If you’re looking for how to monetize a website, there are hundreds, maybe thousands, of ways to make money online if your only goal is to generate cash flow. When thinking about how to monetize a website though, you need to consider what your business does, and then put together a website monetization strategy that helps back it up.
Now, we have our favorites… Your sales letters, backed up by lead magnets and landing pages fueled by paid traffic sources that you control tend to perform the best over time.
… But not every business has things that they’re selling. Or, they’re just starting and don’t have the sales material and assets you need to successfully convert buyers. That’s where this blog post comes in.
What you’re about to discover is how to monetize a website with and without stuff to sell!
Google AdSense
Hands down, Google AdSense, is still one of the easiest ways to make money online. It’s easy to set up and optimizes itself based on what keywords appear on your page. Plus, you can do text-based ads or banner ads.
The downside? You won’t make a tone of money unless you’re getting a lot of traffic and that traffic is coming in on high dollar keywords.
Banner ads
If Google Adsense doesn’t tickle your fancy, you might consider banner ads.
Buy-Sell Ads is a self-hosted banner service that lets you post your blog details. If your site is getting solid traffic, BSA will connect you with advertisers who will pay for space on your website!
Product Reviews
Product reviews used to be our bread and butter. We’d review products and then generate cash from the affiliate arrangement that was set up. I still see a lot of it happening. A great example is ThePointsGuy.com. The articles are awesome and written for their customer avatar – they just generate revenue through affiliate marketing.
Blog & Freelance Services
If you’re good at what you do, have skills that other people can utilize, and are just not making money on your site yet… You can offer to help others with theirs! Also, you can sell logo services, writing services, theme creation, or plugin creation services on your site to earn money.
You can even go outside of your blog and pick up work on a site like Upwork.com which matches freelancers with service providers!
The great thing about this monetization model is that you don’t need lots of traffic to generate more revenue. You do need exposure from the RIGHT people to use your services though. The more customers you have, the faster your business can grow.
Affiliate Marketing
Do you want to sell something on your web pages but don’t have your products? Affiliate marketing is a great option for you. In fact, inside Scriptly, we’ve even got Done For You Email Campaigns for Affiliates that’ll help fast-track you on the affiliate marketing front…
The key is to find (and write content for) a group of people who are experiencing a similar problem. Then, solve that problem through an affiliate offer!
Sell Your Products
One of our favorite ways to make money online!
Our absolute favorite way of monetizing a website is to sell products and services directly on the pages. If you’ve got traffic, why not sell them the thing that’ll help them solve their problem? From selling eBooks, digital information products, software, coaching packages; there are so many ways to make money online.
We’ve got an entire book on that very thing, Creating Products! Click here to learn more >>
PRO TIP: If you're too busy creating your products, figure out how to sell them, etc... Schedule a call with us. We do that stuff all the time for our clients!
Build An Email List
One of the greatest ways to build a business online and monetize a website is to build an email list and send those subscribers relevant offers that you get paid for.
Not only that, but you can also build a relationship with your email list subscribers and they’ll stay with you for a long time – far longer than just reading a blog post and then going away, never to return.
At the end of the day, an email list will turn into your biggest cash producing asset if you decide that you want to get one started… So let’s look at some more tools and instructions on how to do that!
- Offer a lead magnet: If you want to build an email list quickly, give away something for free. Your prospects won't sign up just because you tell them to. They need a reason to optin. Put some thought into your customer avatar and write a solid ebook or free report for them. You can also give away podcasts, videos, etc. Make sure your lead magnet is something worth value.
- Use email marketing software: If you are serious about creating an email list, use a service to help you manage and mail to your email list. There are lots of them out there - Aweber, Drip, GetResponse. Pick one and set it up :0)
- Use landing pages: Website pages are a huge distraction in general. To optimize the your conversion and turn as many prospects into leads as possible, you'll need a solid landing page. Scriptly's got a great Page Builder that'll get you set up fast!
- Use calls to action: To convert prospects to leads and buyers, you want to make sure to use the right calls to action. If you're selling services, you want them to qualify themselves and book a strategy session with you. If you want them to buy something, you need to make sure they hit your order form from your sales letter!
- Send traffic: No matter how great your offer is, you won’t get email subscribers without a quality traffic source.
- Use social media sites: Social media is the dominant way to get more traffic and leads. There's a great write-up on getting traffic from Instagram here. You can also create Facebook pages, be engaging on Twitter and get in touch with people on Linkedin to expand your network.
If there’s anything we can do to help you on your digital marketing journey, hit the button below and book a call with us!
Ways To Make Money Online From A Website: Video Transcript
Today we're going to talk about how to monetize a website.
There are lots of different ways to make money online from a website. Whether it is a personal blog, a corporate site, or a site promoting your business... There are so many different ways of generating revenue. And one of the things that I have been fortunate enough in my career online is that I have tested and played with pretty much every single one of them.
I've done everything from affiliate marketing to creating and selling digital products, to selling links to generate cash, to coaching and consulting. There are so many different ways to make money online from a blog.
One thing is for sure - you need traffic coming to your website. YOU CAN NOT make money on a website without traffic. There are no two ways about it. If you don't have traffic then you don't have any distribution, If nobody is going to be coming to your website, there's no way you can generate revenue on said website.
So traffic is the main ingredient when you're searching for how to monetize a website. There are lots of ways of getting traffic and there are lots of ways to make money online once you get it. So I'm going to assume that you're on this page because you have some sort of traffic, whether it's 50 people a day, or 100 people a day, or 10000 people a day... You have some traffic coming to your website currently. Whether that is from search engine optimization or search rankings, affiliate emails, or paid traffic / paid ads like Facebook Advertising or Google Advertising or Content Marketing...
You just need traffic.
So once you have a website out and you have some traffic, there are lots of different ways to make money online. The one that everybody starts with, the default one, is generating advertising income. What that means is you post banner ads on your website that some company pays you for. It might be $50 a month, or $100 a month, or $200, or $250, or whatever. Some monetary figure is exchanged for putting ads on your website. Another way to do it is Google AdSense.
Adsense is the web 'publisher' side of the coin. To fully understand Google Adsense, you need to know about Google's Advertising arm.
Google has an ad platform called Google AdWords that charges businesses per click or per impression when the business' ad shows up on someone's screen and the prospect clicks through.
Google also has a sister platform called AdSense, where everyday bloggers like you and me can log in, create an account, and embed a little code snippet on our site that'll allow Google to show their advertisers ads based on the words that are on our page. Then, when someone clicks on the ad, Google will give you a portion of that ad money!
Cool, right? And simple.
Now, Google doesn't tell you exactly how much you going to getting, but it's in the neighborhood of 25% to 40%. So if you have a Google ad that is on your website and somebody clicks it, then you get a portion of what the advertiser pays Google.
Those are two big ways to make money online.
If you're not creating and selling your digital products, there's a lot of other places you can go to... BuySellAds is one. If you have a lot of traffic, then you can get your site included in their listings and they will help sell ad inventory for you...
Some people put up sponsorship pages and then they're looking for sponsors.
But the more effective way of generating revenue is by selling your things, by selling your products, by selling your services.
You aren't splitting that money with anybody else. So having your digital courses, having your eBooks, having your coaching or consulting offers. Having your offer is a much more effective and fast way of generating significant revenue. If you are good at something, you can put an ebook together, a video course together about how to do that thing.
I wrote an entire book on it called Create...
The book is about putting together an offer that you can sell on your website, day or night, allowing you to generate tremendous revenue online without needing to share or split it with anyone...
You can also use affiliate products to monetize your website. So affiliate products or CPA offers are offers that you don't own, but you get paid a commission whenever someone purchases AFTER having clicked your link. That sometimes includes people taking a free trial or when fills out a form online.
Keep in mind, these are just some different ways to make money online.
There are so many different ways to make money online from a website.
As long as you have the distribution, whether that's from paid traffic sources or organic traffic.
You just have to ask yourself, do I want to...
A) create a product and go out and find my customers? If the answer is yes, then write an ebook, build a digital course. There's plenty of material on this website for that.
B) If the answer is no though, then you want to look at maybe some other options. You want to look at advertising and generating revenue from ads, putting ads on your website, and then when somebody clicks, you get paid. Or affiliate revenue, where another product creator has created a product and you just help them sell that and you get a portion of their sales paid as a commission. You can go to a site like clickbank.com and they have thousands of offers, thousands of affiliate offers or commissionjunction.com which has a bunch of CPA offers you could pay the commission from.
GSDdaily #30 - 7 Ways To Make Money Online From Your Website
Today we're going to talk about 7 Ways To Make Money Online With Your Website. Now I feel like I kind of stepped back into some of the shit we did back in 2012. All this stuff is now cool again because we used to do a lot of work from home, make money online, affiliate marketing, how to make money from ads, how to get ranked in Google, all of that kind of crazy stuff.
It's interesting to kind of refresh all of these strategies because they are, I mean they're crucial now, especially if you have a website that is getting traffic. People still need to buy stuff and affiliate marketing is a great way of providing services and providing products that you don't have to fulfill, you don't have to support, you don't have to write sales copy for, any of that stuff.
The previous four days of this week have been affiliate marketing. We have kind of beaten affiliate marketing to death. We introduced affiliate marketing on Monday. That was episode 26. In episode 27, we talked about the different kinds of affiliate marketing programs. Then Wednesday episode 27 we talked about finding affiliate marketing products. Yesterday we talked about building a lead generation marketing engine for this affiliate mix.
Today we're going to talk about seven ways to make money online with your website. One of those ways is affiliate marketing. There are some other ones that I want to introduce you to today. Then next week we are getting into Facebook advertising. We're going to start talking about setting up Facebook ad campaigns that work, that convert, and we're going to do it based on video views, video campaigns, that kind of thing. That's kind of the roadmap of what has come in the past and what we're moving into. So that's where we're going.
Now let us start by going over and checking out kind of the source material, the source article that we're going to be talking about. So in the comments, I'm just going to drop this here, so this is how to monetize a website. All right, so in that article is where we're going to start kind of hashing stuff out. Then also to dive deeper into this and have a conversation about different ways to make money online, different ways that you can use some of what we're teaching here, to kind of get started, go ahead and join the DFY Accelerate Facebook group.
I post a bunch of stuff, training videos, articles, future episodes, all that stuff in there. If you have questions about basically getting started and what are some of the best practices for posting ad blocks or look at affiliate marketing programs or whatever, then that's going to be the best place for you to go. This article is written was a couple of years ago but the landscape hasn't changed a whole lot.
The idea of making money on a website is you have traffic that advertisers want to pay you for, that they want access to.
There's a couple of different kinds of levels of it. It might be you have 50 or 100 or 200 people a day coming to your website and they're all kind of centered around a certain niche. Advertisers will give you money for posting ad blocks or give you money per click or per impression that those ads are on. So we're just kind of going to go through this.
1. Google Adsense
Now Google AdSense is where I started. One of the very first ways to make money online that I found was using Google AdSense. Now AdSense is the other side of the coin of Google AdWords. So now if you go to Google, just ads. Google, you will hit the advertising part, the advertising section.
Whatever the reason, it's saying that I don't have an internet connection, which means you are about to probably go down maybe. So I don't know. It looks like I'm still streaming though, so that's good. So, but anyway, so maybe it's just down. Its ads.google.com, that's the advertising arm of Google. You can think of it as if a company wants to go and advertise on Google, they're going to go here, which used to be called AdWords.
They're going to start advertising for the keyword phrases that somebody's typing into the search engines. That part is pretty easy to understand. So if we go to Google and we type the words, I don't know, home repair, let's say, if we're looking for home repair, well this is an ad and then this is an ad and then this is an ad. And then here is where all of our organic listings start coming up.
These ads are all booked through Google AdWords here. So that's pretty simple. Now, there is this other service called Google AdSense and Google AdSense allows bloggers and website owners to publish an ad block inside their website they then get paid for. That ad-block is filled up with Google AdSense ads. Basically, it's the other side of the same coin.
Google is taking money from advertisers on one side and then Google is giving that money to bloggers and website owners on the other side. You can have a website and post AdSense ads on your website and every time there's a click, every time somebody, you know, there's an impression, however, you set it, then you get paid. You get paid a couple of cents. It might be two cents, it might be 32 cents. For certain keyword phrases, it might be $8.
Maximizing your AdSense earnings is a whole different conversation around the keyword phrases that are the most in-demand and the most valuable. But it can be done. You can have, like for instance there some cash-for-house kind of keyword phrases that are very, very expensive to rank for and advertise for. So if you have a website that is a cash for houses website and you don't plan on doing any cash for houses stuff, you can drop an AdSense block and then get paid every time somebody clicks an ad in that AdSense block. AdSense is one of the easiest ways to make money online on your website, bringing it back full circle. With that, it's one of the easiest ways to make money online.
You build the website and then you can just drop a piece of code in any portion of the website. It can be in the sidebar, it can be above the blog post or below the blog post or whatever. But you can drop that AdSense block anywhere and every time it displays or every time somebody clicks an ad, then they get paid. Or then you get paid, like 30 days later.
The first check I ever received for my internet marketing efforts and activity was through Google AdSense. Google sent me a check for like $104. There's a picture of it on this website somewhere, but I don't remember where it is. It's in a blog post buried somewhere. But yeah, that was a crazy day. It was like I remember telling my professor at college, "Google just paid me money to show ads on my website." Kind of crazy. That was back in 2006 maybe? Yeah, I think it was 2006. 2005, I don't know, something like that. So it was when I was still working at Pepsi and also going to school full time and the whole deal.
Another one that I did, it's not on this list, but it was called text link ads. So text link ads, I think they're defunct now. Textlinkads.com. See if anything comes up. Basically text link ads, what they were doing is they let people buy links in your like a blogroll. Like it used to be a blogroll, but it was like a section of links in your sidebar and then they let somebody buy links there, and then they... Media Whiz, text link ads with hyphens is a Media Whiz company, which I think it always was. But anyway, text link ads, it was the most profitable way. So it was like just a block of 10 links that you put in your sidebar. And for a while, I had a website that was making $100 per link, and then I had to split half with text link ads.
I was making $500 a month for just a little section of links. And those links were ended up being SEO'd, as people bought them so that they got the link juice from my site to go to their site. So it is one of the fastest ways to make money online. Banner ads are another one. So it's very similar to AdSense, but rather than Google, what it is is you're posting a banner ad on your website. So you can sell banner ads one-on-one to a buyer. When I had marketing hacks, there was Full Sail University, the college they'd send me an email and said, "Hey, can we buy an ad block on your website for six months for $200 a month?" And I was like, "Well, shit, yeah, okay, cool. Whatever."
They sent the ads, they sent the code, I dropped the code in, and then they were paying every month for just a little banner ad site-wide. So the same thing still holds. You can sell ads on your website and that is fine. You can use a service like this BuySellAds, which I have used quite a bit in the past, both to buy ads and then also to sell ads. BuySellAds is a marketplace for advertising. So you can search for websites that are open to advertising. And then you can also if you have a lot of traffic, you can list your ad or your website on BuySellAds and they will actively sell ad inventory for you. So it's just an advertising marketplace.
2. Banner Ads
One of the ways to make money online to get this started without having a whole lot of website or having a lot of traffic and also without having sponsorships is just to make up a banner ad and put it on your website and fill that space and promote like an affiliate product. And you can use a piece of software very, very easily, and inexpensively called Canva to make banner ads.
I use it for a lot of our stuff too, just because it's like ding, ding, dink, you just put it in and you're up and running. So banner ads are a great way to kind of fill a space on your website before somebody paying you money for the banner ads. So it's one of the best ways to make money online.
3. Product Reviews
Product reviews are another one. I used to do a lot of affiliate marketing product reviews. I don't anymore. That's how we did a lot of traffic or how we made a bunch of affiliate money way back in the day. But product reviews work well still. So you can review products, link, through the product review, you can link to, through your affiliate link to the product you're reviewing, one of the most consistent ways to make money online. It still works out well. You can do top 10 lists, you can do top four lists.
You can just literally do a product review and a product review only. It's up to you how you want to do it. But product reviews are fantastic moneymakers because you're tying them to an affiliate offer. In that affiliate offer, they are going down.
Now the reason product reviews work so well is because of buyer intent. So there are three classifications of buyers. So you have like your level one buyer, which is the person who they know enough to start being dangerous. Like they're starting to get into whatever it is they're looking to buy. So I used to use the example of a baby stroller a lot. Probably because Sebastian was little or just becoming a thing. So with the baby stroller, somebody finds out or a family finds out they're pregnant, and then they're like, "Oh, we need a baby stroller." And then they go and they start researching baby strollers. They have no idea of the brand, they have no idea features, they have no idea of what they need or price points or anything. But it's a discovery process.
Your level one buyer, they're actively looking for a solution for their problem, but they have no concept of what it is they're looking for really. Then you have your level two buyer who knows what they want. So that person, they're becoming familiar with brands. They know the features and the benefits they are looking for. Furthermore, they know the colors they want, they know the price range they're looking at spending.
They haven't narrowed it down to a few choices. That level three buyer is the person who narrowed it down to a few choices. So usually they're just weighing a couple of things between them and in this particular instance, with a product review or if they're looking for product reviews, they're actively looking for somebody to help them make that decision.
If they're between one or two or three offers or products or whatever, then they're looking for justification in pulling the trigger on one of them. So you, as a content creator, as a blog owner, a website owner, whatever, if you write a product review and help them make that decision, you're pushing them over the edge of whatever it is they're trying to do, whatever it is that they're trying to buy.
Your reward for that is them clicking the link in your product review and then going and you're making your affiliate commission. So that's how product reviews work. That's why they work so well. That's why you see a lot of the top 10 review sites. You search for anything like I was looking for a video wall controller yesterday. I thought a cool DIY project would be to turn this wall back here into screens. So it will happen eventually.
But so I was looking at video wall controllers and the reviews are random. This means it's not like people use them for big installations and stuff. I thought it'd be a cool DIY project to do and I thought it would be nice on like these things if that back there could light up and show something or whatever.
I started looking at video wall controller reviews and there's two by twos and one by fours and three by threes and four by fours and I don't need anything that big, where it's like four screens by four screens, so 16 total screens. But there wasn't a whole lot of like feedback on Amazon because people purchase these things usually commercially and then they install them commercially. The best unit had like 24 reviews and 24 four or five-star reviews and had very little feedback on it.
I was trying to find someone else, something else that I could kind of because I don't know what the hell I'm buying either. Aside from trial and error, I was looking for more information. And the product reviews, there were a couple of them that I saw, it was like the top 10 lists, and they were helpful.
I haven't purchased anything yet, but I mean when I do I will probably go back there, grab their affiliate link and then buy it that way, just because they were helpful when I needed them to be. So blog and freelance services, we've talked a lot about freelance services or services in general on GSDdailies. So a way that you can generate traffic coming in is you can move them into some sort of a strategy session or some sort of a consultative sales call.
4. Blog and Freelance Services
When we did the funnel week, which was two weeks ago, we talked about a fully qualified lead sales funnel. That is what this is. So basically if you have website traffic coming in, what you want to do is you want to focus all of them onto a sales page. That sales page then has a sales video with an application form underneath and then the form forwards respondents to your calendaring service, Calendly, or whatever.
Generally how you can sell services from a blog or a website. And that focusing is well done through like an exit pop or like a top bar kind of plugin. So that way everybody who comes to the website, they ended up leaving, they see the exit pop or they see the top bar and they know that you have services available that they can go watch your video and ultimately apply to work with you if they are interested in that. So that's how the blog and freelance services would work, generally.
You can have banner ads inside the blog post and stuff too, but even then people have banner blindness. But if something pops up when they're leaving the website, they're forced to read it one way or the other. Even if it just pops up once and then is set to be off for the next week, they still have to read it in order either to exit out or exit out of the website or whatever. They know you're offering services, which plants the seed in their mind if in a week or two weeks. They come back and they need you, they need accounting help or whatever, then they will be back for you.
5. Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing, this entire week has been about, so but a website that has affiliate links. You can have banner ads with your affiliate links, you can do product reviews that are through affiliate links. You can build an email list and then monetize through affiliate links.
There are lots of ways to make money online that we've covered already in the previous four days of this week that you can tie into the affiliate marketing trend. There are just so many different things. You can treat affiliate offers like you would treat your internal offers, with the understanding that you can't change the sales copy, you can't add upsells. There are lots of things you can't do with affiliate offers. But the biggest advantages are you don't have to control the sales copy.
You don't have to invest in the sales copy or the website or the sales funnel or the customer service or any of that stuff. Products. You just get to send a sale which is one of the easiest ways to make money online... And that's it. Selling your products. So a couple of weeks ago we did an entire five-day boot camp on creating your products. So you can figure out what it is you like, what it is you in you're into, what experiences you have, what history you have, what you're good at, what people ask you for.
You can kind of figure out what you want to provide and create for the world. And then in that, in coming up with that, framing up that solution to a problem in the world or the public, I should say, then you can create a digital course, an ebook, a coaching program, a consulting program, a mastermind, a service, an offer that helps somebody, that transform somebody's life, in just a big way or a small way, it doesn't matter. But give somebody transformation so that they can adjust and so that their life can be better because of you. At the end of the day, people are looking for transformation when they're searching for solutions for their problems. So if you can provide that transformation and then you can sell a service or a product on your website that helps get them there.
6. Sell Your Products
It's the best way of generating money from your blog or your website is to sell your products because you control the entire buying cycle. So you start with them through your blog and then you can move them through a buyer's journey. You can move them through an automated webinar or your product or your service or whatever, and ultimately fulfill to them on the backside, and build your brand longterm. So that is awesome. That's where everyone should go. But sometimes there are stepping stones. Like for me, I didn't start there. I started with affiliate marketing. I started with having banner ads on a blog post and trying to get traffic. And then I moved into the product creation piece. So it's a journey. It's just always a journey.
7. Building an Email List
The last part is building an email list. So when I started a long time ago, forever I didn't have an email list. I didn't try to build an email list. I thought email marketing was, well, they're already here, why not try to get them to buy something? Why throw up an email opt-in before we send them off to buying a product or buying an affiliate product or whatever. And it was a mistake. So there could have been a lot more leads than we have attracted. I could have been able to scale a lot sooner if I would've grown an email list, but I didn't. And it's more like a marketing tactic. So you want to grow your email list so that you can advertise to them in the future.
One of the things that I have seen, especially through this pandemic, is the folks who can pivot. They're able to pivot because they have distribution through the email list. After all, they have website traffic, because they have some way that they're able to reach out to all of their past customers. They also have prospects or everybody's who's interested and say, "Hey look, we're doing this new thing. Come follow us here.". If you don't have an email list and you don't have website traffic and you don't have an audience, there's no one to pivot to. It's just another startup.
Building an email list gives you the best chance of future growth. And then also like just being recession-proof because you have your distribution and then you can pivot, you can start something new. You can do something different, you can use that audience to scale into a bigger audience through shares and likes and all that other stuff. But if you don't have an email list, you don't have anybody to reach out to, then you don't. So it's just a super, super important point.
As I'm saying this, just that chunk out and throw it in a different video. Then run some ads to it because everybody needs to see that message right there. Because an email list is going to save your business in the future. It sucks to build right now. I mean it's fucking hard. You've got lead magnets and landing pages and email copy and ads and exit pops and all kinds of other crazy shit. But you got to have it, for the future business and to protect your future growth. You can do whatever you want. You can sell services, affiliate products, and banner ads. Also, you can drop them into blog posts. You can write every day, you can do whatever the hell you want if you have the email list. But without it, you can't.
Those are our seven ways to make money online on your website. Affiliate marketing is one of them. Google AdSense, nice, easy, quick way of doing it. Banner ads are a nice way. You just want to remember to fake it till you make it. Grab an affiliate offer, make a banner ad, promote a friend's site or whatever with the banner ad that you control, so that you can take that place.
Nobody wants to be the first, no advertiser wants to be the first advertiser of a website. So give them the impression somebody else is paying you money for your ads. Doing product reviews for affiliate products is a great way of doing it. Offering services, selling your products, building an email list. All good stuff. So if you have any questions at all, go to doneforyou.com/GSD. That's going to ask questions and put them in the queue for the next week.
Like I said, next week is going to be Facebook ads. We're going to talk about creating Facebook videos. I'm not real sure how I'm going to pull that off yet, but we're going to try. And then, so we're going to do Facebook videos, and rolling those Facebook videos into Facebook ads. We're going to talk about audiences and demographics and ad set up, conversion campaigns, all that stuff.
We're kind of going to do a five-day intensive on Facebook ads, which is going to be pretty exciting. And then from there, I don't know what we're doing after that.
For Questions and Guide
Go to doneforyou.com/start, book an action plan call with my team and me, and then we can go through and kind of put together revenue-generating strategies, sales funnel strategies, any kind of an action plan for getting you out there and scaling. And if you have any questions, just send me a Facebook message or post in one of the groups, the Accelerate group, or whatever. And we'll talk to you soon, all right? Thanks. Bye.