abandons

Shopping cart abandonment, page abandonment, offer abandonment -- regardless of what you try to achieve, the “abandonment” part of the equation is bleeding every business out there.

More than 96% of the people visiting a website leave without taking any action on the site that’s beneficial for the business. A whopping 70% of the people abandon their shopping carts (without ever buying anything).

While those are the overall stats of Shopping Cart Abandonment, the reality is that at least 80% to 90% of all businesses do not do anything to get those abandoners to come back and complete their transactions (or actions that benefit businesses in some way or the other helps you achieve the loop by specifically targeting people who view specific pages, service pages, pricing pages, or add items to their shopping carts but don’t complete their purchases.

Agreed that you have to get many things right to make them work -- such as targeting, ads, copy, your offers, retargeting specific sales funnels (or eliminate them?). But retargeting, if you do it well, retargeting enough are interested in the game-changer for your business.

Are you interested in putting the power of retargeting to work for your business? Please fill out this form and let our team contact you to discuss your needs.

Retargeting Pixel Data Is The Quickest Path To Cash

Whenever we look at campaigns, talking to clients, or at something of our own that we're going to roll out, I first ask myself, what is the quickest path to cash? What is QPC, the fastest way to money?

retargeting data

The quickest path to cash is often where we start because business is about generating revenue. The one that you have half done, sitting in a hard drive somewhere, or the half-baked thing, and you haven't thought about it in a little bit. Or the campaign you never entirely optimized, the Pixel that has been sitting on your website for six months, and you've never done anything with it.

Those are assets. Those are always the things we start with because your email lists may have gone unnurtured and un-mailed forever; those are always where we begin. The thing about the retargeting Pixels is they are constantly sucking in the information. They are continually pulling in all of the people who are visiting your website. They do that for up to six months, 180 days.

If you installed your Pixel, AdRoll Pixel, or Facebook Pixel three months ago and haven't done anything with it, all that data is still there. You can still reach out to those 7,000 people who showed up on your website because you have that Pixel information.

The data is the most important part of your ad campaigns. 

It's the hardest thing to get when we're starting from scratch, and it's always the thing that separates the campaigns that do well from those that take a little bit longer to start ramping up. The first thing we always look for is whether there is any data in the Pixel already. Has the retargeting Pixel been installed months ago, years ago? How can we separate that data? What are your sales pages, order pages, add-to-cart pages, and critical content pages? How are people moving through the pages that are already on your website?

Assign Buckets for Your Pixel Data

Suppose we can segment them into buckets, so this person goes to your website when they are looking to book an appointment. In that case, this person goes to your website when they're looking for more information so that we can put those into buckets and advertise to those buckets. Having the Pixel data makes all that possible because it's just identifying why somebody is going to your website and its purpose and then putting them into a bucket and showing them an ad. That is always a kind of step number one.

Upload Your Email Lists To Facebook

If you have a prospect list, then we can upload that to Facebook. If you have a buyers list, we can upload that to Facebook. We can create lookalike audiences from that. There's a lot of other things that people have done. They've given us an export of their Gmail and then cleaned it so friends and family weren't there. They've given us an export of their LinkedIn contacts because their LinkedIn contacts are business contacts. Then we've scrubbed that. LinkedIn is usually a treasure trove of information anyway, and then we've created a lookalike audience for that.

We can do some things there, but retargeting the Pixel and audience data is the key to a good campaign, at least starting. I'm scrolling through this article here, so retargeting ads makes sense. About 80% of your visitors aren't going to take any action whatsoever. They're going to bounce, leave right off the page, not going to click. Most of them will not be going to scroll down the page. They are not going to add something to their order form. They will probably not even watch a video; 80% will leave, which means you want to follow them around once they go.

Facebook Retargeting is Cheaper

You want to follow them around through retargeting. That's where retargeting ads come into play. That's where AdRoll comes into play, and Facebook retargeting is considerably cheaper than going after a cold person but not necessarily cheaper on a per-click basis. There's one thing you have to understand. Often, you can run a Facebook ad and get somebody to your website for 20 cents, 16 cents, 24 cents, or 42 cents.

Your retargeted click will probably be a buck, or a single 50 or two dollars, or 60 cents. It has to do with, first of all, the quality of the banner creativity, of course. The banner creative has to be clickable and noticeable and prevent banner blindness and all that other stuff, but think about it. For a retargeted ad to show, it has to override...

Whenever a page loads, all the ads all over the page load. For a retargeted ad to show, it has to outbid the ad that was supposed to be there. Ads show, say, each ad placement is 50 cents, and then the retargeted ad overlays it. Four, five, or six people bid to overlay that. Well, of course, the highest bidder wins. Your banner ad might be a buck a click. It's still all bidding.

How does retargeting work? Are they outbid the ads that show up on the page? Per click, your retargeted ad will be more expensive on a per-click basis, on a CPM basis, because you're overriding the ad that was supposed to be there. However, since these people know your company and the website, your click-through rate through the roof is beaten; it isn't the first time they've seen you.

Often, the seventh, 12th, or 30th time you your ad, the click-through rate is high. Then, the CPA, the cost per acquisition, is high, so that person is more likely to purchase from you. Your return on ad spend from a retargeted standpoint will be much, much, much higher on a retargeted ad.

When we're here, retargeting is considerably cheaper; we're significantly more affordable on a per-acquisition basis, not necessarily on a per-click basis, because if you marry the two up, if it's per click on cold traffic, per click on retargeted, retargeted is always going to be more expensive if you don't factor in the sale aspect of it.


Retargeting Gets Higher Conversions

Here, we go into your gets you higher conversions, and it does. Retargeting people, you will convert 6%, 8%, 12% of those people. It's not the first time they saw the offer. It's not the first time they saw the brand. They consciously chose to come back and purchase, and probably the most significant help is retargeting, which helps convert abandoned visitors to abandoned shopping cart folks.

If somebody adds something to your order form or shopping cart and then leaves, they should see a two- or three-day retargeted ad that pulls them back into the shopping cart. The same way they get emails, so your discount is expiring, your offer code is passing, blah, blah, blah. You're at risk of losing the deal, and so on. Retargeting is also set up to convert those abandoned shopping cart folks. Retargeting Pixel data is much more effective than a general per-click buyer.

Let's review our Facebook add-on, which is our ad audience. I'm just going to talk you through how this is all structured. If we look at some of our add-on audiences here, let me make this a little bigger. If you run Facebook traffic, you know of this audience panel. I use some naming conventions that have worked out pretty well. This is a lookalike audience, so lookalike US 1% of all Done For You website traffic in the last 30 days, so our ad audience is constantly updating from a lookalike audience standpoint.

Whenever they go to a VSL sales page, we tag them as part of a VSL sale or as a sales page. It might be a VSL. It might be a long-form sales copy, like a course sales page, so we can retarget them if they do not purchase. We have a VSL prospect; then we have buyers. If they hit a sales page but did not become a buyer, meaning they did not enter the buyer audience, we show them retargeted ads.

As soon as they cross over and buy, that retarget and buyer Pixel fires, they no longer see or shouldn't see ads. Sometimes, some things slip through the cracks, but whatever, so as soon as they hit that buyer Pixel, they shouldn't see ads anymore. We have video view campaigns, which is how this one is set up. Video views, they've watched 75% in the last 30 days, just 75%. If we edit this, you'll see that. This is people who have watched 75% of your video, and it includes 87 total videos.

If you look at this, we have many videos here that we can select. Book, for as long as that video is up, Facebook is tracking who is watching and how much they are watching. Then, if they manage more than 10 seconds, a through play, which is 15 seconds, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95%, 100%, we can target them specifically with ads. This particular one is 75%. This is going to be our people who have watched an entire video or just fell asleep when they were scrolling, and it happened to be on one of our videos, and that is that.

Here, we have a sales audience, which is a buyer audience. Here, we have a warm audience, so this isn't cold... Somebody who has opted in for something has visited the website five or more times. Then, we have an add-to-cart, and ATC is added to the cart. We have had website visits in the last 180 days and the previous 30 days. We like keeping track of both of those numbers.

Let's What days for warm website visitors. What we try to do is we try to like, we try to timestamp them. Suppose they've been to the website in the last five days, 30 days, 180 days. Five days are hot, 3,0 days are warm, and 180 days are cold. Sometimes, it's worth advertising them for certain offers, webinar promotions, or anything that can quickly bring them back into the fold. Still, most of our activity centers around people who've been around for 30 days or less.

If we haven't seen them or watched anything in 30 days, they probably left the market, found other providers, or whatever. They are no longer within our ecosystem. We just let them go. They might come back, and if they return, they hit the website. Your audience will reactivate and then drip through the 30 days again. Does that make sense? All right, cool.

Now, let's go over to AdRoll. We talked about AdRoll yesterday and set up some banner ads to go to AdRoll. We also set up a couple of audiences. Here, we're going to look at audiences. I'm just going to open these up. We went through how to set up one of these guys yesterday. We'rehigh-intent a looking.

This is our high-intent audience. It's three days. They have been to the website for three days and are pretty warm. With the five days, they're a little warmer than our Facebook folks; then we have our... We have a total of website visitors, so we've got 22,000 in there. Cross-device insights, we've got 3800 in there. Then, we have different audiences.

Here's our heavy visitor. This wealthy visitor has viewed more than five pages in 20 days. This serious visitor audience will be more apt to do something, to purchase something, whatever. They have different banner ads going. Specifically, we'll probably go to the website and try to get tall visitors and an automated webinar. We have our all-visitors list, webinar, and registration visitors. We have many audiences, and Amazon is the audience.

There are many places in between, from setting up audiences and different ways you can do it. You can do it based on impression, so it shows at least how many images. You can do it by pages viewed, so one page, two pages, three pages, four pages, by the URLs visited, by the user event, or an iPixel match, which would be a mobile cross-device thing.

One of the nice things about AdRoll is their cross-device, soixel email-matching. They also have some excellent email-matching functionality. If they mail theitor's email address, they will email them on your behalf. Then you pay for the emails. So that is like email retargeting, and calm so that it will retarget banners and emails.

They also do some cold traffic banners now. They continue adding new and new and new things to it. Indeed, it is a fantastic ad platform, and they keep improving it. I have been using them for thinking time for clients and ourselves. In my opinion, there isn't a better all-around, all-planner platform, and one of the reasons I.. enjoyable, but one of the reasons I got into AdRoll in the first was...

Once you have data, then advertising is easy. As the audience becomes more extensive, you can segment them down more, but one of the things is... Let's say you have a client. They got many ads disapproved, denied, I should say, and their account got.

Well, what they can do is they can shut down the entire agency's accounts. They can shut down other ad accounts that are inside the same agency. There are lots of different things that can happen if Facebook deems you as a bad actor. When they shut down an account, the Pixel data can no longer access the Pixelis. No, nothing that you built up in the past is good.

If you have half a million visitors and your Pixels are gone, AdRoll will have a backup of Pixel Data. It also does Facebook, just general banner retargeting. My estimation was with AdRoll; I always have a backup of my Pixel data for 180 days. It's less ideal, but I still can reach out to the people who have been my backup or retargeting.

It almost became my backup, and now we run retargeting for our general web banners. Then we do retarget inside Facebook for Facebook folks. For us, it was a way of backing up all that information because Facebook does you bathers that have worked well. I threw that out in case you wanted a way of backing up your Pixel data.

Your Next Steps

For those of you who would like to get on a call and tome of this, talk about retargeting, setting up Facebook Ad campaigns, Google Ad campaigns, sales funnels, automation, all that stuff, go to do, you'll fill out that little form. Then, you can schedule a call on our calendar right after that. We will go and take a look at your business. We'll look at your offers, then figure out a per you.

If there's anything else we can do, go to and hit this little chat in the lower right-hand corner. You're going to be able to type questions in here. You can pick up the delivery, show me the Done For You services, and deliver me. We'll talk to you tomorrow. Tomorrow, we will talk more about retargeting, if we will... We will talk mainly about setting up Facebook retargeting speakers to speak. With that, have a fantastic day. I will talk to you soon. All right, thanks, bye.

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